Gloystein, T. W., 1851, Artwork, B 22263
Lithograph featuring seven vignettes 'In commemoration of the Old Colonist's Festival, Adelaide the 27th March 1851. Respectfully dedicated to all his fellow colonists by T.W. Gloystein, Stepney at Adelaide'. The vignettes show: 1. 'Holdfast Bay. H.M. Ship Buffalo arrived Decr 28, 1836 with Capt Hindmarsh Governor, J.H. Fisher, Resident Commissioner, and a considerable number of passengers. Colony proclaimed that day' 2. Natural state of the town land of Adelaide, first sale of town land March 27, 1837'; 3. Port Adelaide; 4. [Old colonists raising a toast at the dinner]; 5. A first settlement; 6. Adelaide, festival'; 7. The Government House.