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Photograph album of Morphettville army training camp and Mutooroo Station
Photograph album of Morphettville army training camp and Mutooroo Station scenes. See below for details.

Miscellaneous selection of newspaper photos
A collection of photos taken for the 'News' and 'Mail' newspapers during 1969. A selection have been digitised and may be viewed online; the remainder may be viewed inhouse. See contents for details of individual images.

Sweet Collection folders, volume 6
Volume 6 in a collection of photographs by Captain Samuel Sweet, arranged in six folders. Each photograph in Folders 1-5 and some in Folder 6 have separate records in the catalogue and have been previously digitised. By searching on Collection: Sweet Collection, these records can be drawn together. Additional photographs in Folder 6 can be viewed by taking the browse album link attached to the record B 72483/6.

Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois : SUMMARY RECORD
Papers of Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois, Governor of South Australia, comprising a series of addresses presented by civic and religious bodies, agricultural and friendly societies, together with an obituary. See below for details.

Photograph album of A. Simpson & Son goods and products
Photograph album comprising 98 photographs on 51 pages, featuring steel widown frames and other products made by A. Simpson & Son Ltd.

Pre flight correspondence
Pre flight correspondence and other documents, including timetables, compiled by Ross for the proposed England - Australia flight.