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Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, North Side, 17 December 1971, left side of block is 26 2/3 yards east of Register Street and frontage is 24 yards.

Clarendon House, Hindley Street

Clarendon House, Hindley Street

[General description] Clarendon House is a three storey Georgian style stone building with dormer windows on its top floor and a widow's walk, built by Robert and Mary Thomas, pioneers and proprietors of the Register newspaper. On the right is their home, Rhantregwynwen Cottage, named after Robert's birthplace in Wales. The group of people at the front door are probably the family. Amongst the people shown in the street are a gentleman on horseback, a man driving a bullock team and some Aborigines. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 56 / 1840 / See Mary Thomas' "Diary and Letters", p. 150. / Looking south west from a point between Hindley Street and North Terrace. The cottage on the right is situated on the west side of what was later known as Register Place' (Another hand) 'Clarendon House apparently on east corner of Register Place' (Another hand) 'Copied from an old sketch in the possession of Mr. E.A.S. Thomas.'

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, north side, 26 October 1981, right side of building is 14 yards from Register Street and frontage is 11 2/3 yards.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, north side, 26 October 1981, right side of building is 14 yards from Register Street and frontage is 11 2/3 yards.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, north side, 28 September 1936, right side of the cottages is 13 yards west of George Street and frontage is 17 yards. The cottages are in the course of demolition. For alterations made in 1937 see B 7402. The bluestone facade is being removed.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, north side, west corner of George Street 28 September 1936, frontage of the building is 13 yards. For building erected in 1937 see B 7402. The three flat roofed semi detached buildings include a corner shop.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, north side, 2 April 1942, right side of the building is 25 yards east of George Street. This building containing the South Australian Brewing Company Limited was erected in 1941. Compare with B 9899.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, north side, 27 December 1956, frontage of building on the right is 8 yards. Right side of Rabaul General Engineers building abuts west side of Liverpool Street. Frontage of first section of two storey building on left of Rabaul General Engineers is 4.5 yards.

Capri Pizza Bar, Hindley Street

Capri Pizza Bar, Hindley Street

Capri Pizza Bar, Hindley Street, north side, 18 April 1969. Frontage is 28 2/3 yards and Gray Street frontage is 34 2/3 yards.

Hardware Traders Ltd., Hindley Street

Hardware Traders Ltd., Hindley Street

Hardware Traders Ltd., Hindley Street, south side, 21 September 1956. Left side of dark coloured galvanised iron buildings is 16 3/4 yards west of Gray Street and frontage is 25.5 yards.

Hindley Street, Adelaide

Hindley Street, Adelaide

[General description] The brick building on the right is newly altered and extended. On the ground floor arched windows have been bricked up, keeping their outline in the wall. A bicycle is propped at the kerb in the foreground. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 65 and 66 / Hindley Street, south side / 7 April 1939 / Brick building altered in 1938 / Compare with B 3178 and B 3179 / The right side of the arched gateway (on the left) is 41 yards east of Gray Street'.

Aladdin's Lantern and 'La Terrace' restaurant, Hindley Street

Aladdin's Lantern and 'La Terrace' restaurant, Hindley Street

Aladdin's Lantern lighting shop and 'La Terrace', French restaurant, Hindley Street, South Side, 21 August 1979, building is 19 1/3 yards east of Gray Street and frontage is 25 1/3 yards.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, south side, 12 March 1956. Near side of arch is 46 yards east of Gray Street. From arch to extreme left of view is 31 5 yards. Compare with B 13064

House, Hindley Street, Adelaide

House, Hindley Street, Adelaide

Hindley Street, Adelaide, south side, next door (east) to the West End Brewery. The photo was taken January 23rd 1914. The right side of the house is 30 yards west of George Street. Built by William Collins in 1838 or 1839, it was demolished between 1914 & 1923 and the site was used as a yard by Harley & Co., ironfoundries. Former occupants include Dr. J.N. Knott (1843) and later by the Rev. J.A. Dowie, founder of Zion City. More recently was occupied by Veterinary Surgeon, R.S. Crabb. (see Observer, April 8, 1905, p.23).

