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Photographs relating to Hindmarsh Fire Brigade

Photographs relating to Hindmarsh Fire Brigade

Photographs related to Hindmarsh Fire Brigade. See 'Contents' in 'More info' for details.

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Hindmarsh Volunteer Fire Brigade with their horsedrawn water pump and officers outside the Fire Station.



Mr. Patterson outside the Town Hall for handing over one of the Hindmarsh Volunteer Fire Reels by the Director of Emergency Fire Services to the Hindmarsh Historical Society, 17 July 1971.

Christian Chapel, Hindmarsh

Christian Chapel, Hindmarsh

Christian Chapel (later in 1933 became Church of Christ) on Robert Street (now Orsmond Street) Hindmarsh. Located on the south west side of the street about 20 yards south east of Mary Street. The chapel was erected in 1855 and in 1894 a porch was added to the front. This matched the stone and quoins of the original chapel. On the extreme left was the Sunday School which was erected before the church and belonged to Thomas Magarey. Thomas Magarey endowed chapels in Hindmarsh (1854) and in Grote Street (1856). He was a miller and sheep pastoralist who also was a member of both Upper and Lower Houses. He advocated the teaching of the Bible in public schools.

Roman Catholic Church, Hindmarsh

Roman Catholic Church, Hindmarsh

Opening of St. Saviours Roman Catholic Church, Hindmarsh. [This is the parish church of Brompton.] A crowd is gathered outside the newly completed church, which is built of red brick and features a recessed portico, rose window, and twin bell towers. Reproduced in the 'Observer', November 15th, 1924. The name of the Church was changed at a re-dedication ceremony held on Sunday 26 March, to the Church of the Sacred Heart ['The Advertiser', Wednesday 8 March 1950, page 4]. Architect, Herbert Jory, worked on the Church building [Southern Cross (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1954) Fri 15 Jul 1949 Page 11].

Hindmarsh Bowling Club opening

Hindmarsh Bowling Club opening

Hindmarsh Bowling Club opening, 1st January 1905. Extract from Mayor's Report (Mayor G. Wright, 1904-5). The Bowling Green having been completed was handed over to the Hindmarsh Bowling Club under the terms of the agreement between the Club and the Corporation on the first day of January. The Official opening, to which the whole of the Corporation was invited, took place on February 4th, 1905, and both ex-Mayor King and myself took part in the ceremony. The Green was declared open for play by the Hon. Joseph Vardon, M.L.C. (Commissioner of Public Works). The Club more than fulfilled their part of the agreement referred to above, as the pavilion erected by them greatly exceeded the cost specified, and a pretty Club House adds to the beauty of the spot. The Club is to be congratulated on the success they have achieved, and the Corporation have every reason to feel satisfied with the arrangements made.

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Hindmarsh Volunteer Fire Brigade horsedrawn pump racing to a fire.

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

HINDMARSH: A visit, possibly by the Governor, to the Hindmarsh Volunteer Fire Brigade whose members form a guard of honour by a motor car which seems to belong to the visitor; good detail of the car, especially of the bonnet area.



Handing over ceremony of one of the Fire Reels to the Hindmarsh Historical Society, 17 July 1971.



During the handing over ceremony of one of the Fire Reels to the Hindmarsh Historical Association, 17 July 1971.

Bowling club, Hindmarsh

Bowling club, Hindmarsh

Ceremonial opening of the Hindmarsh Bowling Club.

Bowling Club, Hindmarsh

Bowling Club, Hindmarsh

A scene at the opening of the Hindmarsh Bowling Club.

Bowling Club, Hindmarsh

Bowling Club, Hindmarsh

Group view on the opening day of Hindmarsh Bowling Club.

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Hindmarsh Volunteer Fire Brigade vehicle an Overland. Note; not to be copied with permission from the Donor.

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Hindmarsh Volunteer Fire Brigade vehicle an Overland. Note: not to be copied without permission from the Donor.

Ambulance, Hindmarsh

Ambulance, Hindmarsh

Hindmarsh Volunteer Ambulance vehicle.

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

1897 horse-drawn reel decorated for a parade at Hindmarsh.

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Hindmarsh Volunteer Fire Brigade with a fire hose reel.

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Fire Officers and Overland '75' Fire Engine of the Hindmarsh Volunteer Fire Brigade: E.F. Pearce at the wheel, A Harley on far right. Note: no publication without donor's permission.

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Fire Officers and Overland '75' Fire Engine of the Hindmarsh Volunteer Fire Brigade : Note no publication with donor's permission.

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Headquarters of the Hindmarsh Volunteer Fire Brigade, two ambulances, 1913 Overland and 1923 Dennis at the ready.

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Fire Brigade, Hindmarsh

Fire Officers and vehicles of the Hindmarsh Volunteer Fire Brigade ready for a call out. Note: no publication without permission from the donor.

All Saint's Church, Hindmarsh

All Saint's Church, Hindmarsh

All Saint's Church of England and Parsonage at Hindmarsh.



During the handing over ceremony of one of the Fire Reels to the Hindmarsh Historical Society, 17 July 1971.

Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Hindmarsh

Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Hindmarsh

View of the exterior of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church at 252 Port Road, Hindmarsh.

Statue at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Hindmarsh

Statue at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Hindmarsh

View of a statue in the gardens of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church at 252 Port Road, Hindmarsh.

Architectural drawing for an addition to All Saint's Church, Hindmarsh for All Saint's Church.

Architectural drawing for an addition to All Saint's Church, Hindmarsh for All Saint's Church.

Architectural drawing for an addition to All Saint's Church, Hindmarsh for All Saint's Church. Architect: D. Garlick.

All Saint's Church, Hindmarsh

All Saint's Church, Hindmarsh

[General description] All Saint's Church of England at Hindmarsh. This limestone and brick church was designed by Henry Stuckey in the Norman style and opened in 1850. (Bishop Augustus Short laid the foundation stone in 1849). A gallery was added in 1855 and the chancel and vestry were added in 1872. Another copy of this image can be found at B 17409.

All Saint's Church, Hindmarsh

All Saint's Church, Hindmarsh

All Saint's Church of England at Hindmarsh. The chancel was added in 1872, and the church consecrated in 1873. Another copy of this image can be found at B 17409.

All Saint's Church, Hindmarsh

All Saint's Church, Hindmarsh

Reproduction of an oil painting by James Shaw of All Saints Church of England Church at Hindmarsh.