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Yatala Labour Prison
Concrete panels on a truck for construction work at Yatala Labour Prison, 1975.

Photographs and artworks collected by A.G. Smith
Photographs, a charcoal sketch and an etching collected by Arthur George Smith. Dates for some photographs are approximate. Digital images appear on the South Australian Database for the first 8 images. Also includes a circular letter about the United Friendly Societies Demonstration, Adelaide Oval, 9 November 1887.

Staff, premises and activities of G. Wood, Son & Co
A collection of photographs, mainly of the staff and premises of wholesale grocers G. Wood, Son & Co, but also three miscellaneous images. Images 13-17 is a set of 6 mounted images, labelled 'Broken Hill 1919'. See 'contents' for details of items.

Photographs of company premises, staff and merchandise
Approximately 170 photographs and postcard images of Colton, Palmer & Preston Ltd. premises in Currie Street, Adelaide, on Port Road, Allenby Gardens and Gepps Cross; including scenes at Currie Street of the February 1907 fire, new building, leather goods factory, celebrations for Armistice Day 1918, Port Adelaide steel yard and bulk store, Adelaide warehouse interior scenes, Harrold Colton & Co. staff in 1909 and later, social functions, sporting functions, cricketing and football teams.

Photographs collected by S.A. White
Photographs collected by S.A. White. They document family gatherings, White and other family properties, activities S.A. White was engaged in, and events happening around him. Photographs 6-16 were taken by S.A. White; a note on the envelope containing images 6-11 reads 'A man who was market gardening on paddock on west of Tapleys Hill Road. The Torrens Channel was cut through this land - S.A. White property', [in another hand] 'I think his name was Gaskin M.B.W'. Images 12-16 are of Breakout Creek - S.A. White was responsible for the 'management of seeing work carried out on old Breakout Creek before channel was cut to the Gulf. The foreman was a man named Stone'. Also documented is the fact that a Royal Doulton coffee set was presented to S.A. White on 1-12-32 by the Torrens Floodwaters Relief Committee by Mr T.H. Powell, Mr E.A. Lasscock secretary for his management of seeing work carried out on old Breakout Creek.

Photographs from the AOU expedition
Photographs taken by S.A. White during the Australian Ornithologists' Union's expedition to 'Eyre's Peninsula, October 1909'. The expedition is documented in a booklet published by White in 1910 under the title 'Ornithologists at Warunda Creek' which features many photographs of the expedition; the photographs in this series are additional to those in the book. Also includes photographs of the Field Naturalist Society outing to Mount Lofty and others at a social gathering on a tennis court.

Photographs relating to McBean family
Photographs of members of the McBean family and farm scenes. See 'Contents' for details.

Slides of Kenny Laughton's war service
Images of the Vietnam War taken by Kenny Laughton and others, part 1 of a series of 210 slides, with captions supplied by K. Laughton. Other photographers: [GR] Gerrard Rentmeester, [EB] Eric Briansky. See 'Contents' for details of items.

Mid North and Flinders Ranges
Records of the Reverend Arthur M. Trengove comprising lantern slides and glass plate negatives. Contents include the Flinders Ranges and Alligator Gorge area, Horrock's Pass, agricultural and picturesque bush scenery captured while touring, both with horse and cart and later with motor vehicles. Trengrove probably used some of these slides during lectures or presentations, or during church services. It is likely he took a selection of slides with him on his tours, and made presentations to a wide variety of audiences. See CONTENTS for more information and details of the images.

Photograph album 'Along the Eyre Highway with Ernestine Hill'
Photograph album entitled 'Along the Eyre Highway with Ernestine Hill'; and loose photographs held within the album. The inside inscription to the album reads 'All photographs in this album were kindly presented by Mrs. Ernestine Hill to be added to my collection of Nullarbor pictures---H.G. Watson. Photos were taken by Mrs. Hill and her son Bob'. See 'contents' note for more details.

Photographs and slides
Photographs of the factory and employees of the Bunyip Soap Company. Slides relating to advertising relating to Bunyip Soaps.

SAGASCO photographs : Osborne Site
Album of 126 photographs, with other diagrams and reproductions of engravings etc relating to the SAGASCO Osborne site, construction of works and gas processes. Numbers circled against photographs in the album were used as illustrations in a lecture given by Tom Johnson. (The illustrations, other than original photographs, have not been digitised.) For text of Johnson's talk, see series 37/Box 12. For similar Osborne site views in an album see also BRG 350/34/12.

Photographs of river shipping and places
Photographs from Harry Godson's collection which had been given his catalogue numbers but were not included in earlier digitised series 1-4.

Photographs relating to J. Hallet & Son Limited
Photographs relating to J. Hallett & Son Ltd., brick and tile manufacturers. Photograph number 122 of the Lonsdale Hallett Brick Co. album (no. 206 of list) was missing from original album.

