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Victoria Square, Adelaide

Victoria Square, Adelaide

[General description] This view shows city buildings, road and footpath on the east side of Victoria Square between Wakefield and Angas Streets. There are two motor dealers here, Central Motors Used Cars in the centre of the view on the Wakefield Street corner, and Overland South Australia Limited on the right. Cars of the era are parked at the kerb. The top of the (incomplete) bell tower for St. Francis Xavier Cathedral can be seen in the extreme right. It will eventually be raised to its full height in 1996. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 375 and 338 / Victoria Square, east side / May 21st 1927 / Extreme right is 54.5 yards north of Angas Street / For view of the centre white building (with 'Overland' and 'Willys' signs in 1911 see B 2173 / For view of this building in 1954, see B 12992'.

Victoria Square

Victoria Square

[General description] This view is taken from the southern section of Victoria Square looking north east. A tram is heading down Wakefield Street where the Torrens Building (government offices) stands on the corner. Schumacher's Motor Works, dealers in Humber cars, is situated on the opposite corner of the Wakefield Street intersection. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 338 / Victoria Square, east side / c. 1911 / The right side of the building on the right is 71 yards south of Wakefield Street'.

Victoria Square

Victoria Square

ACRE 338: Victoria Square, East Side; a car display in a showroom.

Victoria Square

Victoria Square

ACRE 338: Victoria Square, East Side; a car display in a showroom.

Wakefield Street

Wakefield Street

Wakefield Street, south side, 1 April 1942, the left side is 14 yards west of the western alignment of Gawler Place, frontage 21.5 yards. The centre building was erected in 1941 on a site partly occupied by a wood and iron structure. Compare with B 9903. Acre 339 sits next to St Francis Xavier Cathedral on the corner of Wakefield Street and Victoria Square.

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

[General description] Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church, taken from the opposite side of the road and partially obscured by a row of trees. The church, opened in 1859, has already closed at this time. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 340 / Wakefield Street, south side showing Presbyterian Church / About 1909 / Near side of church tower is 11 yards east of Gawler Place.'

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

[General description] The two storey additions to Willard Hall have an Art Deco styling popular at the time and blend well with the tower of the original building. Frank J. Siebert, Funeral Director, has its premises on the left. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 340 / Wakefield Street, south side / February 16th 1938 / Buildings added to the front of Willard Hall in 1937 / Compare with B 6904 / Siebert's premises were formerly iron buildings / Right side of Willard Hall is 1 1/3 yards west of the east side of Gawler Place / Frontage is 19 yards / Siebert's premises (adjoining left side of Willard Hall) has a frontage of 4.5 yards and stands back from street alignment'.

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

[General description] This new two storey brick building (plus basement) is in the Art Deco style. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 341/ Wakefield Street, south side / April 7th 1939 / Bryce Building was erected in 1938 / Compare with B 7153 / The right side of Bryce building abuts Chancery Lane / Wakefield Street frontage is 16 yards and Chancery Lane frontage is 29 yards'.

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

[General description] The Metropolitan Fire Brigade Station building overlooks the action in its forecourt as firemen, resplendent in uniforms and brass helmets, prepare horse-drawn appliances for a run. Groups of bystanders have stopped to watch. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 342 / Metropolitan Fire Brigade Station / Wakefield Street, south side / About 1900 / Extreme left is opposite the west side of Roper Street. Right side of station is 28 yards west of Roper Street.'

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

[General description] At the opening of the new Metropolitan Fire Brigade Station a crowd watches as the Fire Brigade appliance teams demonstrate their fast response to the alarm bell. The horses are literally 'raring to go'. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 342 / Metropolitan Fire Brigade Station / Wakefield Street, south side / September 30th 1892 / Presented by the Port Adelaide Historical Society'.

