Photographs [SRG 770/40] • Photograph

Junior Red Cross
Cowell Youth Red Cross president, Rod Shultz, painting Jacob Robinson at Cowell Hospital fete 1992. Next to Rod is Bruce Tonkin, one of the original Red Cross Youth members who came back and helped out on the day.

Junior Red Cross
Koolunga J.R.C. Hayden Eckerman (treasurer) and Luke Heoft (chairperson) at Superstreet staff. 12.6.92.

Junior Red Cross
Renmark. Made and sold badges for Rwanda.

Junior Red Cross
St. Catherines J.R.C. Stirling Hobby Day 1991.

Junior Red Cross
The assembled delegates at Gumbooya '90 the Australian Red Cross Society's camp for international youth. 20 National Societies were represented.

Junior Red Cross
Joanna MacLean, League of Red Cross Youth Services, Bonnie Turner, Youth Field Officer, S.A. Hindmarsh Primary School.

Junior Red Cross
Salisbury Primary School, J.R.C. Leader Mrs Lillian Davenport. 1977.

Junior Red Cross
Junior Red Cross members shower a patient with flowers when hospital visiting.

Junior Red Cross
Left to right: Barbara Nicholls, Susan Newbold from Norwood Demonstration School J.R.C. visiting the elderly, Mrs Levischke.

Junior Red Cross
Winifred Atwell captures her small audience of Junior Red Cross members.

Junior Red Cross
Nailsworth Primary School students with their 15 Christmas hampers for needy families.

Junior Red Cross
Junior Red Cross conference 1965. Conference chairmen, David Pender and Dianne Harding with Mr M. Lamshed, J.R.C. Committee member.

Junior Red Cross
Winners of the Wallaroo Red Cross poster competition. Katie Priest (encouragement award) (left), Jodie Newhousen (1st, yrs 1-3), James Abdureman (1st, yrs 4-5), Heather Donald (1st, yrs 6-7), Mark Mellow (2nd, yrs 4-5), Suzanne Pavy (2nd, yrs 6-7). At rear are Mr Geoff Male, President Wallaroo Lions Club and Mrs Phyl Simpson, President Wallaroo Red Cross.

Junior Red Cross
J.R.C. conference of Primary School members, 25 June 1966. J.R.C. members show a variety of expressions as they compare notes on the programme!

Junior Red Cross
Brighton Primary Junior Red Cross members 'cent line' Brighton Road, February 1971. $44.17 realized for Junior Red Cross.

Junior Red Cross
Divisional Vice-President Mr Justice Bright with juniors from Goodwood Primary Circle March 1971.

Junior Red Cross
Goombooya 72 delegates with General Secretary.

Junior Red Cross
Red Cross Youth Camp 1971.

Junior Red Cross
Mark Henley.

Junior Red Cross
World Red Cross Day 1978. Findon Primary and Port Adelaide High Youth members planting trees on South Road Regency Park.

Junior Red Cross
World Red Cross Day 1978. Findon Primary and Port Adelaide High Youth members planting trees on South Road Regency Park.

Junior Red Cross
Presentation Red Cross Youth Wermont High. Bed for Lapara.

Junior Red Cross
Stephen Gerlach (chairman). Delegates to Gumbooya planting a tree.

Junior Red Cross
Wong and Yin (Chinese Red Cross) Gumbooya.

Junior Red Cross
Gumbooya. Wong and Yin Handcraft Department.

Junior Red Cross
Junior Red Cross members wearing their father's medals, observe Anzac Day.

Red Cross Transport
First aiders Adelaide Oval.

Headquarters, Stephens Place
The president, Mrs E.C. Tink and members of the Soldiers' Comfort Guild celebrating their 50th anniversary at Red Cross House, Stephens Place, Adelaide.

Headquarters Stephens Place
Hard at it - packing Christmas parcels for hospitalised ex-servicemen.

Arndale Red Cross
Arndale Red Cross Services.