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Competition at Belair National Park

Competition at Belair National Park

A throwing competition (for women only?) at a Henley Beach council employees' picnic at Belair National Park.

Torrens outlet

Torrens outlet

View looking east from Seaview Road bridge along the concrete drain which forms part of the Torrens River outlet, with a more natural river beyond.

Bertha Ida Louise Kennett

Bertha Ida Louise Kennett

Studio portrait of Bertha Ida Louise Kennett, aged 21.

A 'scrubber' car on the viaduct

A 'scrubber' car on the viaduct

One of the MTT's 'scrubber' cars on the viaduct at the Reed Beds, Fulham, on the Henley Beach line.

Marjory Norman of Grange and Jan Faulkner of Millswood with instructor Pam Watts of Henley Beach (seated) enjoy craft work. 8th July 1987.

Marjory Norman of Grange and Jan Faulkner of Millswood with instructor Pam Watts of Henley Beach (seated) enjoy craft work. 8th July 1987.

South Australian Film Corporation. Sound mixers Tony Young of Henley Beach and Tony Paterson of Brighton. 13th April 1994.

South Australian Film Corporation. Sound mixers Tony Young of Henley Beach and Tony Paterson of Brighton. 13th April 1994.

Marie Caristo of Henley Beach, with some of the shoes she made at Marleston College of TAFE. 5th November 1988.

Marie Caristo of Henley Beach, with some of the shoes she made at Marleston College of TAFE. 5th November 1988.

Spinner Kathleen Smith of Henley Beach preparing for the craft fair. 3rd June 1987.

Spinner Kathleen Smith of Henley Beach preparing for the craft fair. 3rd June 1987.

[Coastcare sign] Henley Beach.

[Coastcare sign] Henley Beach.

Wheel of Fortune's Adriana Xenides with five-year-old Chris McEvoy of Henley Beach at the recent Crippled Children's Association Community Achievement Awards launch.

Wheel of Fortune's Adriana Xenides with five-year-old Chris McEvoy of Henley Beach at the recent Crippled Children's Association Community Achievement Awards launch.

Workers from the South Australian Brush Company doorknocking for the Heart Foundation and Arthritis Foundation. (left to right) Gianna Carlassare from Woodville West and Bernadette Kimber from Henley Beach. 1989.

Workers from the South Australian Brush Company doorknocking for the Heart Foundation and Arthritis Foundation. (left to right) Gianna Carlassare from Woodville West and Bernadette Kimber from Henley Beach. 1989.

Johanna Allen of Henley Beach

Johanna Allen of Henley Beach

Performance of "Robin and Marion: A Madrigal Opera".

Johanna Allen of Henley Beach.

Johanna Allen of Henley Beach.

Thirteen year old Johanna in a production of Mrs Myrtle.

Parks Community Centre on the set of the new play about street kids. Tessa Bremner (Director, from Henley Beach), Lisa Philip-Harbutt (designer, from Unley) and Andrew Copeland (Stage Manager, from Kensington). 1989.

Parks Community Centre on the set of the new play about street kids. Tessa Bremner (Director, from Henley Beach), Lisa Philip-Harbutt (designer, from Unley) and Andrew Copeland (Stage Manager, from Kensington). 1989.

Fence riding comes a poor second to horse riding for Heather Noble of Henley Beach, who will soon be droving 1000 cattle from the Northern Territory to Queensland. 23 September 1987.

Fence riding comes a poor second to horse riding for Heather Noble of Henley Beach, who will soon be droving 1000 cattle from the Northern Territory to Queensland. 23 September 1987.

Life Be In It - Corporate Cup.

Life Be In It - Corporate Cup.

Henley Beach Police Constable Leanne Harrison with one of the many bicycles expected to be registered on Bicycle Registration Day. 17th May 1989.

Henley Beach Police Constable Leanne Harrison with one of the many bicycles expected to be registered on Bicycle Registration Day. 17th May 1989.

Puffing away in true gentleman-style is Henley Beach Primary School student Joanne, 10. 31 August 1988.

Puffing away in true gentleman-style is Henley Beach Primary School student Joanne, 10. 31 August 1988.

Nicole Hogarth of Henley Beach.

Nicole Hogarth of Henley Beach.

Inside the "Abode of the Friendly Toad", Henley Beach Road, Mile End. 8th June 1988.

Inside the "Abode of the Friendly Toad", Henley Beach Road, Mile End. 8th June 1988.

