Photograph album of the Ker Family [SRG 435/81/1-177] • Photograph

Royal Australian Navy parade.
Parade of sailors, possibly at the HMAS Cerberus naval training base in Victoria. Byron Innes Ker was an electrical mechanic in the RAN and may be one of the sailors on parade.

Junior football team.
Group portrait of a football team of young men. Their team guernsey has a 'V' on the front. One of the team is possibly Byron Innes Ker.

Australian troops.
Group portrait of Australian troops in uniform, First World War.

Australian troops washing dishes.
approximately 1916.

Bench at military camp.
View of a bench and log cabin at a military camp, with Australian troops standing in the background.

Troops by a log cabin.
Group of five Australian soldiers in uniform, standing by a log cabin.

Troops by a log cabin.
Group of seven Australian soldiers in uniform, standing by a log cabin. The man in the centre is wearing a suit and trench coat, and the man on the right is wearing a vest over his uniform.

Australian troops by a cabin.
Casual group portrait of Australian soldiers in uniform, posing in front of a cabin.

Australian troops by a cabin.
Casual group portrait of Australian soldiers in uniform, posing in front of a cabin.

Australian troops by a tent.
Group of ten soldiers in uniform, posing in front of a tent.

Sergeant and wife.
Portrait of an Australian Sergeant in uniform, sitting next to a woman wearing a dress, hat with floral embelishment, and holding gloves, presumably his wife.

Portrait of Walwin Harold Wilke.
Portrait of No.4 Sergeant Walwin Harold Wilke, 3rd Light Horse Regiment, Headquarters, wearing uniform and slouch hat. Sergeant Wilke was married to Gertrude Eugene Wilke and worked as a civil servent in Adelaide before enlisting on 19 August 1914, aged 32. He had previously served as a corporal, No.380 with the 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen during the Boer War. He served with the 3rd Light Horse Regiment, Headquarters, and embarked from Adelaide on board the A17 'Port Lincoln' on 20 October 1914. Written on back: 'Your sincere pal W Harold Wilke'.

Kangaroo hunters.
Four men and a boy posing by a car. Two of the men are holding guns and the man in the centre is holding a dead kangaroo. The bodies of a number of other kangaroos have been laid over the bonnet of the car.

Men under a tree.
Group of five men in the bush, sitting in the shade under a tree. The man in the centre is thought to be Robert Innes Ker, and one of the other men may be his older brother William.

Robert Innes Ker.
Studio portrait of No.311 Private Robert Innes Ker in uniform.

Robert Innes Ker and soldier.
Studio portrait of Private Robert Innes Ker (right) next to an unidentified soldier, possibly a member of the 3rd Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron. They are both wearing slouch hats with the sides turned up, and great coats.

Ker family group.
Group photograph, thought to be members of the Ker family, gathered under a large gum tree. Robert Innes Ker may be third from the left, back row. His older brother William may also be in the group.

Hospital building.
View looking across a field towards a large stone hospital building. There are nurses standing at the entrance. Possibly Beri hospital, or located in the Riverlands.

Nurses at a hospital.
Group portrait of nursing staff standing at the entrance to a hospital, possibly Beri hospital or located in the Riverlands. The nurses are wearing dresses with long white aprons, and caps.

Robert Innes Ker.
Robert Innes Ker in military uniform including slouch hat, in the bush and holding the leads to five dogs, possibly Greyhounds. May be taken at Burta Station, near Broken Hill.

Ker family.
Ker family group enjoying a picnic, possibly at Burta Station, near Broken Hill. Robert Innes Ker is wearing his military uniform and slouch hat, and is standing in the centre. William Innes Ker may be seated, front, centre.

Robert Innes Ker.
No.311 Private Robert Innes Ker in uniform and slouch hat, mounted on his horse. Possibly at Burta Station, near Broken Hill.

Robert Innes Ker and a woman.
Private Robert Innes Ker in military uniform, speaking with a woman wearing a long skirt and overcoat, possibly a friend or family member, in the bush, possibly Burta Station, near Broken Hill.

Robert Innes Ker in uniform.
Private Robert Innes Ker wearing his military uniform and slouch hat, possibly at Burta Station, near Broken Hill.

Workers at a well.
Group portrait of workmen gathered by a well or pit, with machinery in the background. Possibly near Broken Hill.

Robert Innes Ker and two women.
Robert Innes Ker in military uniform, holding a cane, standing next to two women wearing hats and long coats, with badges pinned to their dresses.

Robert Innes Ker and friend at the beach.
Robert Innes Ker and a friend in swimming outfits, resting on the beach. There is a wooden building and a jetty in the background.

Robert Ker and friends at the beach.
Robert Innes Ker and a group of five friends enjoying a day at the beach, wearing swimming costumes and caps. There is a jetty in the background.

Robert Ker and family at the beach.
Robert Innes Ker posing with family, friends, and children at the beach. They are wearing swimming outfits and caps. There is a wooden building in the background.

Australian troops on the deck of a ship.
Australian troops in uniform, relaxing on the deck of a ship.