Find • Adelaide town hall • Results 571 to 600 of 806

Girl in fancy dress

Girl in fancy dress

An unidentified girl, aged about fourteen, dressed in a Middle Eastern style costume.

Fashion show featuring a bridal scene

Fashion show featuring a bridal scene

A group of people modelling fashion bridal wear on stage in front of a large audience. The scene is part of a mannequin parade led by Jessica Harcourt and held in the Adelaide Town Hall.

South Australian Subjects.

South Australian Subjects.

Small wooden box of glass plate negatives, the photographer is not known. South Australian subjects, motorcycles, cottages, North Road cemetery, Peace Day, Glenelg pavillion.

Photographs of W.A. Robjohns

The series comprises 15 albums housing 1,973 photographs, most of which were taken by photographer W.A. Robjohns ca.1920-1966. Album covers were numbered and labelled by Robjohns. The sequence is incomplete, however, as only volumes 1-9, 12-14, 15, 20 and 23 have been donated. Robjohns' brief descriptions of content on the covers and spines are incomplete. For further descriptions of place names and subjects contained in each album, SEE details below. The albums contain small black and white prints, mostly undated, with captions by W.R. Robjohns. Also sepia and postcard prints, and a few hand-tinted prints. A small number of images were taken by other photographers, several of whom have been identified by Robjohns. Images depict Adelaide suburbs, city scenes and country towns, with an emphasis on rural landscapes, parks and reserves, rivers, reservoirs, streets, houses, churches, businesses and shop fronts, and public celebrations and processions. Also included are images of the Robjohns family on picnics and holiday outings, and their homes, cars and pets. A number of photos were duplicated or enlarged by Robjohns and appear in more than one album.

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions

SAGASCO photographs : Promotions

Two photograph albums and photographs of promotions, including SAGASCO cooking demonstrations by Home Service Department. Most of this series has been digitised. For details see 'Contents' in 'More info' section. Other photographs, not digitised, include groups visiting the Gas Museum on the old SAGASCO site at Brompton (97-148) and gas cooking promotions in suburbs and country (nos. 151-250).

Alec Holborn's photograph album

Alec Holborn's photograph album

Album of photographs mostly taken about 1926 by Alexander Harrold (Alec) Holborn. Includes views of Victor Harbor and buildings, Granite Island and environs, visit of the Prince of Wales to Adelaide in 1926, SA Amateur Swimming Association activities at Glenelg and on the Torrens, Adelaide and environs, and the Holborn family. Some pages have over-arching captions, including PAGE 10 (49-53) 'views on Hindmarsh River 1926';.

Photographs of Adelaide scenes

Photographs of Adelaide scenes

Collection of black and white photographic prints, taken by an unknown photographer. They cover localities in the Adelaide Hills, Adelaide street scenes, events and activities. Details of items are listed below.

White family photographs

White family photographs

A collection of photographs relating to the life of Frank William Nelson White (1903-1970) and his wife Ruby Alice (nee Sharpe). White lived in Norwood and served as both councillor and mayor on the Norwood Council in the 1940s and 1950s.

Photograph albums kept by the Scammell family

Photograph albums kept by the Scammell family

Two photograph albums kept by the Scammell family. Many carte-de-visites of people were taken in England or in South Australia but are unnamed. A collection of CDVs of the British Royal family begins the second album. Album 1 ends at photograph 40; album 2 begins at number 41 and ends at 153. A selection only from the albums has been digitised. Do a NUMBER search on PRG 119/115/1-149. See 'Contents' field for further details.

Views of Adelaide, Victor Harbor region and Ungarra, Eyre Peninsula : photograph album

Views of Adelaide, Victor Harbor region and Ungarra, Eyre Peninsula : photograph album

Photograph album containing views of sporting events and farming at Ungarra, Eyre Peninsula, Glenelg and beach, scenes on the South Coast including Granite Island, Middleton, Chiton Beach, Port Elliot. The following photographs have not been digitised: PRG 1605/4/3 (another copy at PRG 1605/4/61); PRG 1605/4/51 (another copy at PRG 1605/4/23); PRG 1605/4/53 (another copy at PRG 1605/4/16); PRG 1605/4/58 (another copy in PRG 1605/1/26); PRG 1605/4/52 (uncropped version is at PRG 1605/4/65); PRG 1605/4/69 (another copy at PRG 1605/4/17)

Photographs of employee social events

Photographs of employee social events

Photographs of A. Simpson & Son staff social events including: welcome home dinner for World War I returned servicemen, Christmas parties, and annual picnics. See below for details.

Colin James Ellis, World War II photograph album, Darwin.

Colin James Ellis, World War II photograph album, Darwin.

