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Wakefield Street near Gawler Place
Unitarian Church, Wakefield Street, north side, September 6th 1904, the side of Sunday school is 17 yards west of Gawler Place. For a view of site surrounded by iron fence see B 12355 taken in 1852 when site was occupied by Laycock's Monumental Works. The Church has a hexagonal steeple topped by six stone spires.

Gawler Place, West Side
Gawler Place, west side.

!['Gawler Place corner [of] Rundle Street'](
'Gawler Place corner [of] Rundle Street'
Gawler Place and Rundle Street intersection with Birks Chemist on the corner. The view is looking west towards King William Street.

'Old houses - Gawler Place'
Old houses in Gawler Place near Grenfell Street. Number 88 houses a home gift shop. The row of old buildings has small verandahs shading the footpath.

Perdriau Rubber Co. Ltd, Gawler Place, Adelaide
The premises of the Perdriau Rubber Co. Ltd. at 69 Gawler Place, Adelaide; a 1921 Oldsmobile car which has Perdriau tyres fitted is parked outside.

Premises of Nestles office at 108 Gawler Place, Adelaide
The premises of the Nestles and Anglo Swiss Condensed Milk Company at 108 Gawler Place, Adelaide.

Car park in Gawler Place
View across the intersection of Pirie Street and Gawler Place, looking towards the north west corner of the intersection. The foreground shows a car park jammed with cars. Photo by Garth Mitchell of Norwood.

Lewis Cycle Works, Gawler Place, Adelaide
Premises of Lewis Cycle & Motor Works at 31 Gawler Place, Adelaide, with both a push bike and a early motor car parked in the street outside.

Gawler Chambers
Gawler Chambers, North Terrace east, 28th December 1935, showing the roof additions made in 1935. On the left is Gawler Place. Gawler Chambers has been topped with ornamental battlements at the centre of the roof. Cars and pedestrians are milling around Gawler Place and North Terrace.

Featherstone Place
Featherstone Place, south side, 21st December 1932. Near side of the barred windowed structure was 43 yards west of Gawler Place; its frontage: 3 1/2 yards. Demolished in 1933. Featherstone Place was south of Rundle Street near the junction with Gawler Place.

Fisher Place, Adelaide
Fisher Place, lane off Gawler Place, Adelaide, between North Terrace and Rundle Street, looking west. The view was taken from a point 89 yards east of Gawler Place and shows G & R Wills' overway.

Gawler Chambers
Gawler Chambers, North Terrace east. The right side of the single storey building west of Gawler Chambers is 34 yards west of Gawler Place. For a view of the completed building see B 7790. This five storey building designed in 1913/14 by architects English and George Klewitz Soward is built of red brick with cream detailing. The building will be symmetrical and the entrance uses Murray Bridge granite and freestone with a castellated parapet over the entry. This photograph shows the empty block on the western side of the building upon which the rest of this symmetric building is to be built.

Gawler Chambers
Gawler Chambers, North Terrace east. The left side of Gawler Chambers abuts Gawler Place. Frontage: 34 yards. For a view of the completed building see B 7790. This five storey building designed in 1913/14 by architects English and George Klewitz Soward is built of red brick with cream detailing. The building is symmetrical and the entrance uses Murray Bridge granite and freestone with a castellated parapet over the entry. This photograph shows the finished building unlike B 7788 and B 7789. For additions made in 1935 see B 6774.

Flooding at Gawler
Photograph is of a flood at Gawler. The motor vehicles are heading north on Whitelaw Terrace, and the building at the rear, which still stands today, faces Walker Place. The South Para River is on the right beyond the trees. [Information provided by M. Tamke.]

Gawler Chambers
Gawler Chambers, North Terrace east. The left side abuts Gawler Place; frontage: approximately 19 yards. For a view of the completed building see B 7790. This five storey building designed in 1913/14 by architects English and George Klewitz Soward is built of red brick with cream detailing. The building is symmetrical and the entrance uses Murray Bridge granite and freestone with a castellated parapet over the entry.

Interior of the Church of Transfiguration
Interior view of the Church of the Transfiguration in South Gawler. Floral decorations may indicate a wedding is about to take place.

Drawings from the Frome expedition
Album of sketches done by James Henderson. Most were done when Henderson was a member of Captain Frome's expedition to the north in 1843, and these sketches complement the diary of James Henderson 'Exploration of N. interior of S. Australia'; the remaining drawings are of scenes around Adelaide, Inman Valley and Rapid Bay. The drawings are generally of a larger landscape but most have a point of interest in the form of kangaroos, emus, people, etc. The expedition drawings are for the most part done in the album; a few smaller ones have been done on paper and inserted into the album later. All the watercolours were done on paper and then added to the album.

