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Unidentified man
Portrait of an unidentified man. Photograph by Frederick Brown, The Bridge, Walsall.

Unidentified woman
Portrait of an unidentified woman, showing button features on leg of mutton sleeve. Photograph by Mr John Hood, miniature painter and photographer, Glenelg.

Unidentified man in civic regalia
Portrait of an unidentified man wearing a gown and civic regalia. Photograph by Frederick Brown, The Bridge, Walsall.

Unidentified mother and child
Cameo portrait of mother and child.

Unidentified children
Portrait of two girls wearing identical striped dresses over striped leggings. Photograph by Negretti & Zambra, Crystal Palace, Sydenham.

Unidentified girl
Studio portrait of a young girl. Photograph by T. Duryea, 66 & 68 King William Street, Adelaide.

Unidentified boy
Studio portrait of an unidentified boy. Photograph by Mrs Williams, Talbot Place, Darlington Street, Wolverhampton.

Unidentified girl
Studio portrait of a girl with long hair wearing a dress in light checked fabric. Photograph by Robert W. Thrupp, 66 New Street, Birmingham.

Unidentified boy
Unidentified boy. Photograph by Frederick Brown, The Bridge, Walsall and Market St, Lichfield.

Unidentified boy
Studio portrait of unidentified boy. Photograph by Frederick Brown, The Bridge, Walsall and Market St, Lichfield.

Blanche Rosalie
Young woman identified on the verso of the photograph as 'Blanche Rosalie, nearly seventeen'. Photograph by J. Fisher, miniature painter & photographer, 59 White Ladies Road, Clifton.

Unidentified man
Studio portrait of an unidentified man wearing a corduroy coat, cravat and horseshoe shaped tie pin. Photograph by Tuttle & Co., 65 Rundle St, Adelaide.

Dog on a pedestal
Studio portrait of a dog, possibly a pug, on a pedestal. Note on the verso says ' "Joe" / with the owner's compls.' Photograph by J. R. Dobson & Co., The Temple of Light, 44 Rundle St, Adelaide.

Young woman, possibly Rose Oldham
Studio portrait of a young woman in fancy dress, thought to be for the Lord Mayor's Children's Ball, 1882. A related photograph at B 7722/27 identifies the person as Rose Oldham. Photograph by S. Solomon, Adelaide School of Photography, 51 Rundle Street, Adelaide. Another related image is at B 70903/59.

Unidentified woman
Studio portrait of unidentified woman. Photograph by John Watkins, 34 Parliament Street, London.

Small child
Studio portrait of unidentified small child. Photograph by J. Turner, Mount Preston, Leeds.

Unidentified woman
Studio portrait of an unidentified woman. Photograph by H. J. Whitlock, 11 New Street, Birmingham.

Young unidentified boy
Studio portrait of a young child in brocaded jacket and knickerbockers. Photograph by J. F. Naddermier, Walsall.

Unidentified man
Studio portrait of an unidentified man with a long beard and moustache. Photograph by Frederick Brown, The Bridge, Walsall and Market St, Lichfield.

Unidentified young child
Young child wearing dress of checked fabric.

Unidentified young woman
Studio portrait of an unidentified young woman. Photograph by Frederick Brown, The Bridge, Walsall, and Market St, Lichfield.

Unidentified young woman
Studio portrait of unidentified young woman. Photograph by Frederick Brown, The Bridge, Walsall and Market St, Lichfield.

Trevor Wing of Holden Hill in his replica Regent Theatre in his backyard. 6th May 1992.

Adelaide Clipsal 500
Holden Berlina racing cars in action at the Adelaide Clipsal 500, 8 April 2000.

Crowd near the track at Adelaide Clipsal 500
A crowd in the foreground watching a Holden V-8 racing car that has stopped on the track with smoke pouring from its engine, at the Adelaide Clipsal 500, 8 April 2000.

Child praying
Photograph of an engraving depicting a child at prayer, with the Lord's Prayer printed below.

Young unidentified man
Studio portrait of a young unidentified man. Photograph by J. McCornick, 60 Park St, Walsall.

Man in civic regalia
Photograph of a man wearing what may be mayoral regalia and cloak. Photograph by Frederick Brown, The Bridge, Walsall.

Portrait of a young man with a cravat
Photograph of a portrait of a young man wearing a cravat. Photograph by Negretti & Zambra, Crystal Palace, Sydenham.

Unidentified woman in a dress with a bustle
Studio portrait of an unidentified woman in a dress with a bustle. Photograph by Frederick Brown, The Bridge, Walsall.