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Officers inspecting a mounted soldier
Half-plate glass negative of three army officers inspecting a Light Horse soldier mounted on a horse at a military camp at Morphettville Camp. General Bridges (Inspector General) with folded arms and Colonel Irving on right.

Captain J.K. Paul
Army officer, Captain John K. Paul, on horseback.

Portrait of Horace Worthington
Studio portrait of Horace James Worthington in his Australian Flying Corp uniform.

Staff Nurse O'Connell
Photograph of 'Staff Nurse O'Connell and some of "her boys", 1st wounded from Gaba Tepe', 'Heliopolis June 11th 1915'. Possibly taken at Keswick Military Hospital as post marks on verso are all local.

Original letters (15) and transcripts of the letters written by A.B. Durdin to Caroline (Carrie) Williams, a friend in Adelaide whom he married in 1920 (1916-1919); a letter written by A.B. Durdin to his nephew Lance (May 1919); and a letter addressed to Mr Durdin, written by a nun, Sister Marie Therese from a convent in Belgium where Australian soldiers apparently befriended children in an orphanage near Mont St Marchienne (not dated). See transcripts for more details.

Correspondence to W.W. Durdin
Correspondence comprising letters received by A.B. Durdin's father, Mr. W.W. Durdin, offering congratulations in relation to his son's award of the Military Cross.

119th Howitzer Battery
The 119th Howitzer Battery, 12th Australian Field Artillery Battery, lined up by their stables in England, February 1917. The 119th Field Artillery (Howitzer) Battery was formed in England in 1916 for the 12th Field Artillery Brigade and was disbanded in April 1917.

119th Howitzer Battery
Group portrait of the 119th Howitzer Battery, 12th Australian Field Artillery Battery, taken in England, February 1917. The 119th Field Artillery (Howitzer) Battery was formed in England in 1916 for the 12th Field Artillery Brigade and was disbanded in April 1917.

S.S. Euripides
The S.S. Euripides troopship at sea. Faded signatures of Australian soldiers and their regiments are written on the mount. Photograph by Munns of Gravesend. Some of the names include: No. 2 G.S. (George Sydney) Redsell of Adelaide, Warrant Officer, 43rd Battalion; and No. 1310 Private F. (Frank) Wilson of New South Wales, 18th Battalion.

William George Raftery
Studio portrait of No. 2478 Gunner William George Raftery, 47th Battery, 12th Army Brigade, Australian Field Artillery, Australian Imperial Forces abroad. Son of Robert Raftery and Mary (nee O'Neill), of Tarcowie, South Australia.

Unidentified soldier
Studio portrait of an unidentified soldier in army uniform with sergeant stripes on the left sleeve. The soldier may be No. 1889 Frederick Ernest Adam Borthwick, 27th Battalion.

Australian troops in a shelter
Australian troops in a shelter dug into a small hill, with a wall made of rocks and branches. Packs are hanging on the wall to the left and there is a bugle leaning on the wall next to the packs.

Portrait of soldier Glen
Photographic studio portrait of an unknown Australian soldier in uniform. The patch on his left shoulder has an Anzac letter 'A', denoting service at Gallipoli. Handwritten on back: 'For Dick and May. This is Glen'. Stamp on back: 'I.D.L. LTD [?] Photographers, 284 Edgware RD, W.2'.

Hospital hammock tag
AIF hammock tag (in duplicate) used when Summerton was transferred from France to an English hospital.

Photograph album
An album of photographs which were sent back home by George Cutler to his mother and sister (Mrs Douglass Cutler and Emma).

Photographs from Paris
Two photographs of Australian troops in Paris which were sent back home by George Cutler to his mother, Mrs Douglass Cutler of Methuen Street, Prospect (a suburb of Adelaide).

Ralph William David Wardle and unknown soldier
Studio portrait of Ralph William David Wardle (left) with an unknown soldier, wearing Australian military uniform, including slouch hats. Ralph Wardle has a Corporal's rank chevrons on his right sleeve. The soldier on the right has three wound badges on his left sleeve. They are standing in front of a painted background of a park or woodland scene. Printed on a postcard which was sent to his sister, Lucy Wardle, in Naracoorte. The address of the photographer on the back of the postcard is shown as Edinburgh.