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, south side, December 22nd 1958. Left side of the light coloured building on the right of the photograph is 78 yards west of Morphett Street and frontage is 8.5 yards. For a view of these buildings in 1958 see B 12837. The shops include the following: Butchers, The Casbah Night Club and Davis Vacuum Service

Gordon Abbott Industries, 175 Hindley Street

Gordon Abbott Industries, 175 Hindley Street

Gordon Abbott Industries Ltd., Hindley Street south side, 22 April 1953. Right side of Abbott's shop is 56 1/2 yards west of Morphett Street. Frontage of shop is 4.25 yards. This shop front was modernised after 1953

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, south east corner of Morphett Street, 2 November 1926. The garage next to the Government Produce Depot on the extreme right was erected in 1926 on a site formerly occupied by a Chinese furniture site factory. A verandah was subsequently erected on the corner building.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, south side, 4th October 1956. Right side of the building with the balcony is 15 yards east of Morphett Street; frontage: 20 yards.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, south side, 7th March 1957. Right side of the European Restauant is 35 yards east of Morphett Street; frontage: 7 yards. The shop front of the European Restaurant had been installed approximately in 1956/57

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, 14 May 1981, frontage of building is 54 2/3 yards and right side of building is 31 1/3 yards left of Morphett Street.

Exterior view of Crazy Horse Strip Tease Revue and National Bank, Hindley Street

Exterior view of Crazy Horse Strip Tease Revue and National Bank, Hindley Street

Hindley Street, 14 May 1981, frontage of building is 54 2/3 yards and right side of building is 31 1/3 yards left of Morphett Street.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, south side, 31 December 1953, right side of centre white building is 70 1/4 yards east of Morphett Street and frontage of centre white building is 44 yards.For a view of this building before alterations made in 1953 see B 2590

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, south side, 23 April 1956, left side of building is 32 yards west of Rosina Street and frontage is 8 3/4 yards. The building on the corner is a cafe serving meals

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, south side, 17 March 1978. Shows the Third World Bookshop, Estetica Hair Salon, and the Old Mariner Hotel on the corner of Rosina Street.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, south side, June 10th 1940, West's Theatre, the right side of the Theatre is 45.5 yards east of Rosina Street and frontage is 17 yards. West's Theatre built in 1939 and closed in 1977. It's architectural detail include Art Deco features and the grand staircase leading from the foyer to the mezzanine floor.

Hindley Street, Adelaide

Hindley Street, Adelaide

[General description] West's new picture theatre is an Art Deco designed building flanked by older Victorian buildings. It was opened on 1st December, 1939. Playing at this time are two 1939 films, Robert Taylor and Myrna Loy in 'Lucky Night' and Walter Pidgeon and Virginia Bruce in 'Society Lawyer'. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 74 / Hindley Street, south side / June 23rd 1940 / West's Picture Theatre / Theatre erected in 1939 / Compare with B 4785 / The far side of West's cantilever verandah is 45.5 yards east of Rosina Street / Frontage 17 yards'.

Hindley Street, Adelaide

Hindley Street, Adelaide

Hindley Street, Adelaide, south side, looking west from the Royal Hotel. The left side of the Royal Hotel (on extreme left) is 14 yards east of Blyth Street. (Shown on Cadastral Survey Plan.

Hindley Street, Adelaide

Hindley Street, Adelaide

[General description] This photograph of Hains Hunkin's furniture store's smartly updated premises was taken on the opposite side of the road, with parked cars in the foreground. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 75 / Hindley Street, south side / February 8th 1938 / The premises of Hains Hunkin Limited were remodelled in 1937 / Compare with B 2447, B 2552 and B 9590 / The left side of Hains Hunkin's is 46 yards west of Leigh Street / Frontage is 18 yards'.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, south side, far side of the white building is 53 yards west of Leigh Street.

Hindley Street

Hindley Street

Hindley Street, south side, the left side of the centre building is 46 yards west of Leigh Street and frontage is 18 yards.