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Pirie Street, Adelaide

Pirie Street, Adelaide

[General description] The plumbing and gas fitting firm of A. Fischer & Sons' is one of the tenants of this corner building at number 130. A horse and cart which bears the name of the firm stands in front of their premises. Edwin H. Smith, Tailor occupies the rest of the ground floor. E.W. Attridge, also a plumber, gasfitter and sheetmetal worker is next door. Note the ornate gas lamp on the corner. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 164 / Pirie Street, north side / North west corner of Hyde Street / 1911'.

Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide

Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide

[General description] There is a variety of cars parked in front of this two storey colonial stone hotel at 138 Pirie Street,. The Utility with bales (wool?) stacked on the tray has the name 'B. Falkenberg, Cambrai' on its door. This hotel is about to undergo a complete change of image with an Art Deco upgrade. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 164 / Hindmarsh Square, west side / September 23rd 1938 / The left side of the hotel abuts Pirie Street / Frontage 20 yards / For alterations made in 1939 see B 9549'.

Pirie Street, Adelaide

Pirie Street, Adelaide

[General description] Pirie Street frontage of Pierce's Hindmarsh Hotel, 138 Pirie Street, showing its stone facade and wide verandahs. It is about to undergo renovations in the Art Deco style. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 164 / Pirie Street, north side / September 27th 1938 / The right side of the hotel abuts HindmarshSquare / Frontage is 16 yards / For alterations made in 1939 see B 9549'.

Pirie Street, Adelaide

Pirie Street, Adelaide

[General description] This low one storey building is the Phoenix Motor Company. According to the sign painted on the building they are Motor Engineers, Tyre Repairers and Body painters and dealers in Hupmobile cars. A smart car of the era is parked in front of the building. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 165 / Pirie Street, north side / December 4th 1928 / Left side of one storey building is 14 yards east of Wyatt Street / Frontage of one storey building:16 yards'.

Wyatt Street, Adelaide

Wyatt Street, Adelaide

[General description] This is a new warehouse for the grocery firm Wilkinson & Co. Ltd. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 165 / Wyatt Street, west side / March 15th 1954 / Left side of Wilkinson's building is 33 yards north of Pirie Street / Frontage 16 yards / Wilkinson's building was completed in 1952 / For view showing galvanised iron structure formerly on the site, see extreme right of B 85 / Note: This building continues through to Chesser Street (see B 13040)'

Chesser Street, Adelaide

Chesser Street, Adelaide

Chesser Street, west side, Adelaide. The cottages in the foreground were demolished between 1914-1919. For a photo of the site taken in February 1924 (see B 2035). The north side of the nearest cottage lies on the boundary between acres 166 and 145.

Chesser Street, Adelaide

Chesser Street, Adelaide

Chesser Street, Adelaide, west side. The south wall of the factory partly shown on the extreme right is the boundary between acres 166 & 145. The cottages were demolished between 1914 and 1919. For a view taken in February 1924 see B 2035.

Pirie Street

Pirie Street

[General description] Premises on the northern side of Pirie Street between Chesser Street and Wyatt Street. Shops visible include a boot repairers, ABC Printing Works, Slatters, Macrows and a bank. A horse drawn carriage from the Clean Towel Supply is standing at the kerb near parked cars. Slatters and Macrows are located in the three storey building. [On back of photograph] Acre 166. Pirie Street, north side, January 19th 1926, The topmost storey of Slatters' premises was erected in 1923. For view of building prior to its erection see B 1220. Near side of Slatters' premises is 21.5 yards east of Chesser Street. The Bank is on the west corner of Chesser Street.

Pirie Street, Adelaide

Pirie Street, Adelaide

[General description] This photograph was taken from Freemason's Lane on the south side of Pirie Street. The buildings on either side of the lane form a frame for the premises of James Hill and Sons, Merchants and Warehousemen, on the north side of the street. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 166 / Pirie Street, north side / February 27th 1928 / Right side of Hill's is 12 yards west of Chesser Street / Frontage is 14.5 yards'.

Pirie Street, Adelaide

Pirie Street, Adelaide

[On back of photograph] 'Acre 167 / North east corner of Pirie Street and Gawler Place / 1889 or 1890. On extreme right is Coromandel Place.' [General description] This is one of the Onslow Buildings, recently completed. See B 2505 for the other one, situated on the east side of Coromandel Place.

Pirie Street

Pirie Street

[General Description] The north side of Pirie Street between Coromandel Place and Chesser Street showing the frontage of the Onslow Buildings. Some of the business' in this building include A.J. Baker Picture Framers, Poloware and Sports Depot, Pawnbrokers, Raleigh Depot, C.W. Rose Importers and Kruss the Printer. A penny farthing bicycle is leaning against a telegraph pole outside the Onslow Buildings. A lady wearing an elaborate hat is looking at paintings in the A.J. Baker Shop. [On back of photograph] Acres 167 and 166. Pirie Street, north side. 1909-10* *Probably 1909. See B 7787/24. In the foreground is Coromandel Place. Frontage of Onslow Buildings - 29 yards. The little balconies on Onslow Buildings were removed between 1910 and 1912. For view of building in 1957 see B 13967.

