Miscellaneous selection of newspaper photos [B 76505] • Photograph

Miscellaneous selection of newspaper photos
Metropolitan High Schools Sports Association sports day at Olympic Sports Field. Adelaide High School boys barracking for their athletes. 10 April 1969

Miscellaneous selection of newspaper photos
'Tomorrow Max Walton will play 300th game for Flinders Park in the amateur league, shown here at his job at Hallett Brick Industries at South Road, Friday 11 April 1969

Miscellaneous selection of newspaper photos
Marchers at an anti-conscription rally, 18 April 1969

Miscellaneous selection of newspaper photos
'Bruse's Hall, Quorn, today, centre of Peter Bladen's cultural enterprise. It was built as a row of shops about 1888 and about 1911 an upper floor was added. Next door (left) was - and is - the Criterion Hotel.' 24 July 1988

Miscellaneous selection of newspaper photos
'As winter fades into spring, these young men took advantage of the warm sunshine by enjoying a game of chess on the plantation strip on North Terrace. But not everyone found the game appealing. The young man on the right succumbed to the spring-like weather.' 14 August 1969

Miscellaneous selection of newspaper photos
Student studying in his quarters, 30 August 1969