Comprising a World War II photograph album of 49 pages created by Private Colin James Ellis 'S21513', during his service in Darwin, in the 27th Infantry Battalion (South Australian Scottish Regiment) 20/11/1941-18/8/1943. The album consists of 49 composite pages, each page with an average of 4 individual photographs, which document Ellis' war service in Darwin and surrounding regions whilst serving in the 7MD Field Postal Unit. Included are images of everyday life in service, servicemen and military scenes in Darwin and Larrakeeyah (Northern Territory), Japanese Air Raid scenes during and after the attacks, damage caused by air raids including sunken ships and burned out buildings, Adelaide River headquarters, general landscape and leisure scenes, scenes of men and women off-duty. There is a section of pages at the end which illustrate Army troupes marching though Wagga Wagga (New South Wales) Labour Day 7/10/1943. Much of the photograph album is captioned. See CONTENTS and NOTE for more information and details.

Photographs relating to Betty Fisher and Dawson family history

Photographs relating to Betty Fisher and Dawson family history, including: photocopies of a wedding photo of Betty to David Fisher; Betty's father John Oliver Dawson; Betty's brother John Dawson; and miscellaneous locations and families and friends. See below for details. Selected images have been digitised.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group [mosaic]

The Old Colonists Banquet Group [mosaic]

Photographic mosaic (composite) bearing the inscription 'The Old Colonists Banquet Group: Duplicate of one Presented to E. Solomon Esq by H. Jones, Photographer for his liberality in giving the Banquet, Decr 1871'. This is one of at least three mosaics of photographic portraits created by Adelaide photographer Henry Jones to commemorate an Old Colonists' Banquet. The banquet was organised by merchant Emanuel Solomon at the Adelaide Town Hall on 28 December 1871 to coincide with the 35th anniversary of the founding of the colony of South Australia. The subtitle on this version states that it is a 'duplicate' of a mosaic presented to Solomon. In January 1872 Solomon placed advertisements in the Adelaide press inviting those men who had attended the banquet to have their portrait taken gratuitously at Jones' studio. A glass plate negative of a different version is held by the State Library of South Australia at PRG 631/3. It may represent the one presented to Solomon before his death in October 1873. This mosaic (B 47769) was owned by pastoralist Thomas Bowman who donated it, together with a companion mosaic of women colonists (B 19985), to the Public Library of South Australia in 1909. The mosaic contains 515 portraits. They are ostensibly arranged by the colonists' year of arrival in South Australia, from 1835 to 1840. It is evident that 71 portraits were added to the mosaic at leasat 15 years after its production and probably before it was donated to the Library: other photographers' work are included, portrait styles and photographic paper stocks differ significantly and some portraits show subjects many years older than they were in 1872. The placements of these later additions bear no relationship to the colonist's year of arrival. Also, about 56 of those depicted by Jones and among the additional portraits arrived in the colony after 1840 and 13 were born in South Australia. One of the additional portraits is the photographer Henry Jones, erroneously placed in the section for 1836 arrivals.

King William Street parade

King William Street parade

Visit of the Duke of York, 1901. King William Street, looking north from the General Post Office. The Royal visit occurred between 9th and 15th July 1901. The Governor at the time was Tennyson and the Mayor of Adelaide was A.W. Ware. Addresses were given at the Town Hall to welcome the Royal couple to Adelaide after their arrival at Port Adelaide, Adelaide Railway Station en route to Government House. To mark their arrival 1,200 homing pigeons were released from Victoria Square to convey the good news to many parts of the State. The photograph shows crowds outside the Town Hall and the various military personnel including Mounted Rifles, Machine Gun Corps., Field Artillery, Naval Brigade, Garrison Artillery, 1st and 2nd Battalion Infantry, Cadets and Defence Rifle Clubs.

Group of [women] Old Colonists [mosaic]

Group of [women] Old Colonists [mosaic]

Photographic mosaic (composite)arranged by Adelaide photographer Henry Jones bearing the inscription 'Group of Old Colonists'. The majority of the women depicted arrived in South Australia, or were born there, between 1836 and 1840. In May 1872 Jones placed advertisements in the Adelaide press inviting 'lady old colonists' to attend his studio to have their portraits taken for 'a companion group' to the mosaic he has creating of men who attended the Old Colonists Banquet at the Adelaide Town Hall on 28 December 1871 (see B 47769). Women had been excluded from the banquet by its host Emanuel Solomon. Jones began photographing women in June 1872 and was still taking photographs for the mosaic in 1881, the year that the work was completed. The mosaic was later owned by pastoralist Thomas Bowman who donated it to the Public Library of South Australia in 1909. The mosaic contains 598 portraits arranged in roughly alphabetical order.

Album of travel photographs taken around Australia

Album of travel photographs taken around Australia

An album of photographs showing city and regional areas around Australia. Photographs taken in South Australia have been digitised. Album includes photographs from New South Wales, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory, Western Australia, Queensland and Tasmania. Interstate tourist attractions shown include Thunderbolt Rock (NSW) and an unusual tree stump carving relating to "Ponsasinorum" in Victoria. Some of the photographs have been colourised and many may be postcards. See 'contents' for details of digitised images.

Items commemorating the first England-Australia flight

Items commemorating the first England-Australia flight

Assorted items commemorating the first England-Australia flight, including menus and programmes of events in honour of Sir Ross Smith, Sir Keith Smith, and crew.



Photographs of students, school and church groups, friends and family of Carevie Helen Hayes.

