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Carrington Street
Carrington Street, south side, 9th February 1961. Right side of centre cottage is 13 1/2 yards east of Surflen Street; frontage: 6 yards. For site see B 14552. The car at left is ca.1929 Roadster with conversion of the 'dickey' seat area to a wooden box tray; car at right is a 1956 FE Holden business sedan taxi.

Carrington Street, South Side, Adelaide
[General description] Attached single storey cottages in Carrington Street are in the centre of the view, on the right is a two storey building. Cars are parked in front, FJ Holden in the centre. [On back of photograph] 'Carrington Street, south side / April 1965 / Left side of site is 12 yards west of Tomsey Street / Frontage: 12 yards'

Tomsey Street, Adelaide
[General description] A row of single storey workmen's cottages in poor repair, the one on the right is undergoing remodelling or demolition. An EK Holden is parked at the kerb. [On back of photograph] 'Tomsey Street, west side / April 1965 / Right side of site is 32 yards south of Tomsey Lane and frontage is 24 yards'. There is also a map of the site.

Sturt Street, Adelaide
[General description] This is the factory of Australian Joinery Limited. On the left is Wonder Heat, suppliers of 'air conditioning and fires', on the right a small cottage with iron lace verandah. Cars parked in the street include an FJ Holden. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 560 / Sturt Street, south side / April 29th 1960 / Left side of centre building is 52 yards west of King William Street and frontage is 20 yards'

King William Street, Adelaide
King William Street, Adelaide, east side, taken on June 18th, 1923, shortly after completion of the northern portion of Holden's. The left side of the building is 37 yards south of Halifax Street and the factory extends all the way to Gilles Street.

Gilles Street, Adelaide
[General description] This collection of buildings are warehouses associated with Charles Birks' department store. At this time David Jones has taken over Birks (since 1954). Two Holden cars are parked in the street: An FX model with a (partially obscured) FJ parked behind it. [On back of photograph] 'Gilles Street, north side / 2nd April 1965 / Right side of the building abuts Symonds place / Frontage of site is 21 yards'

Gilbert Street, Adelaide
[General description] Utility wires and stobie pole are prominent in this image of a pair of bluestone cottages in process of demolition. A 1950s Holden Utility is parked at the kerb. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 610 / Gilbert Street, north side / 13th September 1963 / Right side of building abuts Norman Street / Gilbert Street frontage is 17 yards / Norman Street frontage is 20 yards'

Gilbert Street, Adelaide
[General description] Power lines and a large stobie pole are prominent in this view of a stone villa style house which appears to be divided into three dwellings. It has a front verandah and a white picket fence and its roof is rusty. A Holden Taxi Cab is parked out front. See B 15018 for another view. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 619 / Gilbert Street, north side / 26th July 1963 / Left side of building abuts Little Sturt Street / Gilbert Street frontage of building is 20 yards'

Gilles Street, Adelaide, South Side
[General description] A Holden Station Wagon towing a trailer is parked in the entrance of this plain two storey brick building. A sign affixed to the building says 'Paringa Constructions Ltd., Builders and Contractors'. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 640 / Gilles Street, south side / 13 September 1963 / Left side of building is 9 1/2 yards east of Symonds Place / Right side abuts Symonds Place'

Hanson Street, East Side
Hanson Street, east side, 23 January 1958. Right side of Prestige Motors is 72 yards north of South Terrace. Frontage: 10 yards. A Kombi Van and what looks like and FX Holden can be seen.

South Terrace, Adelaide
[General description] This cottage in course of demolition has a stone front wall featuring interesting wrought iron decoration. The taxi parked at the kerb is an EK Holden Special. [On back of photograph] 'South Terrace, north side / 14 May 1965 / Right side of site is 13 yards west of Vincent Street / Frontage: 17 yards'

South Terrace
South Terrace, north side, 27 January 1961. For site details see B 7415. A California style bungalow with steeply a sloping roof shows displays squat columns providing a shady verandah. An FJ Holden is parked in front of the building.

House converted into business premises, 65 South Terrace, Adelaide
Business premises on South Terrace, 12 May 1982. A Holden Kingswood HQ sedan (RXB-099) is parked in front.

Ward Street, North Adelaide
[General description] Large two storey stone house with iron lace decorated verandah posts and balcony, set in a lush garden, which features a tall palm. A Holden sedan is parked in front. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 766 / Ward Street, north side / 5 February 1965 / Right side of site is 142 yards west of Jeffcott Street and frontage is 35 yards'

O'Connell Street, North Adelaide
[General description] This two storey stone building has shopfronts on its ground floor. A two-tone Holden is parked in front of Holt's Meat Store, next door to a shop which is being re-modelled. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 820 / O'Connell Street, west side / January 21st, 1960 / Right side of building is 29 yards south of Chapel Street and frontage is 4 yards / Shop to be erected in this space'

Childers Street, North Adelaide
HK Holden Sedan parked in Childers Street, North Adelaide. South Side, 26th November 1971.

Adelaide Hospital
Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, 9th October 1964, showing existing hospital buildings and framework for new one viewed through leafless deciduous trees. The new east wing building can be seen behind older one, probably the Verco ward. See B 15528 for a plan. Cars in the foreground are a Morris Minor and an FB Holden.

