Sheep stations [PRG 1642/39/1-147] • Photograph

Water courses after floods.
Water courses showing scoured surfaces after floods at Wawirra, near Mannahill.

Silt tank by homestead dam.
Silt tank in front of homestead dam with an automatic pull-out on the mill, near Mannahill.

Tractor and scoop turned over.
Tractor and scoop turned over on the steep bank of the Homestead Dam, near Mannahill.

Water courses on land.
Country showing water courses, possibly after floods, near Wey Wey yards and Plumbago boundary.

Wawirra wool shed and tanks.
Wawirra wool shed and tanks, near Mannahill.Looking north east, homestead in south west.

Sandal trees and killing pens in distance.
Sandal trees and killing pens in distance, possibly near Mannahill.

30,000 gallon tank.
Big tank first erected at Terowie for Soldier's Camp, dismantled and erected at Wakeroo.

Bottom of homestead dam.
Bottom of homestead dam at Outalpa, in the process of cleaning it out. A tractor had been stuck at the bottom.

Joe Greenaway's hut.
Joe Greenaway and Dan Ryan out the front of a hut at the back of the station, possibly near Mannahill.

Sunday morning washing.
Dan Ryan washing clothes in front of the fowl house on a Sunday morning, possibly near Mannahill.

Windmill and bore.
Work being done on the windmill and bore, at Weekeroo near Mannahill.

New windmill and bore.
New windmill and bore on the boundary of Sandilands, at Weekeroo near Mannahill.

Women at the back entrance.
Mrs. Higginson, Sylvia Williams and Sue at the back entrance to the homestead, at Weekeroo near Mannahill.

Overhead tanks.
Overhead tanks in the backyard, possibly near Mannahill.

Windmill, tank and trough.
Windmill, tank, and trough on Outalpa boundary, near Mannahill. Sheep from both stations share the water there. Fred Higginson is standing by the tank.

Mill and tank, Weekeroo.
Mill and tank at Weekeroo, near Mannahill.

Weekeroo cook.
Cook (Sylvia Williams) at the Weekeroo homestead, near Mannahill.

Homestead power house.
Corner of garage, power house, and meat house, near Mannahill.

Homestead garden.
Garden at the homestead, near Mannahill.

Sheep in the wool.
Sheep in a pen, near Mannahill.

Homestead near Mannahill, viewed from the north.

Homestead backyard.
Backyard of Weekeroo Homestead, near Mannahill, showing a vegetable garden, and a round sandal wood tree.

Men's cottage.
Men's cottage at the homestead, at Weekeroo near Mannahill.

Front lawns.
Front lawns of Weekeroo Homestead, near Mannahill.

Mannahill hotel.
Mannahill hotel.

Mannahill police station.
Mannahill police station.

Kangaroo hunters.
Kangaroo hunters, near Mannahill.

Mannahill train station.
Train station at Mannahill.

Police lock up and petrol dump.
Police lock up and petrol dump, near Mannahill.

Mannahill store, Hotel and public hall.
Mannahill store and public hall.