Pre flight correspondence [PRG 18/26] • Manuscript

Proposed timetable.

Proposed timetable.

'Proposed timetable, stopping places and distances for Vickers "Vimy" flight to Australia'.

Approximate local clock time.

Approximate local clock time.

'Approximate local clock time of sunrise and sunset in November 1919 at ... Port Darwin, Batavia, Singapore, Bangkok, Rangoon, Calcutta''.

Approximate local clock time.

Approximate local clock time.

'Approximate local clock time of sunrise and sunset in November 1919 at ... Port Darwin, Batavia, Singapore, Bangkok, Rangoon, Calcutta''.

Contact details for Vickers' representatives.

Contact details for Vickers' representatives.

List of various European, American, and African locations with the names of Vickers' representatives there.

Estimation of Vickers Vimy range.

Estimation of Vickers Vimy range.

Graph on which the 'disposable load' is measured against the 'petrol required for varying range' of the aircraft.

Estimation of Vickers Vimy range.

Estimation of Vickers Vimy range.

Graph on which the 'disposable load' is measured against the 'petrol required for varying range' of the aircraft.

Letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Letter to M. Robertson, British Charge d'Affaires, from Karnebeek, advising that the Dutch authorities authorise the airmen competing on the Britain-Australia flight to fly over the Dutch Indies.

Letter from Headquarters, RAF, India.

Letter from Headquarters, RAF, India.

Duplicate copy of a confidential memo authorising the flights over the Indian State Territory.

Letter from Headquarters, RAF, India.

Letter from Headquarters, RAF, India.

Duplicate copy of a confidential memo authorising the flights over the Indian State Territory.

Memo authorising flights.

Memo authorising flights.

Two duplicate copies of a memo to be signed by the recipients of letters of authorisation for flights through Indian air space.

Memo authorising flights.

Memo authorising flights.

Two duplicate copies of a memo to be signed by the recipients of letters of authorisation for flights through Indian air space.

Written instructions handed to Ross Smith.

Written instructions handed to Ross Smith.

Duplicate copy of 'written instructions handed to Captain Ross Macpherson Smith A.A.F. pilot of machine, types Vickers Vimy ...' from J.E. Truss, Flying Officer, Royal Air Force Representative, Karachi.

Provisional rules governing the flight in India.

Provisional rules governing the flight in India.

Duplicate copy of 'the provisional rules governing the flight in India of aircraft other than that belonging to the Royal Air Force. The original 11 rules were reduced to 10 by deleting one. Signed by N.D.K. Macewan, Air Commander, Royal Air Force, India.

Notes for Captain Ross Smith.

Notes for Captain Ross Smith.

Typescript letter, dated 28th October 1919, from W.A. Caddell, Aviation Department of Vickers Vimy.

Notes for Captain Ross Smith.

Notes for Captain Ross Smith.

Typescript letter, dated 28th October 1919, from W.A. Caddell, Aviation Department of Vickers Vimy.

Notes for Captain Ross Smith.

Notes for Captain Ross Smith.

Typescript letter, dated 28th October 1919, from W.A. Caddell, Aviation Department of Vickers Vimy.

Letter from A.F.C.

Letter from A.F.C.

Duplicate copy of a letter sent to Ross Smith 24th October 191, from 'R.W' respresenting the Australian Government re [the] Flight, advising of delays in starting and advice sent on ahead.

Letter authorising a landing at Bangkok.

Letter authorising a landing at Bangkok.

Duplicate copy of a letter of 5th October 1919, from A.M. Madhar, the Minister for Defence, Australia House, advising that permission had been received for landing in Bangkok.

Cablegram from the Australian Prime Minister's Department.

Cablegram from the Australian Prime Minister's Department.

Duplicate copy of an urgent cablegram sent to Colonel Williams, 25th October 1919, advising of plans for the aviators and cautions about routes.

Memo from British Air Ministry.

Memo from British Air Ministry.

Duplicate copy of a memo asking letters of authority be passed onto Ross Smith.

Cable from Holland.

Cable from Holland.

Copy of a cable from Holland re the flight over the Dutch East Indies.

Memo from British Air Ministry.

Memo from British Air Ministry.

Memo to R.A.F. Commanding Officers advising that Ross Smith is taking part in the air race and his arrival and departure are to be reported to Headquarters.

Memo from British Air Ministry.

Memo from British Air Ministry.

Memo to 'whom it may concern' advising that Ross Smith is taking part in the air race and his arrival and departure are to be reported to the nearest representative of the British Government.

Cablegram re fuel supplies.

Cablegram re fuel supplies.

Copy of what appears to be a cablegram sent to Risch by C.C. Wakefield & Co. asking that fuel be made available at various points along the route.

Heading page.

Heading page.

Foolscap page with 'General Correspondence' typed at the top.

List of Foreign Agents.

List of Foreign Agents.

Typescript copy of a list of 'foreign agents' for Vickers in various countries.

Letter re the flight to Australia.

Letter re the flight to Australia.

Letter from the Lieut. Colonel, A.I.F., representing the Australian Government re the flight, enclosing a copy of a communique received from the French Air Attache re availability of petrol in France.

Letter re the flight to Australia.

Letter re the flight to Australia.

Letter from the Lieut. Colonel, A.I.F., representing the Australian Government re the flight, enclosing a copy of a communique received from the French Air Attache re availability of petrol in France.

Letter re the flight to Australia.

Letter re the flight to Australia.

Letter from the Lieut. Colonel, A.I.F., representing the Australian Government re the flight, advising of places between Port Darwin and Melbourne where competitors can get water, oil and petrol, and suitable places for overnight stops.

Requirements for the Vickers Vimy.

Requirements for the Vickers Vimy.

Typescript copy of the petrol and oil required (in gallons) by the Vickers Vimy at various places between London and Port Darwin.