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Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, south side, 17 August 1973. Gilles Street south side is 113 yards west of Pulteney Street. Frontage: 7 yards.

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, south side, 22 February 1974. West side of building abuts Delhi Street on east side. Gilles Street frontage: 102 2/3 yards.

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, south side, 2 February 1974. West side of building abuts Delhi Street on east side. Gilles Street frontage: 102 2/3 yards.

Gilles Street, Adelaide

Gilles Street, Adelaide

Gilles Street, Adelaide, south west corner of Hanson Street, in July 1922. The extreme left is 64 yards south of Gilles Street. The corner premises is occupied by a wickerware manufacturer called the Bon Ton Company, manufacuring articles such as wicker furniture, motorcycle side cars, and something called a 'dancing cot'. A sign bearing the Shell Motor Oil logo is displayed on the front of the shop, so it may have been a motor business before.

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gilles Street, south west corner of Hanson Street, 18 December 1956. The corner building has a frontage of 20 yards to Gilles Street on the right and 13 3/4 yards to Hanson Street, left. This building had been altered shortly before this photograph was taken in 1956. Compare with B 5253 taken in 1922

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, south side in about January 1979. Left side of building is 40 yards west of Pulteney Street. Gilles Street frontage: 15 1/3 yards.

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, south side, 6 February 1970, showing numbers 225 & 227. Left side of block abuts Charlotte Street west. Gilles Street frontage: 15 yards.

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

339 Gilles Street, south side. 10 March 1978. Left side of the house is 67-2/3 yards west of Vincent Street. Gilles Street frontage is 9 yards.

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

339 Gilles Street, south side. 10 March 1978. Left side of the house is 67-2/3 yards west of Vincent Street. Gilles Street frontage is 9 yards.

Headstone of O. Gilles

Headstone of O. Gilles

Headstone of Osmond Gilles, West Terrace Cemetery. Osmond Gilles was colonial treasurer and a pioneer in South Australia. He arrived onboard the "Buffalo" in 1836 with Governor John Hindmarsh. Although possessing a violent temper he also showed his compassionate side when he helped drag a handcart in the blazing sun from Holdfast Bay to Adelaide with Colonial Chaplain Rev. Charles Howard where they set up a makeshift shelter and held the first official service in Adelaide. He was a benefactor to various denominations and to many cultural societies and charitable institutions

Shakspeare Tavern

Shakspeare Tavern

Shakespeare Tavern, Gilles Arcade, Adelaide. 'In Gilles Arcade the old Shakspeare Tavern, with communication to all parts of the Queen's Theatre, was a flourishing place of entertainment in the 1840's. In May, 1843, a brilliant banquet was held in the auditorium as a public welcome to Jacob Montefiore - a Commissioner of Colonisation in South Australia, appointed by William IV. The whole of the theatre was transformed into a dinner room, and is said to have been graced by Governor Grey as well as the beauty of South Australia.'

[Spencer's Gulf from Flinders Range, South of Mt Brown, South Australia]

[Spencer's Gulf from Flinders Range, South of Mt Brown, South Australia]

Painted by S. T. Gill (1818-1880) from a collection of sketches (ten sepia watercolours) from Horrock's expedition, 1846 and South Australia. Inscribed lower right: Spencers Gulf from Flinders Range / So of Mt Brown / S.A. Inscribed verso: Mr Bishop / Spencers Gulf from Flinders Range South of / Mount Brown - looking across [sic] to the Port Lincoln country / From original skitch [sic] taken on Horrock's Expedition / August 12th 1846 / So Australia.

[A Native Worley or Habitation]

[A Native Worley or Habitation]

Painted by S. T. Gill (1818-1880) from a collection of sketches (ten sepia watercolours) from Horrock's expedition, 1846 and South Australia. Signed with initials lower left: S T G. Inscribed lower right: Native Worley / So A. Inscribed verso: Native Worley or Habitiation formed of bushes or Bark / from the ajacent [sic] trees - as is most conveniant [sic] / to the builders or best adapted to the season.

