Photographs collected by S.A. White [PRG 335/82/1-23] • Mixed material

Photographs collected by S.A. White
Young cricketers on the steps of 'Holmfirth' at Fulham (Mellor home)

Photographs collected by S.A. White
Delegates at the Agricultural Conference, Clare, February 1921 [interior shot in hall]

Photographs collected by S.A. White
Torrens River near 'Holmfirth' ca.1910

Photographs collected by S.A. White
Oil painting based on photograph 3

Photographs collected by S.A. White
"Reedbeds" Defence Rifle Club. Some energetic members at the Fulham Park Ranges, July 5th, 1902. F. Smith, C. Stanford, S. Stanford (flag), R.G. Rivett (Hon. Sec.), P.W. Mellor, J.A.D. Williams, G.G. White, A.J. Lawrie, F. Stanford (Hon. Tres), S. Lewis Jr, J.W. Mellor (President), J.J. Stoward (firing) (photo by C.W.Mellor)

Photographs collected by S.A. White
'Near Tapleys Hill Road, Fulham, looking north'

Photographs collected by S.A. White
'Looking North - trees in background, lower end of old Torrens River & paddocks'

Photographs collected by S.A. White
[potato crop]

Photographs collected by S.A. White
'Looking north' [man digging potatoes]

Photographs collected by S.A. White
'Looking across S.A. White's paddocks' [2 men loading boxes of potatoes onto back of truck]

Photographs collected by S.A. White
Boxes of potatoes outside shed

Photographs collected by S.A. White
Breakout Creek

Photographs collected by S.A. White
'Moore Farm Bridge over Breakout Creek on Henley Beach Road. This bridge was removed when channel was put through to sea and the new bridge was called Kidman Bridge'

Photographs collected by S.A. White
'Breakout Creek carrying its first big flood away'

Photographs collected by S.A. White
'Breakout Creek & first flood after being cleaned out'

Photographs collected by S.A. White
'Old Kentish & team working on Breakout Creek in Starrs paddock'

Photographs collected by S.A. White
Members of a hunt club, possibly at Torrens House ca.1889 [S.A. White third from right?]

Photographs collected by S.A. White
'Seedling Peach Trees without leaves. Gregory Mathews Ornithologist taken as he was leaving after staying with us. Sept 1940' [Muriel, John and Wanda White also pictured]

Photographs collected by S.A. White
John and Wanda White in school uniforms sitting on the running board of a car alongside Gregory Mathews and their mother, Muriel

Photographs collected by S.A. White
Wanda and John with their mother

Photographs collected by S.A. White
Wanda, Muriel, John and two men at picnic spot

Photographs collected by S.A. White
Wanda, Samuel Albert White [?], Muriel, Gregory Mathews [?] and John at picnic spot, September 1940

Photographs collected by S.A. White
S.A. White, W.D. Bruce (Chief Inspector of Fisheries) and George Laffer, M.P. on a visit to the Coorong Bird Sanctuaries, March 1919.