Find • Orroroo • Results 151 to 180 of 189

Methodist Church, Morchard
View of the one time Methodist Church in Morchard, 28 May 2001.

Scenes of South Australia
Photographs in black & white and some sepia, of South Australian scenes and landscapes, ca.1890-1930. See CONTENTS for more information and details.

Bendleby ruin
Stone ruins of a once substantial homestead north of Orroroo in the Lower Flinders Ranges.

Construction of the reservoir at Pekina, South Australia
Construction of part of the reservoir at Pekina, near Orroroo, South Australia.

Refreshment for travellers by car in the South Australian Outback
Four men travelling by motor car on a track sixty miles from Orroroo in South Australia taking a break.

Baratta mine where silver lead was discovered in South Australia
Men and supplies photographed at Baratta mine, sixty miles from Orroroo where silver lead had just been discovered.

Men looking down a silver mine shaft at Baratta
Four men, possibly miners, looking down a silver mine shaft at Baratta sixty miles from Orroroo in South Australia.

Two men in the South Australian Outback
Two men outside a dwelling made from sacking and brush holding a pet dog and lamb at the Baratta silver mine location sixty miles from Orroroo in South Australia.

Two marksmen from South Australia
Two laughing men standing with rifles identified as Mr. Hutt and Mr. Addison from South Australia, successful competitors at Bisley shooting competition, England. The man on the right is Gerald Bowman Addison, and was born in Orroroo. He is the son of Walter Colman Addison, who won many shooting awards. See PRG 280/1/41/244 for another portrait; and the 'Register', 23 September 1905, p.7d for details.]

Horse and bullock teams at Pekina reservoir
Workmen with horse and bullock teams preparing the base of the reservoir at Pekina, near Orroroo South Australia.

Barren countryside at Pekina, South Australia
A landscape of barren countryside at Pekina, near Orroroo, South Australia.

Construction of the reservoir at Pekina, South Australia
Construction of part of the reservoir at Pekina, near Orroroo, South Australia.

A culvert at Pekina reservoir, South Australia
A culvert for the new reservoir at Pekina, near Orroroo, South Australia.

Site for the new reservoir at Pekina, South Australia
The site for a new reservoir at Pekina, near Orroroo, South Australia.

Site for a new reservoir at Pekina, South Australia
The site for a new reservoir at Pekina, near Orroroo, South Australia.

Site for a new reservoir at Pekina, South Australia
The site for a new reservoir at Pekina, near Orroroo, South Australia.

Site for a new reservoir at Pekina Creek
The site for a new reservoir at Pekina Creek, south of Orroroo in South Australia.

Water flowing at Pekina Creek
Water flowing amongst excavation work for a new reservoir at Pekina Creek, south of Orroroo in South Australia.

Water flowing at Pekina reservoir
Water flowing through a new culvert at Pekina reservoir, south of Orroroo, South Australia.

Reservoir construction at Pekina, South Australia
Reservoir construction at Pekina, near Orroroo in South Australia.

Reservoir construction at Pekina, South Australia
Reservoir construction of outlet pipes and valves at Pekina, near Orroroo in South Australia.

Reservoir construction work at Pekina, South Australia
Early construction work using teams of oxen and horses at Pekina reservoir, near Orroroo in South Australia.

Horses used for reservoir work at Pekina, South Australia
Horses which were used for heavy reservoir construction work resting in a fenced area at Pekina, near Orroroo, South Australia.

Pekina reservoir, South Australia
Pumping equipment and stone-filled dam wall at the new Pekina reservoir, near Orroroo, South Australia.

A South Australian Railways Y class wagon
A South Australian Railways Y class narrow gauge 3'6" wagon.

Mrs. B. Saunders
Mrs. B. Saunders, nee Judell of Orroroo.

Photographs of bank premises
Photographs of bank premises in Adelaide, suburbs and country areas. Included are some albums of photographs of the opening ceremonies for some buildings.

Oladdie Station Ruins
View of ruins at Oladdie Station. Oladdie ruins are near Johnsburgh (north east of Orroroo). To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1561/86.

Photographs of old South Australian pubs
Collection of photographs of old South Australian pubs and hotels, originally held by Consumer and Business Services, South Australia. Hotels include: Hotel Thevenard, North Blinman Hotel, Wirrulla Hotel, Transcontinental Hotel in Oodnadatta, Penong Hotel, Exchange Hotel in Farina, Tiger Hotel in Tantanoola, Commercial Hotel in Orroroo, Parachilna Hotel, Co'burn Hotel in Cockburn, Burton Hotel in Manoora, Stanley Bridge Hotel in Verdun, Cockburn Hotel, Manoora Hotel, and the Wheatsheaf Inn in Allendale North. To view individual photographs, do an ARCHIVAL NUMBER search on B 74512/1 - B 74512/16.

Photographs relating to the Holden family
Photographs of Holden family members and people associated with the Holden's motor vehicle business.