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Adelaide From Montefiore Hill
ADELAIDE VIEWS A: View of Adelaide from Montefiore Hill.

Adelaide From Montefiore Hill
ADELAIDE VIEWS A: View of Adelaide from Montefiore Hill.

Adelaide View
Panoramic view of Adelaide, looking east from the Government Offices. In the centre of the view is the Flinders Street Presbyterian Church. To see this church in 1870, after its manse was completed, see B 1935. Opposite is the Flinders Street Baptist Church. For a view of this church, and its manse taken in 1877, see B 10692.

Government House, Adelaide
[On front of photograph] 'Government House, Adelaide / Presented to the subscribers of the South Australian Society of Arts. 1867' [General description] The eastern end of Government House is viewed through a screen of shrubs, including gum trees. The east wing was the earliest section of the building before additions were made.

Nineteenth Century Man
Nineteenth Century man.

Rosseter's hair products
Woman dressed to advertise "Rosseter's Hair" preparation.

Child Sitting on Stairs
Studio view of a child sitting on stairs holding a book.

Unidentified woman
Unidentified woman : a studio view.

Unidentified woman
Unidentified woman : a studio view.

Unidentified woman
Unidentified woman : a studio view.

Unidentified man
Unidentified man standing by a desk: a studio view.

Unidentified woman
Unidentified woman leaning on a chair : a studio view.

Unknown Child
Unknown child standing on a wooden bench.

Woman in a crinoline
Woman in a crinoline sitting by a small desk: a studio view.

Unidentified woman
Unidentified woman.

Unidentified woman
Unidentified woman: a studio view.

Unidentified woman
Unidentified woman: a studio view.

Unidentified woman
Unidentified woman: a studio view.

Woman in a crinoline dress
Unidentified woman in a crinoline dress standing by a small table: a studio view.

Family Group
A family group: a studio view.

Little girl and infant
Studio view of a young little girl and a baby.

Seated man
Studio view of a seated man.

Seated man with a book
Studio view of a seated man with a book.

Unidentified man
Head and shoulders view of a bearded man with a large bow tie.

Woman standing by a table
Woman standing by a small table with flowers.

Young woman
Young woman in crinoline dress.

Jeannie Beach
Jeannie Beach, dressed as Nancy Lee.

Olive Beach
Olive Beach, dressed as a Finlander.

Muriel Hartley
Muriel Hartley, dressed as "I'm going a'milking, Sir, she said".

An unknown woman
COSTUME: Studio view of a young woman wearing afternoon dress, name not known.