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'Vigilant' [wooden single screw steam tug, ON106222, 80 gross, 55 net tons. Built 1899 Dunn Bros. Berry's Bay, North Sydney. 95.1 x 21.7 x 9.8. Compound surface condensing steam engine, 35hp, 11.5 knots, 1 foilr 120 pounds per square inch all by Ross and Duncan, Glasgow. Owners: John Fenwick, registered Sydney; Oct. 1900 A Fenwick and others; Aug. 1908 Millar's Karri and Jarrah Co. Ltd. of West Australia; c.1913 Ritch and Smith, registered Port Adelaide. Register closed August 1951 when the vessel was reported as having been broken up. See 'Steam Tugs in SA' by Parsons] [wooden single screw steam tug, ON106222, 80 gross, 55 net tons. Built 1899 Dunn Bros. Berry's Bay, North Sydney. 95.1 x 21.7 x 9.8. Compound surface condensing steam engine, 35hp, 11.5 knots, 1 foilr 120 pounds per square inch all by Ross and Duncan, Glasgow. Owners: John Fenwick, registered Sydney; Oct. 1900 A Fenwick and others; Aug. 1908 Millar's Karri and Jarrah Co. Ltd. of West Australia; c.1913 Ritch and Smith, registered Port Adelaide. Register closed August 1951 when the vessel was reported as having been broken up. See 'Steam Tugs in SA' by Parsons]

J.H. Flynn

J.H. Flynn

Written on original paper envelope: 'No. 1289 Received Dec 10th To be complete Dec 17th. Name J.H. Flynn. Order 1 Dz Cabs & Bro. Brn Kts'. Possibly Private John Henry Flynn.

Aerial photographs of the city of Charles Sturt: Albert Park

Aerial photographs of the city of Charles Sturt: Albert Park

Aerial view of Albert Park, in the city of Charles Sturt, South Australia, looking south-west towards the ocean in the distance, with the Royal Adelaide Golf Club in the distance on the left and the Grange Golf Club on the left, and factories, warehouses and businesses of Albert Park in the foreground, at the intersections of Clark Terrace, West Lakes Boulevard and Tapleys Hill Road.

Aerial photographs of the city of Holdfast Bay: North Brighton

Aerial photographs of the city of Holdfast Bay: North Brighton

Aerial views of North Brighton, in the city of Holdfast Bay, South Australia. See below for details.

Parliamentary tour of Eyre Peninsula, October 9-18, 1926

Parliamentary tour of Eyre Peninsula, October 9-18, 1926

Small album comprising 49 black and white photographs showing the highlights of the Parliamentary Tour of Eyre Peninsula from the 9th to the 18th of October 1926. The tour of the West Coast of the Eyre Peninsula was to inspect railway, shipping, water, and other facilities. Photographs by E. Morris, The Register. For more details and list of members on the tour see article 'Parliamentary visit to Eyre Peninsula' in 'The Advertiser', Monday 11 October 1926, page 13. See below for details of images.

Leading a pony from a horse float

Leading a pony from a horse float

Children gather round to watch two women lead a pony from a horse float. On the side of the horse float a banner proclaims "Tim Hovey! Juvenile star of ... The Private War of Major Benson is America's cutest kid. Wests Theatre will present a pony to Adelaide's Cutest Kid. Competition open to boys between 6 & 9. For details listen to Bob Fricker 5AD or contact Wests Theatre" The competition was a joint promotion of West's Theatre and Bob Fricker of radio station 5AD for the movie 'The Private War of Major Benson'.

Photographs of construction work at General Motors Holden plants : Woodville

Photographs of construction work at General Motors Holden plants : Woodville

Photographs of buildings under construction at General Motors Holden factory at Woodville, including progress on steel frames, roofing, foundations, windows and internal fittings.

Series 076: Thomas Hardy & Sons Ltd

Series 076: Thomas Hardy & Sons Ltd

Aerial images of Thomas Hardy & Sons Ltd's Adelaide Wine Cellars at Mile End, Hardy's Tintara Winery at McLaren Vale, and various vineyards.



Panoramic view of Bowden. A small boy is sitting on a wooden fence on the edge of the North Adelaide Parklands. The view behind him shows the suburbs to the west and north west of Adelaide. Tall chimneys can be seen in the distance. The village of Bowden was established in 1839 by James Hurtle Fisher. Some of the early industries in the area include a steam flour mill, candle works, Dowie's Tannery, gas works, Bowden Bottle Company, Taylor Brothers Brickmaking and Clay Works, Dowie's Boot Factory. There was also a Bible Christian Chapel, Lawton's School, Bowden Building Society and a Cricket Club.