Preparing the evening meal for diners at the "Abode of the Friendly Toad", Henley Beach Road, Mile End, are Pat McCarthy (Taperoo) and Helen Daughty (Stepney).8th June 1988.

Preparing the evening meal for diners at the "Abode of the Friendly Toad", Henley Beach Road, Mile End, are Pat McCarthy (Taperoo) and Helen Daughty (Stepney).8th June 1988.

Discussing the architectural model display are (from left) Ukrainian Association President Severyn Hryhorciw of Seaton, Publicity Officer Maria Kowalska of Seaton, Exhibition Organiser Bohdan Solowij of Henley Beach and Millenium Committee Chairperson Mathew Washyn of Beverley. 11th May 1988.

Discussing the architectural model display are (from left) Ukrainian Association President Severyn Hryhorciw of Seaton, Publicity Officer Maria Kowalska of Seaton, Exhibition Organiser Bohdan Solowij of Henley Beach and Millenium Committee Chairperson Mathew Washyn of Beverley. 11th May 1988.

Amanda Bird from Hallett Cove and Cher Hutton from Henley Beach South, treat shark attack victim Michelle Spencer from Edwardstown. 12 July 1989.

Amanda Bird from Hallett Cove and Cher Hutton from Henley Beach South, treat shark attack victim Michelle Spencer from Edwardstown. 12 July 1989.



Cyclist Garry Davis, Henley Beach.

George Ernest Meadows

George Ernest Meadows

Full length tintype portrait of George Ernest Meadows, wearing a suit and hat, and leaning against a fence made of branches, with a studio backdrop in the background.

Collection of photographs taken around Adelaide by Theo Bachmann

Collection of photographs taken around Adelaide by Theo Bachmann

Collection of several hundred 3" x 4" (quarter plate) glass plates negatives taken by Theo Bachmann. Originally housed in numbered envelopes, they feature the Bachmann and Plunket families, as well as more general scenes. in Adelaide and the surrounding area. The original envelope number (where it exists) is shown in square brackets after the description of each image, and can be cross-referenced to the index (see B 71826/656). Where there is a description on the envelope, this has also been added. The index may well have additional information about the images, but this information has not been added to this database record. Additional information 1: 'Lagergren' was a friend (and best man) of Gus Bachmann (Theo's brother) - see image 9. Additional information 2: Mr and Mrs Plunkett were Bachmann family friends. Mr Plunkett was often called 'Pip' and Mrs. Plunkett 'Mother'. The Mother and Father referred to in the photos are not necessarily Theo's parents, but more often are Mr and Mrs. Plunkett (just to make things confusing) - the photos were taken in the Bachmann backyard just off West Terrace in the city. See photos 19-23. Additional information 3: The Plunkett 'girls' were Kate, Rose and Hazel - the photos were taken in the Bachmann backyard just off West Terrace in the city - see photos 42-47. Kate, Rose and Hazel appear in many of the other photos as well.

Collection of photographs taken around Adelaide by Theo Bachmann

Collection of photographs taken around Adelaide by Theo Bachmann

Collection of several hundred 3" x 4" glass plates negatives taken around Adelaide by Theo Bachmann ca.1915-1950. Originally housed in labelled sleeves with an index, they feature the Bachmann and Plunket families, as well as more general scenes. The original envelope number is shown in square brackets after the description of each image, and can be cross-referenced to the index (see B 71826/656. Images 101-200 feature family picnics, The Botanic Gardens, views around Belair and Waterfall Gully, and scenes around the suburbs.

Visit of Lady Helen Munro Ferguson and Lady Galway

Visit of Lady Helen Munro Ferguson and Lady Galway

Visit of Lady Helen Munro Ferguson and Lady Galway to Lady Galway Club House, Henley Beach. Lady Helen Munro Ferguson (in white), founder and first president of Australian Red Cross, visited S.A.'s first president, Lady Galway, shown next to her, to the three-year-old society's war effort.

Municipal Tramways Trust Federation parade float

Municipal Tramways Trust Federation parade float

The Municipal Tramways Trust float in the 1951 Jubilee of Federation Parade held on 9 May 1951. The flags on the exhibit denote dates when the tramways opened.

Spectators at a swimming gala in South Australia

Spectators at a swimming gala in South Australia

Spectators leaning over a viewing platform watching a woman swimmer who is about to dive into the sea below at a swimming gala in South Australia, possibly at Henley Beach.