Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks [B 63241/1-114] • Photograph

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

The ' Murray Explorer' at Renmark

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

The ' Murray Explorer' at Renmark

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

The 'Murray River Queen' moored at the bank, with another paddle steamer beside it

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks


Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

'Queen' and 'Pyap' moored at the bank

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

'Queen' moored at the bank

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

MV 'Rawawi'

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

MV 'Rawawi'

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

PS 'Ruby' at Mildura

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

'Success' travelling along the river

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

'Tanjiel' in a backwater

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

'Tarella' at Murray Bridge

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Dismantling the 70th boat ar Berrie. 'Tarella', 'Albion' barge, 1939

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

The 'Tarella', 'Ajax' and 'Albion' at Jervois

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

The 'Tarella', 1940

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

PS 'Waikerie', built in 1911 to carry passengers and mail from Morgan to Waikerie

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

PS 'Wan..a...'

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

large group of a paddlesteamers

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Moored paddle steamer

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

'Roy' being used as a land dwelling

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Fireman on the upper deck of a boat

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Unidentified paddle steamer

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Unidentified paddle steamer

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

People standing on the bank of the river near a paddle steamer on a misty morning, possibly at Mannum due to 'Randall's boiler'

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Detail of a paddle wheel

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

PS 'Murray Princess'

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks


Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Unidentified paddle steamer

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Unidentified paddle steamer

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Sheahan collection of river craft, bridges, locks

Paddler steamer 'Oscar W'