Pirie Street

Pirie Street

[General description] Building on the corner of Pirie Street and Gawler Place. Many business' can be seen stretching along Gawler Place including a hairdressing saloon, National Cash Register, W.C. Rigby Manuafacturing Stationer, F. Bourne and Son, Harrison San Miguel, Haste and Company, H. Oliver at number 100, H.W. Short Printer and James Hill and Sons Merchants. Along Pirie Street can be seen Austral Cycle Agency, Wenzel Mattress and Upholsterer at number 68. At number 70 Myers sells linoleum and measures for suits. At number 72 Roberts and Company are the importers of boxed teas and Hoadleys sell confectionery. Coromandel Place adjoins this building in Pirie Street. [On back of photograph] Acres 167 & 144.North east corner of Pirie Street and Gawler Place. 1906-09. Probably 1909. See B 7787/24. On the right is Coromandel Place. Gawler Place frontage of three storey block of buildings, including Haste and Company Building measure 70 yards.

Gawler Place

Gawler Place

[General description] The eastern side of Gawler Place between Grenfell Street and Pirie Street.The premises include G. Hislop's Bedding Factory, Enterprise Shoe Company, Peacock and Company Limited Leather and Grindery Warehouse, Haste Importers, W.C. Rigby stationers and bookbinders, Lellman Jewellers, Bourne the Tailor, and the Offices of National Cash Register. Men on bicycles, a horse and cart and pedestrians can be seen. [On back of photograph] Acres 144 and 167. Gawler Place, east side. 1909-10. Probably 1909. See B 7787/24. On the right is Pirie Street. Near side of Hislop's shop is 65 and a haf yards south of Grenfell Street.

Coromandel Place, Adelaide

Coromandel Place, Adelaide

[General description] A hand barrow stands next to this stone building, the premises of W. Page, Printer. Above the entrance of the building are the words 'Up-to-Date Printing Office'. On the side of the building a sign directs patrons to the 'Bicycle Stable'. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 167 / Coromandel Place. East side / North corner of lane is 33 yards north of Pirie Street. 1901-1912* / Page's Coromandel Place frontage: 8 1/2 yards. / Frontage to lane: 29 yards.'' (Another hand) ' *Probably 1909. See B 7787/25.'

Coromandel Place, Adelaide

Coromandel Place, Adelaide

[General description] The office of W. Page, Printer, is among the back entrances of business premises seen in this lane. For a closer view of W. Page, see B 3345. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 167 / Coromandel Place, east side / 1901-1912* / On the extreme right is Pirie Street. Extreme left is 71 yards north of Pirie Street.' (Another hand) ' * Probably 1909. See B 7787/25'.

Coromandel Place, Adelaide

Coromandel Place, Adelaide

[General description] This stone building has been the premises of Jenkins & Palmer, Grain and Mercantile Brokers. A sign painted on its side wall indicates that it may also have earlier been used by George Wills & Co. It appears that some demolition work is already under way as there are piles of rubble on the footpath. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 167 / Coromandel Place / east side / June 27th 1930 / Near side of Jenkins & Palmer's building is 39.5 yards north of Pirie Street and frontage is 8.5 yards' (Another hand) 'Premises in centre were demolished in 1930. See B 5925'.

Coromandel Place, Adelaide

Coromandel Place, Adelaide

[General description] Buildings and parked cars in Coromandel place with electric wires passing overhead. The Adelaide Electric Supply Company's new building is on the right. At the end of the street a building displays a sign for A.W. Sandford and Company mounted on its roof. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 167 / Coromandel Place / East side / April 23rd 1931 / Adelaide Electric Supply Company's building erected in 1930 (Compare with B 5795] / Site of new building / Near side is 39.5 yards north of Pirie Street / Frontage is 8.5 yards'.

Pirie Street, Adelaide

Pirie Street, Adelaide

[General description] The National Bank of Australasia Limited Building taken from further along Gawler Place with propped bicycle in the foreground. Part of Elliot's Cycles can be seen on the right. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 167 / North eastern corner of Pirie Street and Gawler Place / February 18, 1938 / The corner building was remodelled in 1937 / Compare with B 6882'.

McHenry Street, Adelaide

McHenry Street, Adelaide

[General description] View looking west along McHenry Street from Gawler Place showing buildings including the Commonwealth Flag and Canvas Company and the enlarged premises of Goode, Durrant. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 168, 169 / McHenry Street, north side, showing additional storey erected for Goode, Durrant's in 1925. Photographed Feb. 28th 1926. For photo. taken in 1924 see B 2388. For exact site see B 2388.'

Gawler Place, Adelaide

Gawler Place, Adelaide

[General description] This stone building is undergoing alterations. Note the props used to stabilise the wall whilst work is in progress. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 168 / South corner of Gawler Place and McHenry Street / Aug. 26, 1926 / McHenry Street frontage:19 yards' (Another hand) 'Cantilever verandah and shopfronts erected on McHenry St. frontage in 1926.'

