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Brown's Royal Admiral Hotel, Hindley Street
Brown's Royal Admiral Hotel, Hindley Street, south side, 29 August 1941. Hotel frontage is 13 yards, and the left side of the Hotel is 44 yards west of Rosina Street. This hotel existed from 1838, was licenced in 1837. It was also known as the Commercial Hotel. Albert George Brown held the licence from 1940-57.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
Hindley Street looking east from vicinity of Leigh Street. Business premises visible on the right include P. McCabe, Hooper's Furnishing Arcade and E.A. Catton. W.T. Flint & Son Ltd and the Eagle Hotel can be seen on the left.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
View looking west along Hindley Street from King William Street. Business premises visible on the right include Isaac's Corner and the Exchange Hotel; on the left are Bridgland & Atterton, Beach's, and Hooper's Furnishing Arcade. Passengers are alighting from a horse-drawn tram stopped near the corner.

Looking along Hindley Street
Hindley Street at night with Cadman Bros on the left.

Paprika Night Club and Odeon store, Hindley Street, South Side
Paprika Night Club and Odeon Furniture and Electrical store, Hindley Street, south side, 24 September 1971. This was also the entrance to the St. Moritz ice skating rink on the first floor level, which extended back to the Star Grocery. Right side of building is 49 1/2 yards east of Morphett Street. Hindley Street frontage: 21 2/3 yards.

Hindley Street, South Side
Hindley Street, south side, 24 September 1971, showing the premises of the National Bank and the Paprika Night Club, and the entrance to the St. Moritz Ice Skating Rink, with the Odeon Furniture and Electrical store on the far right.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
A selection of photographs relating to Hindley Street, Adelaide. See 'contents' for details of individual images.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
[General description] Parked cars, John Lane's Hindley Street Motors and Wald's Overway Hotel on the corner of Morphett and Hindley Streets [On back of photograph] 'Acre 54 / Hindley Street, north side / 29 March, 1954 / Left side of Hindley Street Motors lot is 15 1/4 yards east of Morphett Street and frontage is 16 3/4 yards'

Hindley Street, Adelaide
[General description] This historic stone building is three stories high with an archway over its entrance and mullion windows on the upper floors. A sign at the doorway says 'No admittance'. The ramp over the doorstep probably means that goods are wheeled in and out of the building. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 75 / Hindley Street, October 11th 1927 / The building in the centre was occupied in 1847 by the Adelaide Mechanics' Institute at a rental of 20 pounds per annum, paid to Mr. Peacock, the owner of this 'new lecture room' (Another hand) ' Site of Peacock's building: Stands back 27.5 yards from Hindley Street and is approached by a lane running south from Hindley Street / The western side of the building is 45.5 yards west of Leigh Street'.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
[General description] Hindley Street with cars, pedestrians and shops. Three two storey buildings that feature in this view are premises for businesses, from left: Frith Jones, Tailor and Mercer, A. & A. Coles, Tobacconists and the Public Benefit Boot Company. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 76 / Hindley Street, south side / Sept. 21, 1927 / On the right is Leigh Street. Hindley Street frontage of the two story shops: 18 yards.' (Another hand) 'The three two storey shops were demolished in 1928. (See B 5931 and B 6063'. According to a researcher, at the right hand side is the W.T. Flint hardware store, which was in operation until approximately 1940s. The store used a aerial wired system to ransfer money from the counter staff to the cash controller staff.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
[General description] Looking east along the north side of Hindley Street. City buildings are silhouetted against a grey sky and a few pedestrians and parked cars are seen in the street. Part of West's Coffee Palace building, occupied by E. Dyke and Son, Drapers, can be seen on the left. [On back of photograph] 'Hindley Street, north side / 13 July 1929 / Extreme left is almost 50 yards west of Victoria Street / For view of S. Rowe and Co.'s building after alterations made in 1952 and when occupied by Cadman Bros. see B 12486 / For view of Howell and Howell's building after alterations completed in 1952, see B 12486'.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
[General description] Faded sepia image of Hindley Street showing a long stretch of paling fence and a single storey cottage, the premises of S. Moore's Wholesale and Retail "Palliass, Mattrass and Cabinet Factory". The unsealed road occupies the foreground. The side and rear of the Castle Inn is seen on the right (See B 7064 for the front of the Castle Inn) [On back of photograph] 'Acre 55 / Hindley Street, north side / west of Morphett Street / 1878 / On the right is the Castle Inn, at the corner of Morphett Street'.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
[General description] This row of stone terrace houses has street level verandahs whose posts are topped with decorative iron lace. The corner end of the terrace has a section which includes an upper floor balcony. A flatbed truck is parked at the kerb. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 70 / Hindley Street, south side / Aug. 10,1926 / On the extreme left is Morphett Street. The extreme right is 51 1/2 yards west of Morphett Street.' (Another hand) 'For view of Hindley and Morphett St. frontages of this building after alterations made in 1952-3, see B 12837 and B 12838.' Sign says Kuomintang Chinese Nationalist Party in Chinese and English characters.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
[General description] The street corners are crowded with pedestrians in this city view of Hindley Street and its buildings. This horse tram must be one of the last as electric trams are soon to replace them. The business premises of Bridgland & Atterton, tailors, Bricknell's Restaurant and Hooper's Furniture can be seen. [On back of photograph] 'Hindley Street / looking west from the King William Street / 1909-11'section.

