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[Hospital at Hotchkiss Gully]

[Hospital at Hotchkiss Gully]

Black and white photograph of a makeshift tent 'Hospital at Hotchkiss Gully', a small gully running southwards from Hay Valley in the Northern Anzac sector. Image set on a sheet amongst three others.

[A dug-out at Gallipoli]

[A dug-out at Gallipoli]

Black and white photograph of a dug-out cut into the side of a hill, with several soldiers outside. Location not specified on the original photograph, but believed to be near Anzac Cove. Date 1915. Image set on a sheet amongst three others.

WW1 leather pouch manufactured by Holden & Frost

WW1 leather pouch manufactured by Holden & Frost

Small light tan coloured leather pouch with a metal rivets and fastener, and textured leather on the reverse and surround. The words 'Holden & Frost 1916' are imprinted into the front panel, and a letter 'H' with an arrow underneath is imprinted at the end of the strap.

Headstone of George Ernest Randal Alderson Junior

Headstone of George Ernest Randal Alderson Junior

War grave and headstone of Private George Ernest Randal Alderson Junior, No. 1651 of the 27th Battalion. Died at Aprinhbank on 4 January 1961 aged 60 years.

Soldiers in hospital ward

Soldiers in hospital ward

Uncaptioned photo of two soldiers, one lying in bed with his leg in traction, the other seated on a chair with crutches beside him, in the army hospital ward (probably Bristol, England) where Walter Henry Allison of Milang, S.A. recovered from a war injury (ca.1919).

[Walker's Ridge]

[Walker's Ridge]

Black and white photograph of Walker's Ridge, located north of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, showing the rough terrain of the area. Dated 1915.

Papers relating to the Bromley and Corbin families

Digital copies of photographs relating to the Bromley and Corbin families, architectural plans of a Brougham Place house, and transcript of Dr. John Corbin's Gallipoli diary, 1915.

The 'Anzacs' [poem]

The 'Anzacs' [poem]

A poem written by Minna Jackson Brown titled 'The Anzacs'. This poem won first prize in the Wattle Day Literary Competitions for Schools, 1917.

[Australia Day ribbon July 27th 1917]

[Australia Day ribbon July 27th 1917]

A ribbon issued for Australia Day July 27th 1917. It bears the words 'We have sent a Railway Unit to the Front' and 'Enginemen, Firemen & Cleaners Association.' The ribbon is illustrated with a magpie in the foreground sitting on a wooden fence and holding a sprig of wattle in its beak. In the background is a train and green hills.

Maps of Gallipoli peninsula

Maps of Gallipoli peninsula

Two hand drawn maps of Suvla Bay drawn by Leo Terrell, one showing war boats and beach piers and Allied positions on land.

Conscription and the proposed referendum

Conscription and the proposed referendum

A sheet, typed both sides, titled 'Conscription and the proposed referendum', written by A.W. Foster, barrister-at-law. It gives the case against holding a referendum on conscription. Date not shown, probably 1916.

Papers of the Casson family

Digital copies of a compilation of original photographs, letters and memorabilia relating to the Casson family of Pinnaroo, together with research notes relating to the family. The originals were housed in four folders under the heading 'Casson Family History', and include a folder of letters from Private Albert Ross Rowney written to his sister Rose, from his journey to France in 1915 to the last letter before his death in France 1917. Also included is a folder of memorabilia from Grand Master, Brother Rob Casson of the Freemasons. See below for details of contents.

To the women of Australia [poster]

To the women of Australia [poster]

Four questions posed to women to encourage them to encourage their husbands and sons to enlist; issued by the South Australian Government. Printed by R.E.E. Rogers, Government Printer, North Terrace Adelaide. date is approximate.

Australian troops eating al fresco

Australian troops eating al fresco

Photo of troops eating al fresco. The setting suggests an English location, so possibly taken while on leave (or while convalescent). Claude Summerton is third from left.

Australian troops eating in an open air mess hall

Australian troops eating in an open air mess hall

Photo of troops in a large, open air mess hall. Claude Summerton is third from left on the first table (wearing a cap); the clothing suggests the men are convalescent rather than on active service.

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Mrs H. Girdlestone, from Gallipoli

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Mrs H. Girdlestone, from Gallipoli

Letter from Nigel Wastell, dated 12 July and 16 July 1915, Gallipoli. In envelope addressed to Mrs H. Girdlestone, St Peters College, Adelaide. The letter includes discussion of letters and parcels received, being away from the firing line, engagements with the enemy, men longing for home, and the value of human life.

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Rev. Henry Girdlestone, from Gallipoli

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Rev. Henry Girdlestone, from Gallipoli

Letter from Nigel Wastell, sent to 'My Dear Head', dated 27 September 1915, Gallipoli. In envelope addressed to Rev. H. Girdlestone, St Peters College, Adelaide. Girdlestone was the Headmaster of the College from 1894 to 1916. The letter includes description of the dugout Wastell writes from and the surrounding landscape, and evocative detail about the ongoing danger from the enemy during the 19 weeks since he arrived, including the bullets cracking overhead during nighttime and the sound of machine guns and shells.