[Country N.W. of Point Encounter, Horrocks' N.W. Expedition]

[Country N.W. of Point Encounter, Horrocks' N.W. Expedition]

Painted by S. T. Gill (1818-1880) from a collection of sketches (ten sepia watercolours) from Horrocks' expedition, 1846 and South Australia. Inscribed upper right: John Horrocks. Inscribed verso: N1 / Counrty NW of Point Encounter - / Showing the scrub covered plain - and the high land / in the distance, for which Horrocks was making when / the accident put a stop to his procee[d]ing - From original / sketch taken in the after-noon of the same day that / the attack of the blacks took place in the Evening / under the hill the figures are represented to be on / in the sketch - A circumstance which induced Horrocks / to name the hill which ends at its highest end abruptly - Point Encounter - situated about (West from De[p?] / Creek and distant about 30 miles) from the neck of the creek / So of Lake Torrent near 10 miles - Horrocks's NW Expedition / So Australia / August 28th/46.

[Valley South of Mt Brown, Flinders Range]

[Valley South of Mt Brown, Flinders Range]

Painted by S. T. Gill (1818-1880) from a collection of sketches (ten sepia watercolours) from Horrock's expedition, 1846 and South Australia. Signed with initials lower left: S.T.G. Inscribed lower right: Valley So of Mt Brown / F. Range / S.A. / Flinders Range - Valley & Creek - one mile So[uth] of Mt Brown distant from Adelaide / 22.9 Miles / From original sketch taken on Horrocks's N W Expedition / August 24th 1846 / No 3 / Sketches Nos 1. 2. & 3. are adapted to convey an idea of the wild mountain / scenery of So Australia - Flinders Range being one of the highest / and most extensive chains of Mountains in the province / and save at the extreme south affording but little herbage / to the graziers - northward the Kangaroo Emu & Rock Wallaby / are to be met with great numbers - particularly on the / western side / S.T.G.

[Salt Lake, N.W. of Mt Arden, Horrocks' N.W. Expedition]

[Salt Lake, N.W. of Mt Arden, Horrocks' N.W. Expedition]

Painted by S. T. Gill (1818-1880) from a collection of sketches (ten sepia watercolours) from Horrock's expedition, 1846 and South Australia. Inscribed upper centre - John Horrocks signed with initials lower left: S T G. Inscribed distinctly lower centre to lower right: Salt lake N.W. of Mt Arden, Horrocks N W Exp. Inscribed verso: N2 / Horrocks Halting at the Salt Lake - 75 Miles NW. of Mt Arden / and which may be said to the be furthest point he attained / the fatal accident occurring in two hours after the sketches / representing the lake was taken Over the back of the camel / in the extreme distance may be seen the land for which / the party were making at the time - and shown in the / former sketch - / Horrocks's N W Expedition / Sept 1st 1846 / N B the camel was imported into South Australia from / the islands of Maderia & was shot after the accident / to my Dear friend Jno. Horrocks - his gun exploded when / he was in the act of drawing the charge which broke his / jaw & deprived him of his fingers from which he / died.

[Looking East from Mount Lofty Range]

[Looking East from Mount Lofty Range]

Painted by S. T. Gill (1818-1880) from a collection of sketches (ten sepia watercolours) from Horrock's expedition, 1846 and South Australia. Signed with initials lower left: S.T.G. Inscribed indistinctly lower right: Looking E from Mt Lofty Range. Inscribed verso: Looking East from Mt Lofty Range - about 5 / miles from Adelaide - and 2 Miles north from / Mount Lofty - and the Great Eastern or Mt Barker / road - Some fine scenery occurs in this neighbourhood / and the Stringy bark forrest [sic] in the Locality - which / is much [?illeg, looks like 'enhanced'] thro the winter season - by the abunda[nt] suply [sic] of water in all the creeks formed by the ravins [sic] / and strip valleys - on either side - / So Australia sketch.

[The Pipe-Light]

[The Pipe-Light]

Painted by S. T. Gill (1818-1880) from a collection of sketches (ten sepia watercolours) from Horrock's expedition, 1846 and South Australia. Signed with initials lower left: S T G. Inscribed lower right: The pipe-light. Inscribed verso: The Pipe light / The Bushman dismounted to light his pipe / at the native fire An incident in travels / which frequently occurs in & near the / settled districts - most bushmen in So A / being great smokers - as well as when / in town great drinkers - / So Australian / Sketch.

