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The 'Relic' in an unidentified harbour
The wooden schooner 'Relic', 113 tons, in an unidentified harbour [wooden schooner (topsail?) 113 gross, 100 net tons. ON117637. 95.4 x 23.9 x 7.7. Built 1903 H Dent, Jervis Bay, NSW. Owners J Dent, registered Sydney. 1905 to Hobart. Wrecked when struck a rock and foundered off Eddystone Point, April 1910].

Sydney about 1860.

Yachts at Sydney
Yachts at Sydney in the 1870's, looking west across Farm Cove to Government House.

Sydney Wharf, barque 'Maid of Judah'
Sydney Wharf scene in the 1870's, barque 'Maid of Judah' at Circular Quay.

Exhibition ship 'Success' at Sydney
Exhibition ship (former prison hulk) 'Success' at Circular Quay West Sydney in the 1890's.

Circular Quay, S.S. 'Gulf of Taranto'
Circular Quay in the 1890's with the S.S. 'Gulf of Taranto' [steel steamship, 3431 gross, 3125 net tons. ON99775, 350.0 x 42.1 x 26.8. Built 1892 (5) Caird and Co. Greenock. Triple expansion recip. steam engine, 398 nhp. Owners: Gulf Line Association Ltd., registered Greenock, 1904 sold to German owners and renamed. At the time the photograph was taken in 1892 the ship was working for the 'Thames and Mersey Line'. She only made the one return voyage in the service. See 'North Star to Southern Cross' by Mabar. Stephenson , Prescott, 1967]

Woolloomooloo Bay, Sydney
Sydney, Woolloomooloo Bay, in the 1890's.

French 4 masted barque 'Adolphe' wrecked
French 4 masted barque 'Adolphe' wrecked at Oyster Bank, Newcastle, 3rd September 1904.

Shipping, Melbourne
Ships in the harbour in Melbourne in the 1890's.

Shipping, Brisbane River
Shipping on the Brisbane River in the 1870's.

Miscellaneous items relating to Scouting
Miscellaneous items with a scouting connection: 3 handwritten reports by scouts of a bike ride (by P.L. Hemer, Albert Dickinson and D. Bonney); message instructing S.A. White to be present at Government House (20/1/1927); handwritten menu card with signatures; notes 'Ceremonial for evening, December 5th, 1925'; letter to S.A. White from the Australian Federal Council of the Boy Scouts Association commending the Australian contingent on their behaviour at the World Jamboree, together with copy of letter from Baden-Powell and a booklet, 1929; post card of 'RMS Narkunda' from W. Sowden; address to S.A. White from the Port Adelaide "D" District Local Association, 14 June 1931 [OUTSIZE 6]; sample sock flashes [originals withdrawn]; and 2 photographic copies of posters promoting a 'Boy Scouts Concert Party' and Boy Scouts generally.

The 'Lemael' in an unidentified harbour
The wooden schooner 'Lemael', 98 tons, in an unidentified harbour [wooden 2 mast schooner, 98 tons. ON79300, 101.7 x 26.3 x 7.7. Built 1892 James Dyson, Duck River, Tasmania, as a 3 mast fore and aft schooner, altered in 1905. First owner, Joseph Lee, registered Launceston. By 1921 T Holyman. Wrecked at Cape Banks, South Australia, July 21, 1921]

Shipping, Wallaroo January 1906
Shipping, Wallaroo January 1906. Barque 'Oakhurst', ship 'Aristomene'.

Point Turton
Stenhouse Bay jetty about 1920.

Ketches at Coobowie
Ketches at Coobowie.

Edithburgh jetty about 1912
Edithburgh jetty about 1912. S.S. 'Warrawee', R.M.S. 'Rupara'.

Shipping at Edithburgh about 1908
Shipping at Edithburgh about 1908.

Vessel 'Fairy Rock' wooden snow
'Fairy Rock' wooden snow 192 tons as built.

'Zephyr' wooden brigantine
'Zephyr' wooden brigantine 135 tons [wood 2 mast brigantine, 135 tons, ON38812, 102.0 x 21.4 x 10.3. Built 1866 John Cuthbert, Sydney. Owners: May 1868 S Horne (Melbourne) and J Chesney (Hokitika) registered Melbourne. Aug. 1886 M Royse (Dunedin); Nov. 1890 etc.