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Mrs H. Girdlestone, from Gallipoli

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Mrs H. Girdlestone, from Gallipoli

Letter from Nigel Wastell, sent to 'My Dearest F.M.', dated 5 October 1915, Gallipoli. In envelope addressed to Mrs H. Girdlestone, St Peters College, Adelaide. The original address is crossed out and 'Balhannah' has been substituted. The letter includes discussion of receiving letters and parcels, including new socks, news of the death of his grandmother, news of fellow soldiers and their injuries, and news from home.

Postcard from Jack

Postcard from Jack

Portrait of 'Jack', a medical field officer, wearing his trench uniform, boots, fur vest and helmet. Printed on a postcard and signed on the front 'Your loving Grandson Jack 12/1/17'. Message on back: 'France, 12/1/17. Dear Grandma, Just a photo in trench garb. Things are very quiet here at present. I am very well and haven't (thank God) had a cold since leaving home. Fred is in England and Em is also. I have been recommended for a commission. How's Renee and Jim, the latter I will see shortly I suppose. Best love to you and hope you are well. Goodbye Grandma, Jack xxx. Haven't seen Wally Minerds yet, but heard he is well.' The Wally Minerds mentioned is likely to be No. 3411 Private Walter Thomas Minerds of Torrensville, South Australia, 10th Battalion.

Light Horse regiment training

Light Horse regiment training

A Light Horse Regiment in formation, training on a race course. On the back is written 'Yours Truly, C.T. Alragg (?)'.

9th and 10th Battalions at Mena Camp

9th and 10th Battalions at Mena Camp

The camps of the 9th and 10th Battalions of the AIF, located 10 miles from Cairo. Two pyramids can be seen in the background. Handwritten note on back: 'This is a photo of part of the old camp at Mena. It shows the road between our lines (on the left) and the 9th on the right. I picked it up when in Cairo last.'

Papers of Albert Robert Cartwright

Papers of Albert Robert Cartwright comprising certificate of discharge and two photographs. Includes family tree details for Albert and Thurza Cartwright and their children.

Troops with a captured Turkish gun, Beersheba

Troops with a captured Turkish gun, Beersheba

Australian troops standing with a captured Turkish gun at Beersheba.

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Mrs H. Girdlestone

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Mrs H. Girdlestone

Letter from Nigel Wastell, sent to 'My Dear F.M.', dated 8 April 1915, Mena Camp. Other letters addressed to F.M. have been identified as sent to Mrs H. Girdlestone. The letter includes discussion of patrols in Cairo, first experiences of Egypt, seeing the Suez Canal, the journey to Mena, seeing sights in Cairo including parks and Shepheard's Hotel.

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Mrs H. Girdlestone

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Mrs H. Girdlestone

Letter from Nigel Wastell, sent to 'My dearest F.M.', dated 20 September 1915. The first page is on St Peter's College letterhead. Other letters addressed to F.M. have been identified as sent to Mrs H. Girdlestone. The letter includes discussion of food and tobacco in the camp [at Gallipoli, based on the chronology of other letters], time since landing and how few of the original men remain, illness among other soldiers.

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Gran and Sis after being wounded in action

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Gran and Sis after being wounded in action

Letter from Nigel Wastell, sent to 'My Dear Gran & Sis', dated 14 August 1916. The letter is written on British Red Cross and Order of St John letterhead, from a hospital. The letter includes discussion of his injuries to his right cheek and upper lip, sustained on 9 August, and the three day trip by camels, train and motor to the hospital which killed many of the badly wounded. Reports on the health of others including Bill Stevens, and discusses news from home. Mentions an enclosed snap of himself and other men, not named (see photograph at PRG 1791/9/2).

Cablegram sent by Nigel Wastell from Cairo

Cablegram sent by Nigel Wastell from Cairo

Cablegram sent by 'Wastell' to 'Killicoat, Fourth Avenue St Peters' on 18 August 1916. Text reads "Doing splendidly forward". Wastell had been wounded in action several days earlier (see PRG 1791/9/1).

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Gwenny[?], from Cairo

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Gwenny[?], from Cairo

Letter from Nigel Wastell, sent to 'My Dear Gwenny[?]', dated 17 April 1915, Cairo. In envelope addressed to Miss G. Killicoat, 8 4th Avenue St Peters, Adelaide. The letter includes discussion of 6 o'clock closing of hotels in South Australia, and arriving in Cairo.

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Sis, from Romani

Letter from Nigel Wastell to Sis, from Romani

Letter from Nigel Wastall, sent to 'My Dear Sis', dated 10 September 1916, Romani. The letter includes discussion of the health of Gran, news of Wastall's recover from injury, letters received, reflecting on news of casualties from France, and family news.

Australian soldier in uniform with armband

Australian soldier in uniform with armband

Studio photo of an unknown Australian soldier in military uniform with a white arm band with red cross symbol on his right arm and the same symbol on a badge on his left arm; the original photograph was pinned to a board for display.