[Crystal Brook, Northward]

[Crystal Brook, Northward]

Painted by S. T. Gill (1818-1880) from a collection of sketches (ten sepia watercolours) from Horrock's expedition, 1846 and South Australia. Signed with initials lower left: S T G. Inscribed lower right: Crystal Brook northward. Inscribed verso: Crystal Brook northward / near a [illeg., looks like 'head'] sheep Station at the south end of / Flinders Range - an excellent supply of running water all thr[ough] / the year - Distant from Adelaide 160 miles - South Australia.

[Adelaide Mounted Police and Native Prisoners]

[Adelaide Mounted Police and Native Prisoners]

Painted by S. T. Gill (1818-1880) from a collection of sketches (ten sepia watercolours) from Horrocks' expedition, 1846 and South Australia. Signed with initials lower left: S. T. G. Inscribed lower right: Adelaide Mounted Police / and native prisoners. Inscribed verso: Adelaide Mounted Police & Native Prisoners / Such a scene occurs on the apprehension / of such native depradators as may not / regard with nicety the existance [sic] in / their butchering vocations the diferances [sic] between the white & black mans Kangaroo - between / Brown hair & White wool - Native sheep - stealers - in custody. / So Australia sketch.

Old Port Adelaide

Old Port Adelaide

Watercolour painting of Port Adelaide by Harry Pelling Gill, dated "07". The artwork shows a small estuary with the Port River behind that and ships, wharves and buildings in the background. A note on the backing papers reads 'Presented to Helen Wright by Harry Gill, an artist, on Aug. 19, 1914. Bequeathed by Helen Wright to Dr Helen Young, and gifted to Dr C. Young in 1951. He died in August 1986. Inherited by his wife'. A further annotation on the backing board (obscured by the mounting) reads '(121) 908B/1 Bn Low tide - Hawkers Creek - River - Port Adelaide'.

221 Gilles Street, Adelaide

221 Gilles Street, Adelaide

House at 221 Gilles Street, Adelaide.

221 Gilles Street, Adelaide

221 Gilles Street, Adelaide

City of Adelaide sign on the frnce of 221 Gilles Street, Adelaide.



[General description] This view shows a panoramic view of the mine and surrounds with the engine house in the centre. A bullock team can be seen on the left. [On back of photograph] 'Burra / 1850 / From S.T. Gill's water colour sketch' (Another hand) 'Not the same as in the Art Gallery'.

Cleve Racing Committee

Cleve Racing Committee

Cleve Racing Committee : Standing: Geo. Way, (boy) Lloyd Gillings, A.H. Todd, Thom. Sims, J.T. Whyte, J. Henderson, F. Leonard, F.W. Smallacombe, R. Leonard, Joe Ranford, Alex Henderson, Mr. Bradley, Mr. Viger, D. Sims. Sitting: Mr Burford, Alf Ranford, J. Boundy, Mat Wax.

Meeting of the Adelaide Hounds at Dry Creek, Northern Road

Meeting of the Adelaide Hounds at Dry Creek, Northern Road

A Hunt meet at Dry Creek, near Adelaide, 1845: reproduced from a watercolour by S. T. Gill. This illustration shows Hill's Dry Creek Inn. The watercolour on paper is currently located in the Mitchell Building at the University of Adelaide's North Terrace Campus.

Gawler Bicycle Club

Gawler Bicycle Club

Members of Gawler Bicycle Club, 1892 Front row: 2nd from left is James Martin, then Dr. Popham and Mr. Rudall. The boy behind Dr. Popham is Frank Gill.

Hill River

Hill River

William Robinson's Hill River Station copied from a painting by S.T. Gill.

Mail Cart, Katherine, N.T

Mail Cart, Katherine, N.T

A Mail cart at Katherine, N.T. with mailmen Bert Gill and Paddy Keating.

Port Adelaide

Port Adelaide

[General description] View looking across the Port River to Port buildings and shipping berthed at the wharf. In the foreground a fisherman mends his nets whilst a woman looks on. [On back of photograph] 'Port Adelaide 1848 / Reproduced from a a sketch by S.T. Gill, now held in the Art Gallery of S.A. acc. no. 0.646. The steamboat on the left is the Juno which first arrived in 1847 from Sydney. She was the first vessel from overseas to steam up the Port River. (The Courier and Corsair, 1840-1, arrived under sail and left under steam) From Mr. G.T. Saunders.' (Another hand) "the neg. is of the reserve copy which is far superior to this copy).