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Spectators at a boat race

Spectators at a boat race

Men and two boys attending a boat race at Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Private Patrick Weir

Private Patrick Weir

An 'In Memoriam' card for Australian soldier 3697 Private Patrick Weir of the 27th Battalion, A.I.F. Patrick Weir, a Boilermakers Assistant, was born 16 December 1882 at Birkenhead, the eldest son of Captain Patrick Weir, Port Adelaide Harbourmaster, and Helen Weir. He was killed in action in France on 2 September 1918 when hit by a German machine gun bullet.

Sir Archibald Weigall visiting shipyards at Osborne

Sir Archibald Weigall visiting shipyards at Osborne

Sir Archibald Weigall, Governor of South Australia standing with politicians and public servants during a visit to the shipyards at Osborne, near Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Shipyards at Osborne, South Australia

Shipyards at Osborne, South Australia

Metal scaffolding set up during the construction of shipyards at Osborne, near Port Adelaide, South Australia.

South Australian customs officers

South Australian customs officers

South Australian customs officers in 1885 photographed at the rear of the Customs House, Port Adelaide, South Australia; back row, left to right: Messrs. LeLeu, Bartlett, Burns, Everett, Traynor, Gillman, Nelson; middle row, Squires, Threlfall, Gammell, Stephens, Cate, Conlon; front row, Bayley, Magraith, Ferguson, Harvey, and Arthur Searcy.

Customs officers of South Australia

Customs officers of South Australia

The principal members of the South Australian Customs Department in 1885 at Port Adelaide; Arthur Searcy stands far right, front row.

A parade of returned soldiers at Hindmarsh

A parade of returned soldiers at Hindmarsh

Crowds watching a cavalcade of cars carrying returned soldiers proceeding along the Port Road at Hindmarsh, South Australia.