Photographs of public events and sites around Glenelg and the south-western suburbs of Adelaide

Photographs of public events and sites around Glenelg and the south-western suburbs of Adelaide

A collection of photographs relating to Glenelg and nearby suburbs in the south-west of Adelaide. Subjects include local sites and public events. A number of images are of popular past events, the Milk Carton Regatta and the Birdman Rally. According to brief paperwork attached to the photos (now removed), many of the photographs were published in the Guardian Messenger. Where more than date has been supplied, one of the dates may refer to the date of publication. See 'contents' for details of individual images.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group [mosaic]

The Old Colonists Banquet Group [mosaic]

A photographic copy of a mosaic of photographic portraits created by Adelaide photographer Henry Jones to commemorate an Old Colonists' Banquet organised by merchant Emanuel Solomon at the Adelaide Town Hall on 28 December 1871. The original mosaic is held by the State Library of South Australia at B 47769. B 7677 contains 507 men's portraits, eight less than B 47769. Several identical copies of B 7677 exist, suggesting that it was produced for sale. It was donated to the Public Library of South Australia by photographer Ernest Gall in 1938.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group [mosaic]

The Old Colonists Banquet Group [mosaic]

Glass plate negative of one of at least two mosaics of photographic portraits created by Adelaide photographer Henry Jones to commemorate an Old Colonists' Banquet. The banquet was organised by merchant Emanuel Solomon at the Adelaide Town Hall on 28 December 1871 to coincide with the 35th anniversary of the founding of the colony of South Australia. This image lacks the subtitle dedication 'Duplicate of one Presented to E. Solomon Esq by H. Jones, Photographer for his liberality in giving the Banquet, Decr 1871' that is included on a different version held by the State Library of South Australia at B 47769. The mosaic contains portraits of 444 men, having none of the 71 portraits added to B 47769 after its initial production. Because of this, PRG 631/3 may represent the version of the mosaic presented to Solomon before his death in October 1873. The dedication may have been removed from the bottom of the mosaic after Solomon's death. Twenty-six of the portraits show the subjects in slightly different poses than depicted in B 47769. Their clothing is identical, indicating that the different portraits were taken at the same sitting at Jones' studio. The glass plate negative has written on it '1894. This copy made by Ernest Gall'. Because this version of the mosaic duplicates many of those on B 47769, only those that are different are linked to this record. To see other pioneers, do an ARCHIVAL NUMBER search on B 47769.

Australian locations

Australian locations

This series comprises images of mainly South Australian locations including: North Terrace; Mannum; Adelaide Town Hall and GPO; Exhibition Building; Parliament House; Government House; Torrens River weir; the River Murray; Belair; Le Fevre Terrace, Adelaide; Piccadilly Valley; Inman River, Victor Harbor; River Torrens; Adelaide Parklands; Mount Lofty House and Port Noarlunga; and images of Sydney including: Martin Place, Railways Station; Col. Sugar Company, Water & Sewerage Board, and Sydney Harbour Trust buildings; Prince of Wales visit; Sydney Town Hall; and Sydney Cricket Ground.

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

Town Hall, King William Street, Adelaide, showing Eagle Chambers under construction, with scaffolding in place. A third storey was added later. The Town Hall Clock was not installed until 1935 when Sir J. Lavington Bonython, a former Lord Mayor, donated a clock.

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

Town Hall, King William Street, Adelaide. A function is in progress as horse drawn carriages are lined up in front of the Town Hall.

Writers' Week - party at Lieut-Col H.L. Moulds, Kent Town

Writers' Week - party at Lieut-Col H.L. Moulds, Kent Town

Ninety-fourth photograph of 107 in Volume Four of a four volume set. Photographs taken during a party held at the home of Lieut-Col. H.L. Moulds, Kent Town on Thursday 17 March 1966 during the 1966 Adelaide Festival of Arts Writers Week. V.C. Hall.

Photographic study of GM-H Woodville Plant; public relations

Photographic study of GM-H Woodville Plant; public relations

Black and white mounted photographs from an album titled 'Photographic Study, General Motors-Holden's Ltd., Woodville, South Australia, 1944'. Comprises images taken during World War II, with captions on verso, from the section in the album labelled 'Public Relations'. Includes visits by dignitaries inspecting military equipment, employee gatherings, displays of military equipment on floats in a Liberty Loan Pageant, trainees and students in workshops, and employee notice boards.

Seamen's Mission

Seamen's Mission

Seamen's Mission, Todd Street, Port Adelaide.

King William Street

King William Street

King William Street, east side showing the Adelaide Town Hall. Horse drawn carriages wait outside. A sign on the building adjoining the Town Hall to the south says Aldridge's Prince Alfred Hotel. SJ Aldridge was proprietor of the Prince Alfred Hotel at the time of this photograph followed by CE Aldridge from 1880-1883.

King William Street

King William Street

Adelaide Town Hall foyer, King William Street, east side. The Town Hall was altered significantly in the 1950s when a marble staircase was installed, and the entrance was given a modern treatment by lining the foyer with marble.