Hindley Street
View looking east along Hindley Street, with the various buildings on either side, and people, horses and carts in the street. Alexander Charles Kelly (1822 -11877) sketched this view of Hindley Street in 1844. He has captured the narrowness of the street as it winds its way eastward towards the foothills. The spire of Holy Trinity can be seen on North Terrace. In the foreground of the artwork several Aboriginal people including a small naked child are depicted.

Intersection of Hindley Street and King William Street
Looking west along Hindley Street from the intersection of Hindley Street and King William Street.

Exchange Hotel, Adelaide
[General description] The Exchange hotel when Charles Arthur Goldfinch was licensee. It is a two storey building with a wide verandah upstairs with a balcony decorated with iron lace. There was a hotel on this site since 1839 which underwent several name changes until its demolition in February 1960. Part of the Beehive Corner can be seen on the extreme right. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 47 / Exchange Hotel / Hindley Street, north side / June 27 1930 / On the east corner of Gresham Street / Hindley Street frontage is 17 yards'.

Castle Inn, Hindley Street
[General description] The Castle Hotel is a two storey building with a wide verandah with iron lace railings on its balcony. Its name, and that of the (then) licensee, Edwards, is prominently displayed. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 55 / Hindley Street, north side / 9 February 1938 / Additions made to left side of Hotel in 1937 / Compare with B 7179 / Right side of the Castle Inn abuts Morphett Street / Hindley Street frontage is 23 yards' (Another hand) 'Remodelling of the Castle Inn was completed in 1953 / See B 13012 for view taken in 1954'.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
[General description] Hindley Street is lined with retail shops and business premises. Traffic is a mix of horse-drawn and motor with pedestrians walking on the road. One man (on the left) has ridden a horse into town. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 77,78 / Hindley Street, south side, looking west from King William Street / 1920-22' (Another hand) 'The white structure with cupolas and tall electric light standards is the "Wondergraph" (later Civic) Theatre. For view of the Civic Theatre prior to its partial demolition in 1956, see B 13642.'

Hindley Street, Adelaide
[General description] City buildings on Hindley Street include a graceful older style two storey building with an iron lace verandah (Adelaide House) and the tall modern Paringa Building next door (whose walls display large painted advertisements for Robur Tea and Burford's Soap). A large horse-drawn van stands in front of Colletts Limited, Mens and Boys wear. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 78 / Hindley Street, south side / July 21st 1930 / Left side of Adelaide House is 5 yards east of Gresham Street and frontage is 16.5 yards'.

Postcard of Hindley Street in Adelaide
Postcard showing a section of Hindley Street in Adelaide, South Australia, at the intersection of King William Road. The building to the right houses the Stump & Co photographic business (also at Rundle Street) and Lawrence and Levy tobacconist. The large Hoopers Furniture sign can just be seen further down on the left hand side.

Hindley Street Military parade
Military parade, well attended, along Hindley Street, viewed from the corner of King William Street, looking west along Hindley Street on a wet day. Photographer is believed to be Beryl Newell Holmes (nee Langley), probably taken from the first floor of Beehive Corner.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
Hindley Street, Adelaide, looking west from a point opposite Gilbert Place, on a wet day. On the left, a large model of an emu stands above the verandah of 'Emu House'. J.W.Egan's store is on the ground floor. T. Ide is the licensee of the Blenheim Hotel, on the Gilbert Place corner. The roof appears to be shingle, there is turned wood balustrading on the balcony and cheerful striped window awnings. Later [1882] this hotel became the Tattersalls, and is still extant in 2006.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
[General description] Hindley Street with verandah clad city buildings and parked cars. The tall building on the right is Hooper's Furnishing Arcade. The building in the centre with the iron lace balcony is the White Hart Hotel. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 77,78 / Hindley Street, looking east / 1926-27'. A researcher has provided the following information: the Paringa building is the tall brick building in the middle of the photograph, and has a radio station '5DN' sign in the top floor window.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
[General description] The new Paringa Building dominates this Hindley street view. In the foreground is Lampard's fruit barrow and its customers. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 78 / Hindley Street, south side / Feb. 2nd 1927 / The six storey structure (Paringa Building) was completed in 1926. (See B 1279) Site of Paringa Building: Stands on the east corner of Gilbert Place. Frontage: 14.5 yards'.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
[General description] Buildings and unsealed roadway of Hindley Street looking east from the Theatre Royal. The premises of R.G. Bosisto, tailor is on the left with a well stocked shopfront downstairs. Two workmen who have been digging a hole in the road are having a smoko (in the centre). [On front of photograph] 'Hindley Street, Theatre Royal / 1876-81'.

Plaza Hotel, Hindley Street, Adelaide
Plaza Hotel on the south west corner of Hindley Street and Clubhouse Lane, Adelaide.

Series 0530: Hindley Street royal visit decorations
View looking east along Hindley Street with West's Coffee Palace on the left. The street and Coffee Palace are decorated with flags for the Royal Visit of 1954.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
[General description] Lithograph of Hindley Street, from King William Street. Artwork depicts a street vendor and customers in the foreground and the continuation of a busy street and buildings in the background. No. 1 in a series (see B 4498 for No.2 and B 2430 for no.3). [On back of photograph] '(Copied from scrapbook held by Birdwood Museum by Mr. L.S. Marquis 1979) The example on grey paper held by the Archives were sold by Penman and Galbraith as quarto letterhead. This copy is from a larger original than the previous Archives holdings'.

Hindley Street, Adelaide
Hindley Street, Adelaide, looking east from a point about 30 yards west of Blyth Street. Photographed on 23rd February, 1925 showing the traffic at 2.50 p.m. The narrow street on the extreme left is Blyth Street.