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Distant view of North Parade

Distant view of North Parade

Distant view of North Parade; shops include Sawtell's on the left; a druggist Charles Downer next to Mildred Street; Ford's Hotel and the single storey shop in the middle of the row is where George Scarfe of Harris Scarfe began his career. The "Mud Punchers" landing mud and the "Box Carts" carrying it away can just be seen.

Edward Allan Farquhar

Edward Allan Farquhar

Edward Allan Farquhar. Born Le Fevre's Peninsular 4 November 1871 and educated at Mr. S. MacPherson's School, Exeter, and Prince Alfred College. Married Mabel Cranwell in 1896. Began his career working for Crooks and Brooker in 1885. President of the Marine Board until the establishment of the Harbors Board in 1914, when he was appointed Commissioner of the Harbors Board becoming Chairman on the resignation of his predecessor, Arthur Searcy, in 1924. Served as a Councillor, Alderman and Chair of Finance on the Port Adelaide City Council. He died on 3 April 1935.

The sailing ship 'Dimsdale' anchored at sea

The sailing ship 'Dimsdale' anchored at sea

The sailing ship 'Dimsdale' anchored at sea after the destruction of the Wonga Shoal lighthouse at Port Adelaide in 1912.

Shipping at the ocean steamers wharf

Shipping at the ocean steamers wharf

Shipping at the ocean steamers wharf.

Rifle shooting team

Rifle shooting team

Members of the No. 2 Southern District Union Team at Port Adelaide for a competition, September 1924. Back row: H. Higgins (Langhorne Creek), P.M. Wilsch (Berri), H.M. Natt (Langhorne Creek), M.W. Parish (Murray Bridge), A.B. (Arthur Bridgeman) Potts (Langhorne Creek), A.E. Parish (Murray Bridge). Second row: L. Lehmann (Murray Bridge), A.M. Coppin, scorer (Mount Barker), C. Parish and Sam Deed (Murray Bridge), Paul Cudmore (Victor Harbor). Front row: H.L. (Henry Leonard) Potts (Langhorne Creek) and Darcy N. Wollaston (Mount Barker).

Testimonial presented to A.W. Gliddon

Testimonial presented to A.W. Gliddon

Testimonial presented to Arthur Gliddon by residents of Port Adelaide district on his departure from there, in which they acknowledge 'In public and private life, you have gained friendship and esteem, and have established our perfect confidence in your integrity. From the active interest you have ever taken in all movements tending to alleviate suffering and to promote the moral and spiritual wellbeing of the Community your loss will be greatly felt ...'. [The document, signed in iron gall ink on parchment, is faded; an enhanced digital image can be viewed on- line.]

'Titanic' steel SS

'Titanic' steel SS

'Titanic' steel SS, 46,380 tons [steel triple screw steamship, ON?. 46,380 gross tons. 852.5 x 92.5 x 59.6. Built 1911 Harland and Wolff Ltd. Belfast. Twin quad. expans. steam engines for outside screws, and centre screw driven by low press. turbine. 6906nhp by shipbuilder. Owners: Oceanic SN Co. Ltd. registered Liverpool]

Photographs relating to baseball team Southern Districts Hawks

Photographs relating to baseball team Southern Districts Hawks

Photographs relating to baseball teams, created by Messenger Press.

South Australian state football team squad.

South Australian state football team squad.