Men of the 3rd Reinforcements, 43rd Battalion

Men of the 3rd Reinforcements, 43rd Battalion

Men of the 3rd Reinforcements, 43rd Battalion. The 3rd Reinforcements comprised the men listed below. They embarked on the HMAT Anchises on 28 August 1916 from Port Adelaide. Identities have not been matched to the image. 2026, ABELSON, Coleman 2027, ADAMS, Herbert 2153A, ADEY, William Frederick Clair 2152, AMEY, Thomas John 2029, BAKER, Ernest Martin 2028, BALD, David 2031, BENNETT, Lindsay Gordon 2032, BERRIMAN, Robert Harold 2170, BETTS, Mark Alfred 2033, BONNEY, Hurtle Oliver 2034, BONNEY, Patrick 2037, BROADBENT, Ralph Leslie 2035, BROWN, Albert Victor 2036, BRYDEN, Edgar Roy 2038, BUTTFIELD, Blinnan Vincent 2039, BUTTFIELD, Hilary John 2040, CANNAN, William Thomas 2051, CARR, Arthur Francis Joseph 2041, CARROLL, Herbert James 2042, CARTER, Ernest William 2052, CARTHY, Phillip George 2045, CHAMBERS, Sidney Harold 2053, CHRISTENSEN, John Thomas 2043, CHRISTIE, Robert 2154A, CLARK, Leonard William 2054, CLARK, William Herbert 2044, CLIFF, Maurice James 2047, COLLINS, Algernon Thomas 2175, CONLIN, Francis Leonard 2176, Conlin, William Thomas Joseph 2055, COOPER, Edwin Albert Henry 2056, COX, George Henry 2057A, COX, Sydney Ivan 2048, CRAM, William Edward 2049, CRANWELL, Horace Leslie 2050, CUGLEY, Harold Herbert 2063, DAENKE, Horace Edward 2060, DALTON, Charles 2061, DATSON, Albert Charles 2059, DAW, Alfred Compson 2064, DEAN, Harold Lewis 2065, DIGHTON, Charles Lealand George 2066, DOWDY, Frank Leslie 2067, DOWER, Thomas 2068, DUNN, Cecil 2070, ELDRIDGE, Albert Francis 2071, EVES, Frederick George 2072, FENWICK, Harry 2074, FIELD, William Melvine 2075, FOSTER, Albert Edward 2076, FOSTER, Albert Ernest 2077, FOUBISTER, Bertram Stanley R2079, GALLACHER, George 2080, GEORGE, Cecil Vaughan 2081, GEUE, William 2083, GILBERT, Frank Roy 2084, GOUGH, George 2085, GRAFF, Frederick William 2086, GREEN, Allan Elliot 2088, GREGORY, Bruce Lionel 2087, GRIFFIN, Albert Leslie 2155A, GROSSER, Ernest Frederick Wilhelm 2082, GUERIN, Charles 2089, GUNNING, Norman Stannus 2090, HAMLYN, James Eustace 2091, HARVEY, Reginald 2093, HAUPT, Otto August 2092, HAYTER, Herbert 2172, HEALEY, Leonard Charles 2097, HEASLIP, James Gordon 2101, HENDERSON, Roy Stanley 2096, HILL, Claude Percival 2094, HILLAM, George Priestley 2095, HILTON, Alfred Ernest Edward 2100, HINDMARSH, Hector Pretoris 2098, HODGES, Norman Thomas 2099, HOOPER, Charles Edgar 2102, HUBBARD, Leslie Herbert 2173, IHMS, Henry Arthur 2103, IVEY, William James Pote 2104, JENKINS, Alfred Edward 2105, JESSER, Thomas Linthal 2106, JOHNSON, Arthur Vaughan 2107, KELLY, John 2108, KELLY, Michael 2110, KING, James 2109, KOTY, George Herman 2156A, LAMBERT, Albert Edward 2112, LEOPOLD, Julius Leberecht 2111, LEY, Frank 2113, LIENERT, Fred Percy 2114, LIVINGSTON, Arnold Glen 2157A, LONG, Henry Howard 2115, LUNDSTEN, William 2121, MAGEN, Carl William Augus 2119, MARKS, Ernest 2116, MARNER, Albert John 2117, MARNER, James Stephen 2118, MARNER, Robert George 2126, MARSLAND, Albert James 2120, MARTYN, Frederick 2123, McKAY, Arthur John 2124, McPHERSON, John Henry 2125, MILES, George Arthur 2127, MUIR, Gordon Frederick 2128, MURRAY, Robert 2129, NEALE, D'Arcy Lewis 2130, NOLL, Herman Albert 2131, NORMAN, Frank 2132, O'DONNELL, Edward Thomas 2133, PARNELL, John Henry 2134, PENS, Murray 2135, RADOSLOVICH, Joseph 2136, RANDOLPH, Ralph 2138, READ, Robert Stanley * 2137, REDDEN, William John 2138, REID, Robert Stanley 2143, RIDDLE, George Henry 2139, RIVETT, Thomas William 2141, RIX, Arnold Darwin 2140, ROAKE, Leonard Edward 2158A, ROBERTSON, Donald Robert 2145, ROSSER, Clement Ernest 2142, ROWE, Henry Malcolm 2152, SAMPSON, Harry Percy 2174, SAUNDERS, Philip Frederick 2149, SHEPLEY, Malcolm Frank 2146, SMITH, Jack 2160A, SMITH, John Livingston 2148, SMITH, Murray 2147, SMITH, Sidney 2150, STANLEY, John David 2151, STEPHENS, Claude Ralph 2159A, STOREN, John 2153, STYANT-BROWNE, Clifford 2154, SUMMERS, Martin Joseph 2155, SUTTON, Frederick John Morris 2156, SWANN, Lyell Keith , SYMONS, Ivor Gordon 2157, TALBOT, Thomas William 2158, TURNER, John Wilfred 2159, UNVOAS, Yves 2160, VERRALL, Frank 2161, VIDITO, Archibald 2162, WALKER, Roy Euston 2163, WARNER, Edward Francis , WATTS, Laurence Stowell 2164, WAYE, Sydney Victor 2165, WHITBREAD, Walter Joseph 2166, WORBY, Percy James 2167, WUNDENBERG, Ferdinand Theodore 2168, WYETT, Victor Leopold 2169, YEATES, Clarence Victor.

An American swimming champion

An American swimming champion

A male swimmer described as an American champion who swam at Fletcher's Dock, Port Adelaide, South Australia.

A swimming champion from Samoa

A swimming champion from Samoa

A swimming champion from Samoa who competed in an event held at Fletcher's Dock, Port Adelaide, South Australia; name not known.

