Messenger Press : SUMMARY RECORD [B 70869] • Photograph

Janice Tavener - a direct descendent of the camel trekkers of the 1800's and organiser of the Bicentennial Camel Trek with some of the souveniers she is selling to help raise money for the trekkers. 1988.

Janice Tavener - a direct descendent of the camel trekkers of the 1800's and organiser of the Bicentennial Camel Trek with some of the souveniers she is selling to help raise money for the trekkers. 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Janice Tavener of Richmond, a direct descendent of an 1800 Afghan camel trekker with some of her camel memorobilia. She helped organise the great Bicentennial Camel Trek. 1988.

Janice Tavener of Richmond, a direct descendent of an 1800 Afghan camel trekker with some of her camel memorobilia. She helped organise the great Bicentennial Camel Trek. 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Direk Primary School's human Bicentennial message from above. 29 June 1988.

Direk Primary School's human Bicentennial message from above. 29 June 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Direk Primary School students let loose hundreds of coloured balloons with Bicentennial messages tied to them to celebrate Australias 200th Birthday. 22 June 1988.

Direk Primary School students let loose hundreds of coloured balloons with Bicentennial messages tied to them to celebrate Australias 200th Birthday. 22 June 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Jean-Paul and Marie Celliers getting geared up for the Bicentennial Drover's camp to be held next year. 6 September 1987.

Jean-Paul and Marie Celliers getting geared up for the Bicentennial Drover's camp to be held next year. 6 September 1987.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Wilderness boarder Tracey Langford shows the style which got her a place on the 1988 Bicentennial Droving Camp. 28 October 1987.

Wilderness boarder Tracey Langford shows the style which got her a place on the 1988 Bicentennial Droving Camp. 28 October 1987.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Expert horsemanship helped Nicole score a place among 43 pther SA youngsters in Droving '88. 7 October 1987.

Expert horsemanship helped Nicole score a place among 43 pther SA youngsters in Droving '88. 7 October 1987.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Fence riding comes a poor second to horse riding for Heather Noble of Henley Beach, who will soon be droving 1000 cattle from the Northern Territory to Queensland. 23 September 1987.

Fence riding comes a poor second to horse riding for Heather Noble of Henley Beach, who will soon be droving 1000 cattle from the Northern Territory to Queensland. 23 September 1987.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Nicole Jackman, 15, of Fairview Park will discover Australia's outback during the Bicentennial event Droving '88 held next year. 7 October 1987.

Nicole Jackman, 15, of Fairview Park will discover Australia's outback during the Bicentennial event Droving '88 held next year. 7 October 1987.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Brother-and-sister Droving '88 team Cathy and Martin Reik of Novar Gardens proudly display their letter of acceptance from the Bicentenary Authority. 28 October 1987.

Brother-and-sister Droving '88 team Cathy and Martin Reik of Novar Gardens proudly display their letter of acceptance from the Bicentenary Authority. 28 October 1987.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Back from the bush. Glenalta's Lucy Chapman gets a big welcome from her horse Simpson after returning from Droving Australia '88. 12 October 1988.

Back from the bush. Glenalta's Lucy Chapman gets a big welcome from her horse Simpson after returning from Droving Australia '88. 12 October 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Five year old Rachel, from St. Peters playing knuckle bones. 1988.

Five year old Rachel, from St. Peters playing knuckle bones. 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Five year old Rachel, from Marylands playing hop scotch. 1988.

Five year old Rachel, from Marylands playing hop scotch. 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Musket fire echoed through Elizabeth City Centre last Friday, but the 1836 Marine Corps was on hand to keep everyone in line. The reason was The Great HMS Bounty Ambush. A pictorial display of the Bicentenary event is on page 18. 13 April 1988.

Musket fire echoed through Elizabeth City Centre last Friday, but the 1836 Marine Corps was on hand to keep everyone in line. The reason was The Great HMS Bounty Ambush. A pictorial display of the Bicentenary event is on page 18. 13 April 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

The Great HMS Bounty Ambush last week. 13 April 1988.