Gawler Place, Adelaide

Gawler Place, Adelaide

[General description] The premises of Dittmar's Cafe, a two storey stone building with a supported verandah, seen from the opposite side of the road. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 168 / Gawler Place, west side / south corner of McHenry Street / August 26th,1926 / Cantilever verandah erected in front of Dittmar's in 1926. Gawler Place frontage of Dittmar's: 10 yards.' (Another hand) 'For view of Dittmar's building after remodelling in 1952, see B 12357.'

Commercial Place and Grenfell Street

Commercial Place and Grenfell Street

East corner of Commercial Lane looking south from Grenfell Street. Alma Chambers (low building in centre) stands on northern boundary of Acre 169. The two storey building on the left stands on the eastern corner of Commercial Place. An empty block stands in the middle of the photograph. The building to the east of the empty block is the South Australian Woollen Manufacturing Company Limited.

Commercial Place

Commercial Place

[General description] City buildings around a cleared block on the corner of Commercial Place, Exchange Place and McHenry Street. This block is to be the site of the new Adelaide Stock Exchange building. See B 71979 for a view of the building taken in a different era. [On back of photograph] There is a small map of the area with the caption; 'Acre 169 / Vacant site shown in photograph is marked in red / The Adelaide Stock Exchange was subsequently erected on this site'.

Exchange Place, Adelaide

Exchange Place, Adelaide

[General description] The tower of the Stock Exchange building can be seen looking along Exchange Place. On the right is the Commercial Union Building with an office for Eagle Star Insurance on the corner ground floor [On back of photograph] 'Acre 169 / Exchange Place, east side / August 16th 1954 / This photograph shows Exchange Place frontage of the Commercial Union building, frontage is 43 yards / The Pirie Street frontage is shown in B'

Pirie Street, Adelaide

Pirie Street, Adelaide

[General description] The Commercial Union Building, once the Stock Exchange, dominates this street view of city buildings and parked cars [On back of photograph] 'Acre 169 / Pirie Street, north side / August 16th 1954 / Left side of Commercial Union Building abuts east side of Exchange Place / Frontage of building is 33 yards'

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide, east side, right side of Clarence Hotel is 46 yards north of Pirie Street. Penn Chambers stands on the north west corner of the acre.

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

[General description] The South Australian Insurance Company's building dominates this view of the street corner on a wet day. Some people are standing on the pavement whilst others are crossing the road. The two-horse wagonette standing at the kerb is probably a cab. Note the two signs on the telegraph pole reminding horse riders and drivers to 'walk round corners.' [On back of photograph] 'Acre 170 / North east corner of King William Street and Pirie Streets. 1894 / Left side of S.A. Insurance Co.'s premises is 14.5 yards north of Pirie Street. On the right is Manufacturers Place.' (Another hand) 'For view of this corner in 1957 see B 13962.' The building contains the offices of W.A & J.E. Ewens, Sharebrokers and Licensed Landbrokers, on the ground floor. Wolford Albert Ewens (1861-1895) and John Ernest Ewens (1865-1894) were grandchildren of William Ewens and Sarah (nee Spiller), whose famileries arrived on the 'Prince Regent' on 25 September 1839.

Pirie Street, Adelaide

Pirie Street, Adelaide

[General description] This group of men standing in front of the Chamber of Manufactures building are members of the 1925/6 Council of Management of the Chamber of Manufactures. See B 3455 for a closer view and the names of the Councillors. The building, which also houses the The S.A. Soldiers' Fund, is soon to be demolished. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 170 / Pirie St., north side. East corner of Manufacturers Place. 1926. Chamber of Manufactures building was demolished before June in the same year. For photo of building then erected see B 4323.'

Pirie Street, Adelaide

Pirie Street, Adelaide

[On back of photograph] 'Acre 170 / Pirie St., north side / East corner of Manufacturers Place / 1926 / The men in the foreground (excluding the two one-legged monsters) are members of the 1925/6 council of management of the Chamber of Manufactures. Names from left to right: Jas. Hendry, H.G. Winterbottom (Secretary), Phil. Motteram, T.G. Yelland, A.J. Brooker, H. Cox, A.W. Jones, T.J. Richards, G.M. Mathias, Hy Heylen, F. Lee, A.H. Dobbie (Vice Pres.), Robb. Duncan (Pres.), A.G. Clarkson, S. Perry, F.L. Runge, W.W. Forwood, A.J. Harvey, J.H.M. Hawkes, A. R. Uren, Chas. Allen, W.E. Hay, B.V. Scrymgour (Vice Pres.), J.A. Rinder, G.C. Vardon, P. Ifould, T. Lander. For complete list of councillors see A517.' [General description] This group of Councillors is posing in front of the Chamber of Manufactures building which is soon to be demolished. See B 4323 for the building which replaced it.

Pirie Street, Adelaide

Pirie Street, Adelaide

[General description] The Chamber of Manufactures building is not fully completed as the shopfronts at street level still need further work. Note the handcart on the footpath. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 170 / Pirie Street, north side / 1927 / On east corner of manufactures Place / Frontage is 14 yards / Erected 1926-7. For view of building formerly on the site see B 3454 / Reproduced in Chronicle Dec. 10, 1927'.