Photographs [SRG 770/40] • Photograph

Library Services

Library Services

Library at Repatriation Hospital.

Library Services

Library Services

Repairs are never ending for volunteers mainting the Red Cross Library Service. Repatriation Hospital.

Library Services

Library Services

Packing school books to send to New Guinea.

Sorting donated medical supplies

Sorting donated medical supplies

Chairman of the Stores Committee, Mrs G.O. Cundy sorting the medicaments in the Supply Depot at Red Cross House.

Sorting donated medical supplies

Sorting donated medical supplies

Sorting medicines for overseas.

Sorting donated medical supplies

Sorting donated medical supplies

South Australia is the second only Red Cross Division in the world to receive, sort, pack and despatch donated medical supplies.

Sorting donated supplies

Sorting donated supplies

Mrs Perot (left) and Mrs Jeffries sorting bushfire emergency supplies.

Sorting donated supplies

Sorting donated supplies

Voluntary workers packing clothing for burnt-out families and victims of similar instances.

Franco-Prussian War

Franco-Prussian War

Wounded of the French Forces, interned in Switzerland, being cared for in a Church in Lausanne. This was when the Tracing Service started.

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Mrs Scanlan, Red Cross shop, Christmas 1974.

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Mr C. Monaghan from the Handcraft centre repairing cane seating on chairs. Two gold chairs were repaired from the Regent Theatre.

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Red Cross Handcraft Shop. Last year over 4,000 was taken including country sales. Goods made by ex-service personnel are sold and about 90 people benefit from these sales.

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Miss Sandford, Craft Centre, North Terrace watching a man making shoes.

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Joan Clift, Craft Centre, watching men make baskets.

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Joan Clift, Craft Centre, watching a man using a loom.

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Display of handcraft trainees work 1972-73.

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Bronwyn Wilkins, North Terrace with a display of handcraft.

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Christine Weeks (Flynn), North Terrace with a display of handcraft.

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

A Red Cross member with a display of handcraft.

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Senior Citizens Exhibition, Senior Citizens week March 1973. 2 Ex-Servicemen Mr Campion and Mr Madry Working.

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Handcraft Centre, Red Cross House

Red Cross worker with a display of baskets, toys and bread boards.

Junior Red Cross

Junior Red Cross

Junior Red Cross carol singing at Kapara.

Junior Red Cross

Junior Red Cross

Port Broughton Juniors. Back to Port Broughton celebration week.

Junior Red Cross

Junior Red Cross

Junior Red Cross conference of secondary school members. Dr. Kingsley Seevaratnum with Christine Mara (extreme left) chairman of the conference and delegates from Taperoo High, Rosalie Armstrong, Loxton High, and Helia from Seacombe High.

Junior Red Cross

Junior Red Cross

Junior Red Cross national forum, Mylor. One group including Mike Friganiotis, S.A. Teacher/Leader, S.A. Field Officer Hannaford and third from right, Tasmanian Director, Miss Mary Hamilton.

Junior Red Cross

Junior Red Cross

Junior Red Cross national forum, Mylor. The girls gather firewood for hot showers.

Junior Red Cross

Junior Red Cross

Lady Wilson with first youth members to qualify in Child Care and Management. Left to right: Ellison Vallance, Lynne Collins, Leonie Brooks, Joy Johnson, Johann Hunt, Lorraine Coventry, Sonia Brown and Susan Taverner.

Junior Red Cross

Junior Red Cross

Red Cross Youth Conference 26.6.71. The Adelaide Girls High School Orchestra played at the opening session of the conference. At the rear centre, left, Ellison Vallance, Youth Committee member who attends Adelaide High with Miss Judy Bills, teacher and conductor, and Miss Johann Hunt also a student at this school.

Junior Red Cross

Junior Red Cross

Red Cross Youth Conference 27.6.70. Chairmen - Miss Carol Dawson, Brighton High School, Mr Charles Pink, Prince Alfred College.

Dunant House

Dunant House

Dunant House.