A. Simpson and Son Ltd

A. Simpson and Son Ltd

A. Simpson and Son Ltd. two acres of roof of the Wakefield Street ironworks.

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

[General description] This new two storey motor workshop is built from brick with large multi-panelled windows. The roof must also have large glass sections as the silhouette of its structure can be seen through the upper storey windows. Above the main entrance is the name of the business: 'John Dawson and Sons Limited: Motor Body Builders'. A small building next door displays large advertisements for Lion Coffee essence, Lion flour and Fry's cocoa. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 345 and 346 / Wakefield Street, south side / May 31, 1927 / Two storey part of Dawson's erected in 1925-6 / For view of houses formerly on the site see B 2819 / Site of new building: Left side is 29 yards west of Cypress Street. Frontage: 31 yards'.

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

[General description] A policeman, standing near the tramline is on point duty at the Wakefield/ Hanson Street intersection. City shops are seen in the backround and the sky is criss crossed with tram wires. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 345 / Wakefield Street, South side / East corner of Hanson Street / 3 May 1939'.

Cypress Street, Adelaide

Cypress Street, Adelaide

[General description] A small single fronted stone cottage with verandah and picket fence abuts a larger similar cottage. Part of the verandah of the smaller cottage has been boarded up. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 346 / Cypress Street, east side / 22 August 1928 / Left side of cottage in centre is 60 yards south of Wakefield Street / Frontage of cottage in centre is 6.5 yards'.

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

[General description] Cars line the kerb in front of this long, single storey bluestone building which is about to be re-modelled. See B 14054 for a view of the building after alterations [On back of photograph] 'Acre 347 / Wakefield Street, south side / 26 July 1954 / Left side of centre building is 11 1/4 yards west of Robert Street, frontage of building is 19 yards'

Robert Street, Adelaide

Robert Street, Adelaide

[General description] This row of single storey stone cottages fronts directly onto the street. Parked at the kerb are a 'baby' Austin A30 and an FJ Holden Utility. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 347 / Robert Street, west side / 30 March 1955 / Right side of building is 38.5 yards south of Wakefield Street / Frontage is 20 yards.'

Robert Street, Adelaide

Robert Street, Adelaide

[General description] This is an attached pair of stone cottages and a disused shop, all very small. See B 13183 for another view. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 347 / Robert Street, west side / 30 March 1955 / Right side of old shop on right is 58.5 yards south of Wakefield Street / Frontage of shop and two adjoining cottages is 11.5 yards.'

Robert Street, Adelaide

Robert Street, Adelaide

[General description] This view shows the same cottages and shop shown in B 13182, this time looking south. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 347 / Robert Street, west side / 30 March 1955.'

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

[General description] The facade of this new building is of carved sandstone in the 'Venetian Gothic' style. The Our Boy's Institute, a branch of the Young Men's Christian Association, ran camps and provided employment assistance for young men. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 348 & 349 / Our Boy's Institute / Wakefield Street, south side / Feb. 5, 1897 / Near side of Institute is 58 1/2 yards east of Ackland Street. Frontage: 20 1/2 yards' (Another hand) 'See B 2990 : 349 for a duplicate view.'

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

[On back of photograph] 'Acres 348 & 349 / Wakefield Street, south side / Our Boy's Institute / Feb.5, 1897 / Frontage of Institute: 20 1/2 yards. Near side is 58 1/2 yards east of Ackland Street'. [General description] This newly completed three storey building has a Venetian Gothic facade in carved sandstone. It was built for physical education and included a swimming pool. It is registered with the National Trust. The Institute was founded to further the physical and intellectual education of working class young men, with a strong emphasis on Christian values. (Another hand) 'See B 3337: 348 for duplicate view.'

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

[General description] The smart modern premises of Dalgety and Company's Ford dealership, in the Art Deco style of the day. There is an ornate tram pole in the middle of the road. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 349 and 350 / Wakefield Street, south side / 7th February 1938 / Dalgety's premises were erected in 1937 / Compare with B 6928, B 6929 and B 6930 / The right side of Dalgety's is 51 yards east of Elder Street / Frontage: 70 yards'.

