Find • Hindley Street • Results 91 to 120 of 957

Auto Wrecking Company, Hindley Street, Adelaide
[General description] This newly completed brick garage displays a sign painted above its doorway which states: Auto Wrecking Co. 'We tear 'em apart and sell the pieces'. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 56 / Hindley St., north side / East corner of Register Place / May 16, 1926 / Auto Wrecking Company's premises erected in 1925 i.e. the corrugated iron structure used by the firm was surrounded by a brick wall / Hindley St. frontage of new building: 13 yards / Register Street frontage of new building is 19 yards'.

Leigh Street, Adelaide
[General description] Hoopers Furnishers' new three storey building exudes confidence, its style reflecting the extreme optimism of the times before the Wall Street crash in October 1929. Its upstairs section features tall arched windows and the corner site enables it to have a large expanse of plate glass windows. There are cantilever verandahs on both street frontages. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 76 / East corner of Leigh Street and Hindley Street / September 11th 1929 / Frontage of Hooper's new building: Hindley Street frontage is 11.5 yards and Leigh Street frontage is 29.5 yards'.

Castle Inn, Hindley Street
[General description] This faded sepia view shows a two storey stone and cement render Hotel building with the front door situated on the corner. A large lantern is suspended over the arched doorway on which the name of the licensee, Miss Mary McEnhillis, is inscribed. Two horse drawn vehicles stand at the kerb. This hotel has existed at this location since 1847. There is a shop next door with various goods displayed on the street: shovels, baskets, buckets and clothing amongst the items. See B 7065 for a rear view of the hotel. [On back of photograph] 'Castle Inn, north west corner of Hindley and Morphett Streets / 1878'.

Car Park on Hindley Street, originally the Theatre Royal site
An angled view of the high rise car park on the North side of Hindley Street, which was originally the site of the Theatre Royal.

Restaurant in Hindley Street.
Restaurant on the east corner of Hindley and Peel Street.

Street decoration in Hindley Street during the visit of the Prince of Wales
Hindley Street, looking west in July 1920, showing the street decoration on show for the royal visit of the Prince of Wale. A banner in the foreground is stretched across the road and reads 'We honor our King's son', pedestrians and traffic make it a busy scene. The front vehicle is a 24 hp Dodge registered to S.J. Wright of Fullarton Estate. Information courtesy of Veteran Car Club of SA.

King William Street, Adelaide
An early view of the corner of King William Street and Hindley Street in central Adelaide, South Australia.

King William Street, Adelaide
King William Street, Adelaide looking north from the junction with Hindley Street. Horse drawn traffic can be seen including cabs for hire standing in the middle of the street. In the centre, mostly obscured by trees on the eastern side of the street, is the business premises of D.& J. Fowler (with advertising panel on side of building). The two storey building on the right is the Savings Bank, next to the Imperial Fire Assurance building (three storey) and the National Bank of Australasia. Among the range of shops at the right side can be seen those of R. Majoram, gunmaker, J. Dench & Co., curriers and C. & E. Pitt, nurserymen. A window of the Bee Hive building on the corner with Rundle Street is just visible. At left can be seen a post box on the kerb side. (The right hand section of this view is the same as B 6561 and B 41722 in the collection).

Leigh Street with Black Horse Hotel
Leigh Street, west side. Near side of the Black Horse Hotel is 47 yards south of Hindley Street and frontage is 15 yards. Proprietor was Mrs J Bristow at the time of the photograph. The Black Horse Hotel was well known for its theatrical and musical connections. This two storey hotel has a recessed front door and verandah facing the street. To the south is F Fisher Leather and Grindery Merchant. To the north across a laneway stands a wholesale grocery shop.

Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street.
Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street, which followed the rally at Tarntanyangga / Victoria Square. The protest, held nationwide and attended by approximately 8000 people, was calling for an end to sexual harassment and gendered violence. Protestors are walking along King William Street and viewed from the corner of Hindley Street.

Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street.
Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street, which followed the rally at Tarntanyangga / Victoria Square. The protest, held nationwide and attended by approximately 8000 people, was calling for an end to sexual harassment and gendered violence. Close up view of protestors are walking along King William Street, from the corner of Hindley Street. Signs include '#EnoughisEnough', 'Justice for Women', 'PM sells out own daughters to save AG (+self) Women's Lives Matter', 'Scomo's Gotta Go!', and 'Safety, respect, inclusion'.

Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street.
Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street, which followed the rally at Tarntanyangga / Victoria Square. The protest, held nationwide and attended by approximately 8000 people, was calling for an end to sexual harassment and gendered violence. Protestors are walking along King William Street and viewed from the corner of Hindley Street. Signs include 'Scott Morrison is a gutless spineless coward Enough is enough', 'I'm with her', 'Our rage is real', and 'Angry enough to make a sign!'.

Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street.
Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street, which followed the rally at Tarntanyangga / Victoria Square. The protest, held nationwide and attended by approximately 8000 people, was calling for an end to sexual harassment and gendered violence. Protestors are walking along King William Street and viewed from the corner of Hindley Street. Signs include 'Equality better served 4 all! Everyone deserves a slice!', 'Listen 2 us', 'Stop the Violence', and 'I'm sick of the #Statusbro'.

Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street.
Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street, which followed the rally at Tarntanyangga / Victoria Square. The protest, held nationwide and attended by approximately 8000 people, was calling for an end to sexual harassment and gendered violence. Channel Nine reporter Kate Lambe is reporting in front of a large group of protestors walking along King William Street, viewed from the corner of Hindley Street. Signs include 'We will no longer be silent or silenced #March4Justice #Enoughisenough', 'Boys will be held accountable', 'Silent no more', 'Scotty the rapist protector LNP Lying cows', and 'Shady Callous, Obtuse, Malevolent, Obsolete'.

Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street.
Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street, which followed the rally at Tarntanyangga / Victoria Square. The protest, held nationwide and attended by approximately 8000 people, was calling for an end to sexual harassment and gendered violence. Protestors are walking along King William Street and viewed from the corner of Hindley Street. Signs include 'Cut the big swinging dicks off' and 'F--k Gag law'.

Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street.
Adelaide March 4 Justice march going both ways along King William Street, which followed the rally at Tarntanyangga / Victoria Square. The protest, held nationwide and attended by approximately 8000 people, was calling for an end to sexual harassment and gendered violence. Protestors are walking in both directions along King William Street and viewed from the corner of Hindley Street. Signs include 'How do you sleep at night knowing that you helped the rapists get away with it', and 'Girls just wanna have fundamental rights'.

Adelaide March 4 Justice march in both directions along King William Street.
Adelaide March 4 Justice march in both directions along King William Street, which followed the rally at Tarntanyangga / Victoria Square. The protest, held nationwide and attended by approximately 8000 people, was calling for an end to sexual harassment and gendered violence. Protestors are walking in both directions along King William Street and viewed from the corner of Hindley Street. It is being watched by pedestrians in Rundle Mall.

Adelaide March 4 Justice march in both directions along King William Street.
Adelaide March 4 Justice march in both directions along King William Street, which followed the rally at Tarntanyangga / Victoria Square. The protest, held nationwide and attended by approximately 8000 people, was calling for an end to sexual harassment and gendered violence. Protestors are walking in both directions along King William Street and viewed from the corner of Hindley Street. Signs include 'Nothing excuses sexual assault', 'not cool boys', and 'Canberra centre of misogyny why?'

Adelaide March 4 Justice march in both directions along King William Street.
Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street, in both directions, which followed the rally at Tarntanyangga / Victoria Square. The protest, held nationwide and attended by approximately 8000 people, was calling for an end to sexual harassment and gendered violence. Protestors are walking in both directions along King William Street and viewed from the corner of Hindley Street. It is being watched by pedestrians in Rundle Mall.

Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street, in both directions.
Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street, in both directions, which followed the rally at Tarntanyangga / Victoria Square. The protest, held nationwide and attended by approximately 8000 people, was calling for an end to sexual harassment and gendered violence. Protestors are walking in both directions along King William Street and viewed from the corner of Hindley Street. Signs include 'Today. Tomorrow & 33 years ago. Rape is a crime', 'Wake up grow up clean up show up', and 'No means no!'

Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street, in both directions.
Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street, in both directions, which followed the rally at Tarntanyangga / Victoria Square. The protest, held nationwide and attended by approximately 8000 people, was calling for an end to sexual harassment and gendered violence. Protestors are walking in both directions along King William Street and viewed from the corner of Hindley Street. Signs include 'Yeah not all men but too F*cking many!', and 'Don't rape'.

Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street
Adelaide March 4 Justice march along King William Street, which followed the rally at Tarntanyangga / Victoria Square. The protest, held nationwide and attended by approximately 8000 people, was calling for an end to sexual harassment and gendered violence. Protestors are walking in both directions along King William Street and viewed from the corner of Hindley Street.

Black Horse Hotel, Leigh Street
The Black Horse Hotel, Leigh Street, west side, May 1907. Michael Whelan, licensee. Near side of hotel is 47 yards south of Hindley Street and frontage is 15 yards. The Black Horse Hotel is between the premises of F. Fisher and Sons Leather Goods, and the derelict premises of Terence McGann, photographer.

King William Street, Adelaide
View looking north along King William Street, with a number of horse-drawn cabs in the street. The photo was taken from a vantage point near the Town Hall.

Development of Adelaide 1839-1914: series of lantern slides.
Series of 102 black and white lantern slides numbered 40-145, illustrating the development of Adelaide, 1839-1914. Some slides are of maps, lithographs and sketches made by nineteenth century artists and lithographers. The series juxtaposes views of Adelaide buildings and streets and key landmarks at several time periods, to show the changes and developments in Adelaide to 1914. The streets in focus in this series include King William Street, North Terrace, Stephen's Place, Rundle Street, Hindley Street, Pulteney Street, Grenfell Street, Pirie Street, Gouger Street, Gawler Place and Hindmarsh Square. The following slides are not held: 1-39, 63, 67, 81, 128.

Hindley Street
West corner of Hindley and Victoria Streets, Hindley Street frontage is 10 1/3 yards and Victoria Street frontage is 23 yards. The Victoria Hotel in Hindley Street, also known as Princes Victoria was established in 1840 and Henry Foote was the proprietor at the time of this photograph. The business prermises of Adey Photographers can be seen adjacent to the hotel in Hindley Street.

Duryea's Adelaide Album 3
An album compiled by Adelaide photographer, Townsend Duryea, with the title 'Duryea's Adelaide Album' embossed on the front cover. The first 'page' is a panorama of Adelaide, comprising five roughly uniform panels, mounted on linen to form a continuous image 12.5 x 89.5 mm (the linen measures 248 x 940 mm, and folds into three equal sections to fit into the album). The other photographs in the album show Rundles, Hindley and Wakefield Streets, North Terrace and the Botanic Gardens. Inside the front cover is a small photographic portrait of a man, believed to be Duryea.

North West corner of Hindley Street and King William Street, Adelaide
North west corner of Hindley Street and King William Street, Adelaide, showing the Neales Building. A group of men in top hats stand outside the photographer's studio, whilst a horse and gig wait at the kerb. Businesses shown include W. Bermingham, 3 Hindley St.; Platt's Stationer and Bookseller, 1 Hindley St.; J.M. Amsberg & Gessner Tobacconists, 27 King William St.; Bean Brothers Tanners, 25 King William St.;and the Adelaide Photographic Company, 23 King William St. The right side of Adelaide Photo Company's premises is 27.5 yards north of Hindley Street.

Hindley Street
Hindley Street, south side, 16 May 1938. The right side of the two storey building in the centre known as Con's Building is 54 yards east of Morphett Street. Frontage of Con's Building is 14 1/2 yards. The building on the right of the photograph is the Star Grocery which is situated on the corner of Hindley Street and Morphett Street. It was buillt on land owned by William Everard Lucy, a farmer from Modbury. It was acquired by Stavros Cratsis, a storekeeper in 1947. A poultry merchant, Con Liascos, and Cadman Brothers Auction Showrooms is next door to this. Further east along Hindley Street stands the ornate Gladbeams Buildings.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
Hindley Street, Adelaide, south side. Courtney Cooke's store occupies [at least] the ground floor of the building. A researcher has provided the following information: 'Warwick House was at 44 Rundle Street, (north side, Acre 44) not 44 Hindley Street. In 1871, Courtney Cooke (of Regent House, Hindley Street) purchased the drapery business of Mr. L. Roach who occupied the Rundle Street premises prior to this.