Featherstone Place, Adelaide
[General description] This view along Featherstone Place shows part of McArthur Robertson's Men's and Boys' Outfitters on the left in the foreground. Further along the street other buildings can be seen and the new multi-storey Commerce House appears at the end. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 81 / Featherstone Place, south side. / June 6, 1926. / Commerce House erected in 1925 on site formerly occupied by nondescript two storey building. / Near side of Commerce House is 49 1/2 yards west of Gawler Place. Frontage of Commerce House: 16 yards.'

North Terrace & Rundle Place
Corner of North Terrace and Rundle Place, now Gawler Place.

James Place
[General description] The front of the four storey F.H. Fauldings building on the western side of Gawler Place near Rundle Street. [On back of photograph] Acre 80.James Place, west side. Photographed in 1926. Fauldings building erected 1923-24. For view of structure formerly on site see B 1057. Nearside of Fauldings is 42 yeards south of Rundle Street. Frontage of building is 29 yards. Reproduced in Observer, Feb. 13, 1926.

Grenfell Street near Commercial Place
Grenfell Street, south side, frontage of Paper & Bag Co. is 10 yards and frontage of Goode, Durrant's is 16.5 yards. On the right is Commercial Place and on the left is Gawler Place.The four storey building is the warehouse for Goode, Durrant and Company Limited. Sir Charles Henry Goode (26 May 1827 - 5 February 1922) was a merchant, businessman, politician and philanthropist in the early days South Australia. He founded Goode, Durrant and Company in 1882. The smaller two storey building next door houses the SA Paper and Bag Company and also importer, indentors and manufacturers agent ARB Lucas and Company.

'Mid-day sun - Fisher Place' in Adelaide
Sunlight streaming between the buildings in Fisher Place, a city lane running east from Gawler Place, near North Terrace. Delivery vans, parked cars, a bicyle, rubbish bin and street sign for 'Acme Signs' are visible.

Gawler Place
Gawler Pl., East side, 28 October 1977.

Places (Adelaide)
Walsh Building, cnr Gawler Place & Rundle Mall.

Photographs of places in South Australia
Colour slides depicting scenes around Adelaide and South Australia. Views include shipping at Port Adelaide, planes at Adelaide Airport, locations in the Adelaide Hills, the Fleurieu Peninsula, Yorke Peninsula, and in the Adelaide CBD.

Architectural drawings and specifications of work
Architectural and site plans for premises owned by G. & R. Wills & Company Limited in Adelaide (North Terrace, Rundle Street & Fisher Place), Brisbane, Perth, Launceston and Sydney, with specifications of work for some of these.

Panorama of Adelaide
Panorama of Adelaide in 11 parts.

Pirie Street
[General description] Building on the corner of Pirie Street and Gawler Place. Many business' can be seen stretching along Gawler Place including a hairdressing saloon, National Cash Register, W.C. Rigby Manuafacturing Stationer, F. Bourne and Son, Harrison San Miguel, Haste and Company, H. Oliver at number 100, H.W. Short Printer and James Hill and Sons Merchants. Along Pirie Street can be seen Austral Cycle Agency, Wenzel Mattress and Upholsterer at number 68. At number 70 Myers sells linoleum and measures for suits. At number 72 Roberts and Company are the importers of boxed teas and Hoadleys sell confectionery. Coromandel Place adjoins this building in Pirie Street. [On back of photograph] Acres 167 & 144.North east corner of Pirie Street and Gawler Place. 1906-09. Probably 1909. See B 7787/24. On the right is Coromandel Place. Gawler Place frontage of three storey block of buildings, including Haste and Company Building measure 70 yards.

Heritage sites in Adelaide
A selection of photographs relating to heritage sites in Adelaide. See 'contents' for details of individual images. Also includes photocopied images with captions.

Photographs of the company's Adelaide premises, personnel, sporting teams and early social events, founders and early directors, interstate premises in Western Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and Northern Territory, centenary celebrations in 1949, and photographs of shipping interest. Also includes two collections of mounted photographs of company staff in formal, informal and work occasions, collected by former staff member, ca. 1949-1980 (originals in Reserve, B&W copies and separate name lists available for reference).