Duryea, 1868, Photograph, B 9257
House of Assembly members in 1868. Thirty six photographs of members appear in this photograph. These include: Richard Andrews, Richard Baker, George Thomas Bean, Neville Blyth, David Bower, James Boucaut, Henry Bright, John Carr, Wentworth Cavenagh, John Cheriton, John Colton, Robert Cottrell, John Dunn, William Everard, Daniel Fisher, Joseph Fisher, Henry Fuller, Lavington Glyde, John Hart, Alexander Hay, Henry Hill, Henry Kent Hughes, George Kingston, William Lewis, William Ranson Mortlock, John Bentham Neales, George Pearce, John Pickering, Thomas Playford, The Hon. Thomas Reynolds, John Reynolds, John Riddoch, William Rogers, William Sandover, Philip Sando, William Knox Simms, Frederick Spicer, Augustine Stow, Hon. Henry Strangways, William Townsend, Alfred Watts.