South Australian 4th National Carnival Squad that played at the Perth Carnival, August 1921. BACK ROW - Glyn Trescowthick(NA); Frank Golding (St) ; Arthur Biscombe (trainer)(PA); Tom Hart (Nd); Snowy Hamilton (NA) THIRD ROW - John Daly (SA); Percy Lewis (NA); John Vickers (SA) ; Dan Moriarty (SA); Clarrie Packham (Nd); Viv Peters (WA); Walter Scott (Nd); Jack Karney (WT); Shine Hosking (PA) SECOND ROW - Owen Beatty (St); Len Cossey (WA); Harold Oliver (VC)(PA); Charles Tyler (Manager)*; Tom Leahy (c) (NA); Edwin Daviess (WT); Jim Hanley (G); * Charles Victor Tyler was Port Adelaide's Secretary. FRONT ROW - Jack Bishop (WA); Walter Allen (SA); Steve McKee (SA) Charlie Adams (PA). Saturday 6th August 1921; Fremantle Oval; Umpire: F. Collins ; Attendance 15,000 Victoria 3-5 6-9 8-11 11-12 (78) South Australia 2-0 3-4 4-6 6-7 (43) GOALS (SA) John Daly (3), Owen Beatty, Tom Hart, Jack Bishop (Victoria) H. Clover (3), W.H. Lee, C. Rankin (x2ea), R.Cazaly, L. Hagger, A. Rankin, A. Eason. South Australian Line Up vs Victoria, Back: Edwin Daviess Glyn Trescowthick Charles Adams, Half Back: Walter Scott Dan Moriarty Snowy Hamilton, Centre: Shine Hosking John Vickers Walter Allen, Half Forward: Frank Golding Harold Oliver Clarrie Packham, Forward: Viv Peters Tom Hart John Daly Ruck: Tom Leahy Owen Beatty Jack Bishop Saturday 13th August 1921; Perth Oval; Umpire: F. Collins ; Attendance 26,461 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Points Western Australia 6-0 10-0 11-3 12-3 (75) South Australia 5-3 7-7 9-8 9-11 (65) GOALS (SA) Steve McKee, Clarrie Packham, Harold Oliver (2 each); Jack Karney, Jack Bishop, John Daly (Western Australia) H. Campbell (6), W.J. Truscott (2), W.Gunnyson, C.Bahen, A.Sheedy, W.Steele. South Australian Line Up Vs Western Australia, Back: Edwin Daviess Glyn Trescowthick Snowy Hamilton, Half Back: Walter Scott Dan Moriarty Len Cossey, Centre: Walter Allen Jack Karney John Vickers, Half Forward: Owen Beatty Harold Oliver Steve McKee, Forward: Clarrie Packham Percy Lewis John Daly, Ruck: Viv Peters Jim Hanley Jack Bishop.

MS Voyager of the Seas

MS Voyager of the Seas

MS Voyager of the Seas at Outer Harbor, Port Adelaide.

Ex-military Landrover at Port Adelaide

Ex-military Landrover at Port Adelaide

Part of a collection of photographs taken over time of various places and events in South Australia by Stephen Giles, this features an ex-military Landrover 101 converted for private use.

Wreck of the Excelsior

Wreck of the Excelsior

Wreck of the ship Excelsior, Mutton Cove, Le Fevre Peninsula, South Australia.

Adult education : Colleges of Advanced Education

Adult education : Colleges of Advanced Education

Androulla Constantinides confused over work after graduating from the Port Adelaide Information and Technology Centre. Pictured: Androulla of Cheltenham with Elizabeth Micallef of Largs North (left). [First day on the job and new ITeC graduate Androulla Constantinides (right) pleads for a little help from colleague Elizabeth Micallef - who's not too sure either] 5th December 1988.

South Australian scenes and activities 11

South Australian scenes and activities 11

Part of a collection of slides taken by amateur photographer Elva Heinemann of South Australian scenes and activities, featuring the Riverland & Central Murray regions. See 'contents' for details of individual images.

Actors, dancers, musicians

Actors, dancers, musicians

Natasha Moszenia & Brian Torry, Port Adelaide Community Art Centre.

Arts and Crafts : Artists

Arts and Crafts : Artists

[Caption] Schoolgirl artist Vanessa of Port Adelaide High School, applies the finishing touches to one of the pieces she is submitting in this month's all female student art exhibition. 3rd August 1988.

Actors, dancers, musicians

Actors, dancers, musicians

Natasha Moszenin & Brian Torry, Port Adelaide Community Art Centre.

Adult education : Colleges of Advanced Education

Adult education : Colleges of Advanced Education

Aboriginal College at Port Adelaide. Left to right: Rosemary Kite, Bevan Lea, Louisa Karpany. Mark Barry, Loretta Rankine. Creating mural for G.P. 3rd November 1993.

Adult education : TAFE

Adult education : TAFE

Port Adelaide College of TAFE. Lecturer Loretta Archer with trainee Jeffrey Sargent at the keyboard. 1988.

Visual Artists :Trevor Wren

Visual Artists :Trevor Wren

Trevor Wren, with a sculpture made from salvaged machine parts, some found around Port Adelaide.

