Photos of Ulooloo [B 74631/483-698] • Photograph

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Rock formations at Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Rock formations at Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Landscape at Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Landscape at Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Landscape at Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Tertiary land surface in creek, approximately 11 km north west of Mount Scrub, 27 August, 2002

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Silica on [...?] Auburn dolomite. Approximately 1.2 km north west of Mount Scrub on track

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Looking south setting of 494

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Slicken sided and grooved plug ring North @ 20 degrees. South east trending quartz mass. J.L. Curtis in picture

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

On 20-4-18 ridge 'S' plane dips 50 degrees west, Rabbit Trap bx

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Detail of quartz bx in 204-1/2

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Detail of bx. Note pull apart of quartz

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Creek flows south, set of 10 degrees north dipping bands of cemented coarse gravel

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

?Late T overlying(?) calcrete cuirasse 20 m north of 204A-5 over crenelated cleaved basement

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Chevron style folds in 'Basement'

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Goethite replacing(?) fracture fills

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Context 30+ metres east of 204A-7

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Uloolooo 100 metres north of 204A-10

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Looking 130 metres at the thrust of bx ridge seen in 204-18

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Looking 120 metres at the bx of 204-18, note bx quartz at secondary thrust in foreground; Ulooloo 567 metre thrust exposed in SE creek bank

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Looking 150 metres

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

'Sunshine' homestead in far distance (to right), looking 110M, 14/9/2002

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

'Sunshine' homestead in far distance (to left), looking 140M, 14/9/2002

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Looking 170M

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Looking 200M, quartz [...] from south to west trending

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Looking 230M, Hell's Gate on right hand side

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Sample 1894Co [at] Bushranger's near Rabbit Trap

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Sample 189461 [at] Bushranger's, October 2002

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Silicified dolomite samples 189460/1/62, south east bank of creek

Photos of Ulooloo

Photos of Ulooloo

Pyrolusite vein