22nd Australian Light Horse
Group portrait of members of the 22nd Australian Light Horse at the Naracoorte camp. Those enlisting from Bordertown, Lucindale and other nearby towns camped at Naracoorte. Ralph William Wardle is back row, 8th from left, and his older brother Michael Wardle is seated on the bench, front row, extreme right.

Letter to Gertrude Painter regarding her husband's death on the battlefield
A letter written to Gertrude Ida Painter, the widow of Private John Edward Painter, from an officer, Captain Tennyson George Clarke, who found Private Painter wounded. The letter is dated 17th February 1917, four months after Gertrude Painter had made enquiries when her husband was reported as wounded, missing in action. Captain Clarke gives details of Private Painter, finding him in the trenches on the front after the Battle of Potieres, his wounds, and some of his last words. Private Painter died on 16 August 1916, but was originally reported as wounded. Gertrude Painter did not receive confirmation of his death until the following year.

Army officer presentation
Half-plate glass negative of a presentation ceremony and parade at an army camp. In the foreground, army officers stand at a table covered in the flag of Great Britain, making presentations. Two civilians, a man and woman, are also standing with the official party. The woman is wearing a broad brimmed hat decorated with flowers, a fur shawl, long dress, and white gloves, and is holding a closed parasol. In the background are troops standing in formation. Believed to be at the Torrens Parade Ground, Adelaide, Brigadier Weir (1st C.O. of 10th Battalion) is standing next to the table (4th from left); the soldiers to the right of the tables are Brigadier Antill (State Commandant) talking to soldier with his back to the camera; Governor Henry Galway is to his left; and Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson second from right of the photo. See also B 26285/187-188 for other images of the event.

Troops on parade at an army camp
Troops in dress uniform, including Pith style spiked helmets, on parade in a field at an army camp. In the background, washing is hanging on lines.

Troops at an army camp
Troops at an army camp. Soldiers standing by the side of a road, two working on a small wooden cart, while other soldiers are driving a horse-drawn wagon, loaded with supplies. Tents are set up in the field in the background.

Captain Harry Butler with his aircraft
Captain Harry Butler, South Australian aviator, standing in front of his single engined aircraft with his fiancee, Elsa Birch Gibson on his right, and an Air Force Officer. Standing on the far left are two men in suits, and on the far right the wheel and headlight of an automobile can be seen.

Photos from the Middle East
Contact prints of scenes taken in the Middle East by an Australian soldier. One is of the grave of Trooper Francis Kelly, service #2462, 3rd Australian Light Horse; it is unclear whether he took the earlier photos or whether they were taken by another in the same unit. The photos includes a two storey buillding; Australian forces in action, an Army tent city, interior views of an Army hospital (possibly Abbassia), and two soldiers in Cairo in December 2017. The quality of the images is variable.

Letters written by Leonard John (Len) Harvey in 1917
Letters written by Leonard John (Len) Harvey to his family in Moonta. The letters are mostly written from 'In billetts', and 'Somewhere in France' and describe life in the trenches. Harvey also talks about training schools he attends and Australian and international politics. He also discusses the conscription debate.

Letters, postcard and telegram written by Leonard John (Len) Harvey in 1916
Letters written by Leonard John (Len) Harvey to his family in Moonta. The letters are posted initially from Adelaide. Subsequent letters are sent en route to England and from Salisbury Plains in England. Some of the letters mention Australian Prime Minister William Hughes and the conscription debate.

Ross Smith in a trench
Ross Smith in military uniform, holding a box and standing in a trench in front of a bunker.

Air craft crashed by Ross Smith and Captain Baker
Written on reverse: 'The machine that Capt. Baker and I crashed in the turnip field some time ago'.

Royal Flying Corps air pilot
Royal Flying Corps pilot, believed to be Keith Smith, in coat and goggles.

'Self & W. Campbell of South Africa.'
On reverse of photograph: 'Self & W. Campbell of South Africa. R.F.C. Denham Camp. August 1917'. Both men are wearing caps with white bands around the base. It is believed that this shows that they are aviation officer cadets with the status of probationary pupil pilots.