'Kermandie' wooden schooner
'Kermandie' wooden schooner 343 tons [wooden aux. twin screw 4 mast schooner. 343 gross, 222 net tons. ON133495. 141.9 x 35.0 x 11.0. Built 1920 by CM McKay of Hobart (frequently reported to have been constructed on the Huon by McKay) eng. 70hp, later re-engined. Owners: Lune Timber and Trading Co. Ltd. Registered Hobart. Later Kermandie Shipping Co. Ltd. Kauri Timber Co. Ltd, registered Melbourne. Went aground on North Point Reef, 6 miles from Stanley ,Tasmania. On Sept. 6, 1952 and could not be refloated and she was sold to a scrap merchant who stripped her of everything valuable and demolished the wreck with explosives. Said to have been the last 4 masted sailing vessel in Australia when wrecked]

Shipping at Hobart
Shipping at Hobart 1865. 'King of Trumps', 'Lady Emma', 'Aladdin', 'Runnymede', SS 'Monarch' in foreground.

Shipping at New Wharf, Hobart
Shipping at New Wharf, Hobart . From right to left 'Ethel', 'Lufra', 'Helen', 'Runnymede', 'Waratah' centre-board barque.

Slipway at Hobart about 1905
Slipway at Hobart about 1905.

'Joseph Sims' wooden schooner
'Joseph Sims' wooden schooner 105 tons at St Helens (Tasmania).

'Huia' wooden schooner
'Huia' wooden schooner 200 tons [wooden sailing vessel, later fitted with auxiliary engines. Originally: wood, 2 mast schooner, ON102268, 204 gross, 196 net tons. Built 1894 J Barbour, Aratapu, Kaipara, New Zealand, 115.1 x 25.2 x 11.5. Alt. 1898 - re-rigged as topsail schooner, and an aux. engine installed - 80bhp oil engine by Union Gas Eng. Co. San Francisco and 224 gross, 200 net tons. Re-engined in 1922 and now measured 251 gross, 166 net tons. Re-engined in 1931. Topsails removed in 1945. Owners: E Mitchelson and Brothers, registered Auckland. 1900 George McKenzie (and sometimes others), Kaipara. 1912 Nobel Explosives Co. of Glasgow, registered Auckland. 1925 Nobel (Australasia) Pty. Ltd. 1950 Huia Trading Co. registered Suva. Wrecked on Komekame Reef off Cape Queen Charlotte, New Caledonia bound Noumea-Vila. See 'The Log of the Huia' by CW Hawkins, Collins, New Zealand]

'Jessie Nicol' and 'Falcon' wooden schooners
'Jessie Nicol' wooden schooner 93 tons and 'Falcon' wooden schooner 98 tons in Lyttleton Anniversary Schooner Race 1910 [Falcon = wooden 2 mast schooner, 98 tons, ON57585, 92.0 x 22.6 x 7.3. Built 1877 McKay and Cullen, Hobart. Owners: J McKay, registered Hobart Town. 1889: W&J Duncan, registered Wellington: 1897: JW and W Brownlee, registered Lyttelton: 1901: Jesse Brownlee and others. Stranded and became a total loss on the North Head, Raglan, New Zealand. Oct. 22, 1915]

'Medora' wooden schooner
'Medora' wooden schooner 33 tons. Schooner being broken up at Portobello Otago Harbour 1946.

'Zingara' wooden schooner
'Zingara' wooden schooner wrecked [wooden 3 masted topsail schooner, 211 gross, 184 net tons. ON122917. 128.1 x 33.1 x 6.2. 1908 converted to auxiliary steamer engine, 15 hp. 219 gross, 99 net tons. engines removed 1910 - 219 gross, 185 net tons. Altered Dec. 1919 to 219 gross, 90 net tons. Converted to twin screw auxiliary sailing vessel Sept. 1926 = 233 gross, 53 net tons, engine 220bhp. Owners: Jagger and Partners, registered Auckland; 1910 FA Sargeant, timber merchant Sydney; 1917 William Archibald; 1919 Winstone Ltd; 1925 Gisborne Harbour Board; Wrecked at Hokitika Jan. 16, 1929 - some reports say at the time of her loss was owned by the Wellington-West Coast Shipping Co. Ltd. Possibly chartered by them? See 'Out of Auckland' by Hawkins, Pelorus, Auckland, 1960]

'Isabella de Fraine' wooden ketch
'Isabella de Fraine' wooden ketch 93 tons [wooden auxiliary ketch, twin screw motors, 110 gross tons, 76 net tons. ON112556. 94.2 x 25.4 x 6.8. Built 1902 Camden Haven, NSW. Twin diesels 45hp, later 60hp. Owners: Dominion Shipping Co. Ltd. later AG Franklin Ltd of Auckland, registered Sydney. Wrecked Hokianga Harbour, New Zealand July 14, 1928]

'Ronga' wooden schooner
'Ronga' wooden schooner 93 tons [wooden 2 mast schooner, 104 gross, 93 net tons, ON76076, 98.5 x 23.0 x 7.1. Built 1900 Thomas M Lane, Totara North, New Zealand for owners in Lyttelton. The vessel was converted into a single screw steamship and renamed 'Wairu' in 1909 (and was subsequently converted into a motorship of the same name]