The Great HMS Bounty Ambush last week. 13 April 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

The uniforms of the 1836 Marine Corps make an interesting contrast with those of the modern motor cycle police. 13 April 1988.

The uniforms of the 1836 Marine Corps make an interesting contrast with those of the modern motor cycle police. 13 April 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Officials on the dais watching The Great Ambush activities at Elizabeth City Centre. 13 April 1988.

Officials on the dais watching The Great Ambush activities at Elizabeth City Centre. 13 April 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Presentation of Bi-Centennial certificates

Presentation of Bi-Centennial certificates

Presentation of Bi-Centennial certificates by Anthony Brunner who was the President of the Elizabeth Apex, to Mrs Diana Tweed-Smith, Sandra Danielle born 14 March 1988, Lyell McEwin Hospital. Looking on is Dr David Reynolds (centre), the CEO of Lyell McEwin Hospital.

The crowd at the launching of the Bicentennial Australia Day celebrations for Elizabeth City Centre last week. 16 December 1987.

The crowd at the launching of the Bicentennial Australia Day celebrations for Elizabeth City Centre last week. 16 December 1987.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Elizabeth Grove Primary School student Jodie Allmond, 10, took her hats off to the school's Bicentennial week. 8 June 1988.

Elizabeth Grove Primary School student Jodie Allmond, 10, took her hats off to the school's Bicentennial week. 8 June 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Teacher Dianne Mulvihill hands out lunch to the young pioneers of Elizabeth North Primary School. 11 May 1988.

Teacher Dianne Mulvihill hands out lunch to the young pioneers of Elizabeth North Primary School. 11 May 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Left: Tamara, 8, gives the hoola-hoop a go at Elizabeth Park's Bicentenary Day. The school togged itself in costumes of the olden days and found out what playtime was like 200 years ago. 31 August 1988.

Left: Tamara, 8, gives the hoola-hoop a go at Elizabeth Park's Bicentenary Day. The school togged itself in costumes of the olden days and found out what playtime was like 200 years ago. 31 August 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Sweet Melissa, 6, peeks out from behind a tree. 31 August 1988.

Sweet Melissa, 6, peeks out from behind a tree. 31 August 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Elizabeth Park Primary School "swagman", alias teacher Kay Hunkin, takes her hat off to the school's festivities. 31 August 1988.

Elizabeth Park Primary School "swagman", alias teacher Kay Hunkin, takes her hat off to the school's festivities. 31 August 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Having three times more fun, Chantelle, 7, Melissa, 6, and Katherine, 5, jump rope. 31 August 1988.

Having three times more fun, Chantelle, 7, Melissa, 6, and Katherine, 5, jump rope. 31 August 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Clearview artist and Bicentennial exhibition organiser Lillian Hardingham takes time out to touch up some of her work. The exhibition will be held at the Enfield Civic Centre. 27 January 1988.

Clearview artist and Bicentennial exhibition organiser Lillian Hardingham takes time out to touch up some of her work. The exhibition will be held at the Enfield Civic Centre. 27 January 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Bob Such, Bicentennial Beacon Committee, with Geoff Harrison and Joya Stevens. 1988.

Bob Such, Bicentennial Beacon Committee, with Geoff Harrison and Joya Stevens. 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Flinders University, Joya Stevens with Bob Such and Geoff Harrison, holding lantern. 1988.

Flinders University, Joya Stevens with Bob Such and Geoff Harrison, holding lantern. 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Keeping in tune with the First Fleet Re-enactment festivities if Fremont student Robyn Smalldon. 20 April 1988.

Keeping in tune with the First Fleet Re-enactment festivities if Fremont student Robyn Smalldon. 20 April 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.

Christine Kemp of Willaston inspects the photograph exhibition at the Gawler Tourist Office. 10 August 1988.

Christine Kemp of Willaston inspects the photograph exhibition at the Gawler Tourist Office. 10 August 1988.

A selection of photographs taken by Messenger Press photographers, many of which were published in the various suburban editions of the paper. This collection was received in two lots, with the first arriving in the mid-1990s. The original collection was arranged by subject and may be requested under the categories listed below.