Cardwell Street, Adelaide

Cardwell Street, Adelaide

[General description] Looking south along a row of detached workman's bluestone cottages, all with verandahs and iron roofs [On back of photograph] 'Acre 350 / Cardwell Street, west side / 21 June 1954 / Frontage of the nearer three cottages is 33 yards / Right side of the nearest cottage is 37 yards south of Wakefield Street / Note: For a view of these cottages from the south, see B 13067'

Cardwell Street, Adelaide

Cardwell Street, Adelaide

[General description] Looking north along a row of detached workman's bluestone cottages, all with verandahs and iron roofs [On back of photograph] 'Acre 350 / Cardwell Street, west side / 21 June 1954 / Frontage of the nearer three cottages is 33 yards / Right side of the furthest cottage is 37 yards south of Wakefield Street / Note: For a view of these cottages from the north, see B 13066'

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

Wakefield Street, Adelaide

[General description] Bluestone cottages and parked cars in Wakefield Street, Adelaide. The cottages are in process of demolition. For a view of the building subsequently erected see B 13564. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 350 / Wakefield Street, south side / 21 June 1954 / Left side of the 3 cottages (adjoining cement building on extreme right) abuts west side of Cardwell Street / Frontage: 30 1/2 yards.'

Hutt Street, Adelaide, East Side

Hutt Street, Adelaide, East Side

[General description] A rambling two storey house with gables and tiled roof is situated on this corner block, with street trees, parked cars and utility wires. In the late 1980s the house underwent alterations to became the premises of well-known Adelaide restaurant, the House of Chow. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 353 / Hutt Street, east side / corner of Wakefield Street, south side / 16 August 1963 / Hutt Street frontage is 38 yards / Wakefield Street frontage is 27 yards'

Angas Street, Adelaide

Angas Street, Adelaide

[General description] This two storey block of modern flats is partially obscured by a street tree. On either side of the flats are single fronted cottages of an earlier era. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 359 / Angas Street, north side / 2nd February 1960 / Right side of flats is 41 yards west of James Place / Frontage of flats is 18 yards'

Angas Street

Angas Street

[General Description] Two storey bluestone house on the western side of Hutt Street and on the northern side of Angas Street. This building has a return verandah on both storeies. In 1956 this building became the Naval, Military and Airforce Club. [On back of photograph] Acre 361. Angas Street, north side, west corner of Hutt Street. Dec. 8th, 1925. Left side of house is 41 yards west of Hutt Street. (See Cadastral Survey Plan, 1880).

Hutt Street

Hutt Street

[General Description] Front view of the building on the western corner of Hutt Street and the northern corner of Angas Street on 8th December 1925. This imposing building has a return veranah on two stories and dormer windows on the third storey. Established pine trees stand in the front grounds. In 1956 this building became the Naval, Military and Airforce Club. [On back of photograph] Acre 361. Hutt Street, west side. North corner of Angust Street. Dec. 8th 1925. For exact site see Cadastral Survey Plan, 1880. Near side of house is 41 yards north of Angas Street.

Angas Street, Adelaide, north side

Angas Street, Adelaide, north side

[General description] This is the premises of H.W. Burgess, Patternmaker with parked cars and street trees in front. On the extreme right is a petrol bowser with a handwritten sign 'Petrol sold here'. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 366 / Angas Street, north side / 2 December 1952 / Right side of Burgess's building is 6-1/2 yards west of Robert Street / Frontage of building is 30 yards / For view of this building after 1953 alteration see B12554.'

Cypress Street, east side

Cypress Street, east side

[General description] A partly demolished cottage in Cypress Street near Angas Street between Pulteney Street and Frome Street. [On back of photograph] Acre 367 Cypress Street, east side. December 22nd 1925. Photograph taken during demolition of cottage. Compare with B 4176. Far side of cottage is 18-1/2 yds north of Angas Street.