SAGASCO photographs : Metropolitan and country sites
Photographs of SAGASCO sites and premises in metropolitan and country areas (Thebarton, Henley, Christies Beach, Plympton Park, Wayville, Port Lincoln, Port Pirie, Mount Gambier). Photos 16-17, Proof sheets for publicity event at Port Lincoln showroom (Lincoln Studios), and 1975 colour photos of Mount Gambier SAGASCO facility (74-77), Flagstaff Hill steel main (86-128) & suburban Gas Energy Saving Centres (129-140), Kapunda gas depot buildings (144-147) and street locations with mains, Gawler gas depot building, list of street main locations and street map (148-149), Strathalbyn works, map & details(150-152) have not been digitised. Photograph 154 of the Port Adelaide Gasworks after completion in 1866 is shown in the SAGASCO 1986 history (page 1) as part of the Bowden site buildings ca.1895. This is a copy made for SAGASCO ca.1986 from B 21542 (date given as ca.1900).

Heinrich family album
Heinrich family album, compiled by Ilona Oppenheim from loose family photographs. Notes found on the verso of photographs are noted in the caption in inverted commas. Topics include life at Hermannsburg Mission in the Northern Territory in the nineteen twenties, with photographs of some Aboriginal people and visitors to Hermannsburg, including scientists, government officials and tourists. Photos 293-295 are restricted from view pending assessment of Aboriginal content. These images include 293. Ceremonial tjuringa stones of the Hermannsburg area (restricted); 294. 'Manangananga' sacred cave (restricted); 295. 'Holy cave 17 April 1929 (Dad's birthday)'. Large group of Aboriginal people from the Hermannsburg Mission gathered at a sacred spot (restricted). Photos 296-302 have not been digitised. These are duplicated elsewhere in other Heinrich albums or lantern slides.

Two albums of miscellaneous photographs
Two albums of miscellaneous photographs, with album covers missing. Photographs include a theatrical performance in Streaky Bay Hall, Queen of the 27th Battalion parade, shops and cafe Streaky Bay. A selection have been digitised.

Collection of photograph negatives
A collection of negatives associated with Olive Talbot's photographs. A selection of 44 has been digitised. These include sailing, boating and shipping in Streaky Bay, together with some homes, buildings, family and hay farming. Additional negatives mostly relate to photographs already digitised within other series in PRG 1555. Negatives are not available for retrieval.

Planting pines, Tumby old School
Truck carrying rocks, with view of Tumby Bay old School behind. One photograph in a small collection of negative film rolls, photographed by Raymond Gordon. Title has been taken from the envelope originally containing the roll of film. To see all photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1605/7.

Yatala Labour Prison
Concrete panels on a truck for construction work at Yatala Labour Prison, 1975.

Closing of the laboratory at Largs Bay
Photograph of a truck loaded with wooden and metal framework. Caption reads '1989 Stock Market Crash ended Cameronics investments in S.A....[picure] shows the destruction of lab & coating machine etc etc.'.

Viterra Plant, Port Lincoln
Truck unloading grain at the Viterra Plant, Port Lincoln. The photographer describes the Viterra Plant: "One of the first buildings you notice when driving into Port Lincoln is the massive, white, grain silos of the Viterra plant on the foreshore of Boston Bay. In fact no matter where you go around Port Lincoln there is a good chance you will see these large, white, silo towers standing out like beacon. Viterra is a Canadian grain company, which exports grain from Australia and owns grain-handling facilities in Victoria and South Australia. They also process around two thirds of Australia's malt barley. After a week of ringing around I was finally granted permission to tour the plant and the wharf facilities where the ships are loaded with S.A. grain. Over a two-hour period I was lead through the plant by one of the company's Leading Hand, for a hour we climbed ladders, which lead to other ladders, which then lead to long overhead elevators which carried the grain to the waiting ships out on the wharf. I was amazed just how clean this whole facility was, in fact it was spotless. The views over Port Lincoln from on top of the silos are truly breath taking."

Loading wheat, Port Lincoln
Wheat being loaded onto sailing and steam ships at the Port Lincoln jetty. Horses were used to shunt the trucks full of wheat.

Railway track
New railway in operation near Port Lincoln. Railway trucks are full of agricultural machinery.

Ships at the jetty, Port Lincoln
Ships at the Port Lincoln jetty. Railway trucks are on the track.

Portrait of H.J Holden
Framed black and white portrait photograph of H.J Holden, ca.1920.

Holden's Motor Body Builders Limited yards at Woodville
Black and white photographs of sections of the yards at Holden's Motor Body Builders Limited. Includes images of the case repair section, crates carrying completed car bodies ready for shipping, and a section of the rail track which wound through Holden's yards.

War service photographs
A collection of photos relating to Thomas Chappell's time serving in the Middle East. Each image has a brief caption: many show military activities - vehicles such as trucks, tanks and horse-drawn carriages; prisoners of war; guns; captured planes; donkeys, mules and camels used for transportation; servicemen and army camps. There are also quite a few of the people, scenery and buildings in the Middle East. See items for details of individual images.

Victoria Square, Adelaide
View of Victoria Square, Adelaide. Food trucks are parked on the northern fringe and the General Post Office can be seen behind them.

Victoria Square, Adelaide
View of Victoria Square, Adelaide. Food trucks are parked on the northern fringe of the Square. The General Post Office, ANZ Bank, Westpac and Ernst & Young buildings can be seen behind them.