Photographic study of GM-H Woodville Plant; public relations [BRG 213/121/18/1-17] • Photograph

Sir Guy Royle, F.Perry and Essingron Lewis.
Viewing the first Australian 6 punder anti-tank gun.

Senator McBride.
With L.J.Hartnett and J.R.Holden, shows keen interest in the bore of a 6 pounder anti-tank gun barrel.

American and Woodville GM executives.
Together with Army officials inspect 2 pounder anti-tank gun set down for action.

Employees of the new Woodville Plant.
At a lunch hour concert by members of a leading theatrical company.

Lord Gowrie and party.
Inspecting machining operation of 6 pounder anti-tank gun barrel on George Swift lathe.

Display of GM-H war products.
On floats for Liberty Loan Pageant.

Mr.Makin, Minister of Munitions.
Addressing employees of GM-H with the 2000th ordnance piece produced at Woodville on the platform.

Factory time clock.
With factory regulations, news service, war poster and employees suggestion box.

2 pounder anti-tank gun.
With crew on display in War Loan Pageant.

Collapsible bridging boat.
On display in War Loan Pageant.

250 lb. anti-submarine bombs.
On display in War Loan Rally procession.

GM-H Woodville Choir at Adelaide Town Hall.
In support of H.W.Rymill's address to staff members and friends.

Audience at Adelaide Town Hall.
Listening to address by H.W.Rymill on his overseas experience.

Students at St.Peter's College.
Making Cordite press parts in their worshops; 'all avenues were exployed [sic] to expedite war contracts'.

Shop mathematics class.
'Refresher courses are regularlt conducted at Woodville on relevant subjects by Staff Personnel'.

Engineering Technical Trainees, and Fitting and Turning Apprentices.
In the Maintenance Shop on machine repairs.

Monthly tally board.
For 2 pounder anti-tank gun production.