View showing buildings used by Museum. Part of a series of photographs of the Library, Museum and Art Gallery buildings prior to the demolition of some to make way for a new library building. A plan accompanies these photographs to show direction of the views. Filed behind B 15623. A note by a researcher states "The Holden car, model FC 1959, parked at an angle to the Art Gallery Workshop belonged to a member of the Archives staff, Mr BS Baldwin"

Celebratory dinner in the Mortlock Library
MORTLOCK LIBRARY: General view of guests at the celebratory dinner, 28 February 1990. Guests included H.E. The Governor, Lt-Gen. Sir Donald Dunstan, KBE, CB and Lady Dunstan; Mr Des and Mrs Joyce Ross; Mr Euan and Mrs Jill Miller; Mrs Kathleen Symes; Mr Colin Richardson; Hon. Anne Levy, M.L.C.; Dame Roma Mitchell; Mr Ray and Mrs Bev Grigg (General Motors-Holden's Automative); Mr Eric and Mrs Agnes Jackson (Friends of S.L. and Foundation donor); Mr Kenneth and Mrs Ann Price (Foundation donor). See attached guest list for a complete listing.

Jack Horne
PORTRAIT: Jack Horne, a general manager, General Motors Holden.

Eight Hour Day procession
ACRE 203: The 8 Hour Day procession moving down King William Street. The Holden's Silver Band is followed by examples of motor vehicles.

Students and teachers from St. Mark's College
GENERAL: Students and teachers from St Mark's College, Adelaide. Top row, left to right: J.R. Trott; J. Davenport; R.R, Richards; K.C. Basheer; D.G. Ross; R.J. Coombe; I.D. Campbell. Second row: J.R. Remilton; F.E. Cook; J.C. Burdett; R.W. Durdin; T.H. Pascoe; J.D. Haynes; R.W. Hooper; R. Allen; J.F. Harlry; I.S. Hamilton. Third row: K.E. Le Page; F.J. Hopton; D.J. Bath; N.H. Hewitt; I.B. Dow; N. Samelowitz; R.W. Holden; A.K. Cohen; M. Kessell; R. Paton; R.H.C. Rischbeth; S. Levitt; M.D. McCallum; A.B. Vivian. Fourth row: T.E. Legoe, D.S.M.; J.F. Blades; J.O. Welsh; D.T. Barnes; R.A. Barter; T.B. Cullity; R.D.Kirkwood; P.R.Thomson (club committee); W.E.S. Forster (club committee); A.J. McArthur (club secretary); H.T. Bennett (club treasurer); D.G. Law Smith (club Committee); W.B. Gilbert; T.M. Yates; P.C.F. Haywood; K.B. Price; D.H. Laidlaw; B. Wibberley; J.N. Batt. Front row: P.P.A. Hopton, D.F.C. (club president); N.G. Hosking B.Sc. (Eng.); J.R. Coaldrake, Dip. Agric.; C.A. Price, B.A.; H.N. Tucker, D.C.L., L.L.B, M.A.; R.B. Lewis, B. Sc. (vice-master); A.G. Price, C.M.G.; D. Litt (master); REV. L.N. Blakeway, Th.L. (chaplain); W.D. Brown, B.Sc; G.E. Ferris, B.Sc.; K. Morley, B.Sc.; J.P.E. Human, B.SC.; R.J. Gluyas, B.Sc (Eng.); Absent: E.R. Corney, M.A.; D.C. McMichael, B.E.; J.R. Magery, M.B., B.S.; C.D. Williams; T.S.B. Robertson.

Aerial view of Port Adelaide
Aerial view of Port Adelaide, with the approach to where the Birkenhead bridge is now on far left. The General Motors Holden factory can be seen in the foreground, as well as Hart's Mill, Jervois Bridge and the railway bridge.

Railway transport: F class
Goods train with a cargo of car bodies at unidentified location. A researcher has suggested that the photograph was taken near Adelaide Gaol. 'In the distance is a signal box which still exists today and between the signal box and the car carrying train (which is most likely to have brought its cargo toward Adelaide from Holden's Woodville plant), is a wye in which the Adelaide Gaol garden used to exist.'

Keswick Hospital : Army Nurses Committee and Matrons
Army Nurses Committee and Matrons. Mrs Hill, Miss Russell, Mrs Glover, Matron Hancock, Mrs Holden (President), Miss Tracey Richardson, Mrs Mosi (Matron in chief).

Bond's Bus Tours
A collection of photographs taken by Kevin Harris, a long time employee of Bond's Bus Tours. The photographs include vehicles, personnel, chalets and camps at various locations in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Individual images can be viewed by doing a number search on B 70782.

Refuelling rally cars at Bond's Chalet
Two cars involved in the first Redex car rally refuelling at the Shell petrol bowsers at Bond's Chalet in Alice Springs. [The car on the left is an Austin A40 saloon (entrant 9?), with a Holden 48-215 sedan (entrant 41) on the right.]

Refuelling rally cars at Bond's Chalet
Two cars from the first Redex car rally refuelling from Shell petrol bowsers at Bond's Chalet, Alice Springs. [The car on the left is a Jaguar Mk7 saloon (entrant 159), with a Holden 48-215 sedan on the right.]

Refuelling rally car at Alice Springs
One of the Redex rally cars refuelling at Bond's Chalet in Alice Springs, with the nose of one of Bond's buses visible on the left. [The car on the right hand side is a Holden 48-215 sedan (entrant 41).]

Refuelling rally car at Alice Springs
One of the Redex car rally entrants refuelling at Bond's Chalet in Alice Springs, with washing visible in the background. [The car on the right hand side is a Holden 48-215 sedan (entrant 41).]