Visual Artists

Visual Artists

Mitcham Village; David Lawruk, Sturt, 'Port Adelaide Winters Day".

Politicians S-Z

Politicians S-Z

The 'Wiscombe Park' in an unidentified harbour

The 'Wiscombe Park' in an unidentified harbour

The steel ship 'Wiscombe Park', 2228 tons, in an unidentified harbour [formerly Edouard Bureau - possibly also formerly 'Greif', the German sail training ship, participated in one or two Australian Grain races in mid 1920s] [formerly Edouard Bureau, participated in one or two Australian Grain races in mid 1920s] [steel ship, 2228 tons, ON99361, 281.0 x 42.2 x 24.0. Built 1892 (1) J Blumer and Co., Sunderland. Ship Wiscombe Park Ltd. (G Windram and Co.) registered Liverpool; c.1909 Chadwick, Wainright and Co. c.1919 sold French and renamed 'Edouard Bureau'; in 1924 sold German and renamed 'Greif' and fitted as sail training ship. Following stranding in 1927, was refloated, but not considered worth repairing and broken up in Ireland].

The 'Belford' in an unidentified harbour

The 'Belford' in an unidentified harbour

The steel ship 'Belford', 1905 tons, in an unidentified harbour. [steel ship 1905 tons. ON104589 267.0 x 40.1 x 23.6. Built 1894 (11) A. McMillan and Co. Dumbarton Owners Belford Ship Co. (Briggs Harvie and Co. )registered Glasgow then Ruthin Castle Ship Co (R. Thomas and Co.) Captured by a German submarine Feb 3 1917 about 110 miles west from Fastnet and sunk by bombs.]

The 'Silverhow' in an unidentified harbour

The 'Silverhow' in an unidentified harbour

The iron ship 'Silverhow', 1247 tons, in an unidentified harbour [iron ship, 1279 gross (as a 3 mast barque, in later years 1247 gross) ON69719, 226.0 x 36.1 x 22.1. Built 1875 (10) Whitehaven SB Co. Whitehaven: G Nelson (and later & Sons) registered Whitehaven].

The 'John Cooke' in an unidentified harbour

The 'John Cooke' in an unidentified harbour

The steel ship 'John Cooke', 1879 tons, in an unidentified harbour.

The 'Euterpe' in an unidentified harbour

The 'Euterpe' in an unidentified harbour

The iron ship 'Euterpe', 1197 tons, in an unidentified harbour [iron ship, 1197 gross tons. ON47617, 205.5 x 35.2 x 23.4. Built 1863 (11) Gibson and Co. Ramsey. Owners David Brown, registered London, then Shaw, Savill and Co. (later Shaw, Savill and Albion) registered Southampton. c.1900-1910 sold to Chile and rigged as a barque, later sold to Alaska Packers Assoc. renamed 'Star of India' and registered San Francisco].

The 'Indore' in an unidentified harbour

The 'Indore' in an unidentified harbour

The iron ship 'Indore', 2146 tons, in an unidentified harbour [iron ship, 2146 tons, ON91276, 279.0 x 40.7 x 24.6 Built 1885 (11) Richardson, Duck and Co., Stockton. Owners: Eyre Evans and Co. registered Liverpool; later Romeo Shipping Co. Ltd. (T Rome, manager) c.1906 sold to Norway without change of name, and wrecked on Staten Island in 1907].

The 'Hilston' in an unidentified harbour

The 'Hilston' in an unidentified harbour

The iron ship 'Hilston', 2085 tons, in an unidentified harbour [iron ship, 2085 tons. ON91851, 278.1 x 40.0 x 24.4. Built 1885 (6) Russell and Co. Greenock. Owners: Hilston Ship Co. Ltd (Grahams and Co.) registered London, then in late 1890s J Herron and Co. registered Liverpool, later Beynon Shipping Co. Ltd (T Beynon and Co) registered London].

The 'Morna' in an unidentified harbour

The 'Morna' in an unidentified harbour

The iron ship 'Morna', 1506 tons, in an unidentified harbour [iron ship, 1506 gross, ON76515, 233.7 x 37.9 x 23.0. Built 1877 (3) Laird Bros. Birkenhead. Owners: JH Worthington and Co., registered Liverpool. c. 1900 to Norway without change of name].