HMAT Dongola arriving at Outer Harbor

HMAT Dongola arriving at Outer Harbor

Returning AIF soldiers line the deck of HMAT Dongola is assisted by a tug to swing on arrival at Outer Harbor, Port Adelaide. The Dongola twice transported returning soldiers to South Australia. On 13 May 1919 in company with the HMAT Dunluce Castle and the HMAT Shropshire and on 23 August 1919 in company with HMAT Morvada and HMAT Dunluce Castle when a total of 243 AIF members landed from the three transports.

The damaged keel of a schooner

The damaged keel of a schooner

A photographic detail of the damaged keel of an American 4-masted wooden schooner resting on a slipway for repair at Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Four men at the races

Four men at the races

Close view of four men attending the races at Port Adelaide, possibly at the Cheltenham racecourse; two are identified as Messrs. Morris and Cullen.

South Australian Amateur Athletics one mile relay race

South Australian Amateur Athletics one mile relay race

Athletes who won the South Australian Amateur Athletics one mile relay race run during the interval of the Port Adelaide v Norwood football match at Alberton Oval on Saturday 2 September 1922. From left to right: F.W. Clayton, E. Howard, C.H. Morgan and L.C. Bonnett.

Men at a ship launching

Men at a ship launching

A group of men attending the launch of a ship at Osborne near Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Men at a ship launching

Men at a ship launching

Men clustered around a piece of machinery built by the South Australian firm Perry Engineering at the launch of a ship at Osborne, near Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Men at a ship launching

Men at a ship launching

Men inspecting a piece of machinery built by the South Australian firm Perry Engineering at the launch of a ship at Osborne, near Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Sailors on the deck of a warship

Sailors on the deck of a warship

Naval officers and sailors watching the ship's carpenter at work on the deck of a warship at Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Surveyors at Le Fevre Peninsula

Surveyors at Le Fevre Peninsula

Two men standing beside the original corner survey peg established by Surveyor O'Reilly in 1860 on Le Fevre Peninsula in the Port Adelaide area, South Australia.

Survey marker on Le Fevre Peninsula

Survey marker on Le Fevre Peninsula

A man stands beside a survey marker established by the South Australian Harbors Board in 1916 on LeFevre Peninsula near Port Adelaide, South Australia.

Sailing ship 'Dimsdale' after a collision

Sailing ship 'Dimsdale' after a collision

The prow of the sailing ship 'Dimsdale' showing damage caused by its collision with the Wonga Shoal lighthouse, commonly known as the Port Adelaide lighthouse, on November 17th, 1912.

The sailing ship 'Dimsdale'

The sailing ship 'Dimsdale'

The sailing ship 'Dimsdale' anchored at sea after its collision with the Wonga Shoal lighthouse, commonly known as the Port Adelaide lighthouse, on November 17th, 1912.

A ship's officer with a group of adults and children

A ship's officer with a group of adults and children

A ship's officer with a group of adults and children, possibly emigrants, aboard the German ship "S.S. Sommerfeld" at Port Adelaide, 12th March 1890.

Anchored steam and sail shipping at the wharves during a sunset

Anchored steam and sail shipping at the wharves during a sunset

Anchored steam and sail shipping at the wharves during a sunset.

Steamer Juno

Steamer Juno

The Gulf Steamship Company's steamer, Juno. Juno was used extensively between Port Adelaide and Stansbury. On 25 December 1906 The Register newspaper reported that "Lovers of marine excursions will be well catered for during the festive season. The Gulf Steamship Company, Limited, will dispatch ... the Juno for Stansbury on December 27, December 29 and December 31".

Workmen joining an embankment to a wharf, looking south east

Workmen joining an embankment to a wharf, looking south east

Workmen joining an embankment to a wharf, looking south east.

Steam launch Florrie

Steam launch Florrie

Men and women on the steam launch Florrie.

William Uden looking through a telescope

William Uden looking through a telescope

Semaphore signalman Mr. William Uden, looking through a telescope mounted on a fence.

HMCS Protector

HMCS Protector

The gunboat HMCS Protector, possibly anchored at Port Adelaide.

Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science

Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science

A party of scientists returning to the 'Governor Musgrave' from Kirton Point, . They had previously attended the 11th session of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science at the University of Adelaide.