Photos of Minjibbie [B 74631/699-763] • Photograph

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Looking 270M at peg 1934, 22/3/2004

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Ferrous band in trench H

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Trench J - note spoil colour change

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Trench G, looking 110 degrees M. Note colour changes in spoil. 22/3/2004

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Dirty foreground grading to clean in J2 [top right], looking 065M at end of J1 trench, Nick and JLC [Curtis] in view. Milky quartz middle right

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Looking west at beginning trench G. Nick Hronopoulos and JLC [Curtis] sampling techniques, 22/3/2004

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Digger and trenching bucket on Hindmarsh Island

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Digger and trenching bucket on Hindmarsh Island

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Close-up of #717 silicified dense H rx with quartz, near trench H

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Looking east along trench F4/F5. Note colour change of trench spoil

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Looking east from the end of [trench] F7

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Liesegang rings between west end of trench FH and E trench

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Backfilled trench looking south west on G

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

CCB [Colin Brooks] and Parlese's sister (in car) at the old drill hole, south of trench F, 2/3/2004

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Sample, Minjibie fence corner, 20/4/2004

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Looking 160M, blocky ES8[?] beds in tillite Q.V.

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Uphill from position in photo 735, diamictite to east, north side faulted

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Minjibie 12 old pits in this area, often pebbles of quartz

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Crossing, north-east side [of] Basin Creek, upstream from Penny Creek confluence

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Old cable tool cable at Penny Creek confluence

Photos of Minjibbie

Photos of Minjibbie

Near Maw Creek east of CSR work, pale buff slate.