Find • world war 1914 • Results 961 to 990 of 2,752

Broadmeadows, Victoria

Broadmeadows, Victoria

Broadmeadows Camp. South Australian 9th Light Horse Lines. Jack and George in the Lines. Soldiers and horses.

Broadmeadows, Victoria

Broadmeadows, Victoria

Broadmeadows Camp. South Australian 9th Light Horse Lines. Tents and horses.

Broadmeadows, Victoria

Broadmeadows, Victoria

Broadmeadows Camp. South Australian 9th Light Horse Lines. Jack and George in the Lines. Soldiers and horses.

Broadmeadows, Victoria

Broadmeadows, Victoria

Broadmeadows Camp. South Australian 9th Light Horse Lines. Tents and horses.

2nd Contingent review

2nd Contingent review

Review of 2nd Contingent by Governor General. Marching past Parliament House.

2nd Contingent review, Melbourne

2nd Contingent review, Melbourne

Review of 2nd Contingent by Governor General, marching past Parliament House, Melbourne.

War memorial at Magill

War memorial at Magill

Close view of the war memorial at Magill, South Australia, during its inauguration ceremony; some of the spectators are sitting around the monument listening to a man identified as Mr. Hamilton delivering an oration.

Unveiling the war memorial at Magill

Unveiling the war memorial at Magill

Part of the unveiling ceremony for the new war memorial at Magill, South Australia; a large crowd of spectators watch as the flags that drape the monument fall away.

Army ambulance transport

Army ambulance transport

Close view of vehicles from the military Ambulance Transport Division proceeding in a procession along King William Street, Adelaide where crowds of spectators line the road.

Meningie War Memorial enclosed in picket fence

Meningie War Memorial enclosed in picket fence

Meningie War Memorial enclosed in a picket fence, standing in a large vacant block or reserve, with town at rear.

Crowds attending the ceremony for the new war memorial at Brighton in 1918

Crowds attending the ceremony for the new war memorial at Brighton in 1918

Crowds attending the ceremony for the new war memorial at Brighton in 1918.

Austrian prisoners of war being used for manual labour

Austrian prisoners of war being used for manual labour

Austrian prisoners of war loading iron-girders which have been left behind by German forces on to trucks in Italy; damaged buildings and devastation can be seen in the background.

Group of young South Australian war workers

Group of young South Australian war workers

Young men and women standing on tiered seating described by Searcy as 'South Australian war workers'; names not known.

Sir Tom Bridges at a war memorial ceremony, Freeling

Sir Tom Bridges at a war memorial ceremony, Freeling

Sir Tom Bridges, Governor of South Australia attending the unveiling ceremony for a war memorial at Freeling, a small crowd of spectators are shading themselves from the sun with umbrellas.

Unveiling a war memorial in South Australia

Unveiling a war memorial in South Australia

Distant view of spectators present at the unveiling of a war memorial in South Australia; exact location not known.

War memorial at Marrabel, South Australia

War memorial at Marrabel, South Australia

The war memorial at Marrabel in South Australia.

War memorial unveiling ceremony at Marrabel, South Australia

War memorial unveiling ceremony at Marrabel, South Australia

Spectators attending a war memorial unveiling ceremony at Marrabel in South Australia; Walter Hannaford, M.P. is addressing the crowd.

War memorial at Uraidla, South Australia

War memorial at Uraidla, South Australia

The war memorial at Uraidla, South Australia; men and women stand around the base of the monument where wreaths and flowers have been laid.

War memorial, Osmond Terrace, Norwood

War memorial, Osmond Terrace, Norwood

The war memorial monument on Osmond Terrace, Norwood, South Australia.

Turkish prisoners of war in Egypt

Turkish prisoners of war in Egypt

Distant view of Turkish prisoners of war from the Dardanelles campaign assembled by railway trucks during transit in Egypt.

Unveiling a war memorial at Glen Osmond

Unveiling a war memorial at Glen Osmond

An unveiling ceremony for a war memorial at Glen Osmond, near Adelaide, South Australia.

Dedication of a war memorial at Wirrabara

Dedication of a war memorial at Wirrabara

Spectators watching a dedication ceremony for the war memorial at Wirrabara in South Australia on December 18th, 1921. [See report in 'Laura Standard and Crystal Brook Courier', Friday 23 December 1921, page 3].

War memorial service at Norwood

War memorial service at Norwood

A large crowd attending a function held at the war memorial monument in Norwood where they are being addressed by Sir Tom Bridges, Governor of South Australia.

Russian soldiers with Turkish prisoners of war

Russian soldiers with Turkish prisoners of war

A large contingent of prisoners of war from Turkey and Asia captured by Russian soldiers; location not known.

Unveiling ceremony for the war memorial at Glen Osmond

Unveiling ceremony for the war memorial at Glen Osmond

Distant view of the unveiling ceremony for the war memorial at Glen Osmond, South Australia.

Jack Searcy MC

Jack Searcy MC

No. 237 John 'Jack' William Searcy, MC, Born London, England, he enlisted in South Australia on 19 August 1914 and served with the 10th Infantry Battalion, being wounded in action at Gallipoli on 1 May 1915 and France on 24 July 1918. He returned to Australia in 1918.

Sailors of the Expeditionary Force, 1914

Sailors of the Expeditionary Force, 1914

South Australian and Victorian sailors of the Expeditionary Force; possibly at a location in Victoria.

War Loan tank in Kapunda

War Loan tank in Kapunda

On the afternoon of Tuesday 16 April 1918 the War Loan tank arrived in Kapunda. The Kapunda Herald reported, it was "met at the southern end of the town by the Mayor and others. A procession (which included school children under Mr. Murphy) was formed, and the tank escorted through the main street. The tank was in charge of Lieut. Colley, who was accompanied by two officials of the Commonwealth Bank. In the evening an enthusiastic meeting was held at Mr. Thompson's corner....After a few remarks by the Mayor (Mr. T Jeffs), Lieut. Colley gave an outline of the war loan..." Kapunda Herald 19 April 1918, page 2. The 35 hp Overland tourer, registration number 4926, in the foreground was registered to Mr. Sidney Kidman of Eringa, Kapunda. The Kapunda Herald reports that "Mr. S. Kidman, of Eringa, put in 50,500" Pounds.

The Brighton Cement Works War Memorial

The Brighton Cement Works War Memorial

The Brighton Cement Works War Memorial at the southern end of Brighton Road, South Australia; a group of men and Boy Scouts stand either side at the base of the monument.

Soldiers' war memorial at Magill

Soldiers' war memorial at Magill

Crowds attending the unveiling ceremony of the soldiers' war memorial at Magill, South Australia.