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Woodville Fire Brigade
Members of the Woodville Volunteer Fire Brigade.

Woodville Fire Brigade
Members of the Woodville Volunteer Fire Brigade and a 4 cylinder Overland Fire Engine.

Methodist Church, Woodville
Methodist Church at Woodville.

Mitchell's Garage, Woodville
Interior of Mitchell's Garage, Chevrolet and Rugby car to be repaired.

Fire, Woodville
Fire at Woodville.

Mareeba Babies' Hospital
[General description] This large iron-roofed two storey house is viewed from the sweep of its drive with semi-formal gardens including palms and roses. It is built from brick with cement dressings and is surrounded by extensive verandahs with iron lace decoration with an outside staircase. Doctor Helen Mayo founded the St. Peter's Hospital for babies in Winchester Street, St. Peter's in 1913. She still retained a strong presence at the hospital after 1917 when it was taken over by the government and moved to this building at Belmore Terrace, Woodville where is was known as Mareeba Babies' Hospital. It was previously a convalescent hospital for soldiers. [On back of photograph] 'Reproduced in the Advertiser / Mareeba Babies Hospital / Woodville Park / 1928'.

St. Margaret's church
[General description] St. Margaret's Church of England, Woodville, built in 1855 by local landowner John Bristow Hughes who wanted to name it after his wife. Bishop Short disagreed so a compromise was reached, the Church being named after Saint Margaret of Scotland. Built from limestone the church is English in style with a large square tower.

Woodville Railway Station
Woodville Railway Station was erected in 1855/56 andf demolished in 1942. It was one of the first stations to be built on the Port Adelaide railway line.

St. Margaret's Church
St. Margaret's Church, Woodville was built in 1855 by local landowner John Bristow Hughes. The church is named after both Mr Hughes' late wife Margaret and St Margaret of Scotland. It is constructed from picked limestone and dominated by a square tower. Stained glass windows honour local pioneers.

View of Woodville from the Tower.

Woodville Railway Station
Woodville Railway Station.

St. Margaret's Church
St. Margaret's Church of England, Woodville.

Flooding, Woodville
Grange Road flooded, Woodville.

Flooding, Woodville
Lucerne paddocks flooded, Grange Road, Woodville.

Woodville Primary School
Woodville Primary school under construction.

St. Margaret's Church
St. Margaret's Church, Woodville.

St Margaret's Church Choir
St Margaret's Church choir, Woodville.

Woodville Railway Station
Woodville Railway Station, Adelaide to Port Adelaide line.

Woodville Railway Station
Woodville Railway Station.

De Dion Car, Woodville
WOODVILLE: A De Dion single cylinder car; the owner is a well known boat builder of the time, Mr. Ben Weir who sits in the drivers seat with his wife beside him, their son stands at the side resting one foot on the running board. A researcher has indicated that this car is not a De Dion, and is a rarer make, possibly a Gamage.

Woodville Primary School
Woodville Primary School under construction.

Woodville Fire Brigade
Firemen and Officers of Woodville Fire Brigade.

Woodville Fire Brigade
Firemen of the Woodville Fire Brigade.

"Largs Villa", Woodville
"Largs Villa" owned by the McColl family.

"Largs Villa", Woodville
"Largs Villa" owned by the McColl family.

Car Accident, Woodville
A Car accident at Woodville.

St. Margarets Anglican Church
St. Margarets Anglican Church, Woodville.

Primary School, Woodville
Primary School at Woodville.

Fire, Woodville
Fire at Woodville.

Mareeba Babies Hospital
Mareeba Babies Hospital, Woodville Park was originally founded in 1913 by Dr. Helen Mayo. It was taken over by the government during WW1 and used as a military hospital. In 1917 it was established as a public hospital and took over the role of the St Peters Babies' Hospital caring for sick infants under the age of two, coming under the control of the Adelaide Children's Hospital Board in 1951. In 1960 it became the Mareeba Children's Annex of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.