Aboriginal Men

Aboriginal Men

[General description] Aboriginal men from the Lake Killalpaninna Region, West of Koppera-manna Mission Station who were acquitted of the charge of murder at Port Augusta, November 1888. The trial was reported in the Port Augusta Dispatch. [On back of photograph] 'With Sub Inspector Besley's Compliments to His Honour S.J.Way / Acting Governor / Adelaide / 3-4-89'. (A later attachment is a note on letterhead of the Chief Justice's Chambers, Adelaide) 'The natives in the accompanying photograph were members of five different tribes living near Lake Killalpaninna, west of Koppera-manna Mission Station in 1888. The eleven who are standing, and the one seated at each end, with another named Woolpappina, (14 in all) were charged at the Port Augusta Criminal Court on 22nd November 1888 with having murdered a native named Nadlajeppera. The 'murder' was really an act of tribal justice executed upon Nadlajeppera because he was believed to have caused the death of Woolpappina's son by pointing a bone at him. The prisoners were all aquitted with the exception of Woolpappina, who not only admitted that he had speared the deceased, but claimed the honour of having been the first to spear him. Though sentence of death had to be pronounced on Woolpappina the punishent was afterwards commuted to a short term of imprisonment by the Governor in Council. The names of the prisoners were: Woolpappina (not in the photograph), Wallaby, Stjena, Nollapannina, Terrilena, Zourakachinna, Pillipunkana, Kunyanarrina, Warkoo-war-Koona, Willa-willana, Jerke-lina, Kantonunga, Poode-wampana and Nappawirrana. The four seated figures in the centre of the picture were witnesses in the case. Only three of them were called. The names of these were August Mowellena, Emanuel Patramorana and Joshua Packatana. The trial is reported in the Port Augusta Dispatch of about the 23rd November, 1888. 10th Oct. 1916.'

Waymouth Street

Waymouth Street

Waymouth Street, south side, 22nd March 1963, left side of shops is 21 yards west of Ranelagh Street and frontage of the block of shops is 18 yards. The corner shop and greengrocers is owned by M Bolkus. Mr Bolkus arrived in South Australia with his wife and five year old son in 1922. After a stint in Port Pirie, he moved to Adelaide in the 1930s and started his greengrocery business next to the Cumberland Arms Hotel in Waymouth Street. A young Nick Bolkus,Labour politician, born in 1950, grew up in the south west of Adelaide in a multi cultural setting.

Waymouth Street

Waymouth Street

Waymouth Street, south side, 22nd March 1963, left side of shops is 21 yards west of Ranelagh Street and frontage of the block of shops is 18 yards. The corner shop and greengrocers is owned by M Bolkus. Mr Bolkus arrived in South Australia with his wife and five year old son in 1922. After a stint in Port Pirie, he moved to Adelaide in the 1930s and started his greengrocery business next to the Cumberland Arms Hotel in Waymouth Street. A young Nick Bolkus,Labour politician, born in 1950, grew up in the south west of Adelaide in a multi cultural setting.

The "Remonstrant"

The "Remonstrant"

The "Remonstrant" visited South Australia in 1891 and 1897. She was an iron barque built in Sunderland in 1878 weighing 1078 gross tons. She sailed from Liverpool to Port Adelaide in 1887 and from La Plata to Wallaroo in 1891.

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : shops, pubs, clubs and restaurants

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : shops, pubs, clubs and restaurants

Photographs relating to 'shops, pubs, clus and restaurants', created by Messenger Press.

Albert S. Conrad : SUMMARY RECORD

Albert S. Conrad : SUMMARY RECORD

Records comprising original drawings and plans for various public or commercial buildings, private residences in South Australia, and non-commissioned work and a photograph of Waterfall Gully Kiosk.

Soldier Hartnett

Soldier Hartnett

Half-plate glass negative of soldier Joseph George Hartnett wearing World War One military uniform including belt and slouch hat, with his rifle and attached bayonet in one hand, standing outdoors in front of a wooden bridge, with trees in the background. Written on original paper envelope: 'Hartnett. 62. 1910. 6 Cabs'. Hartnett enlisted at Morphettville as a driver in the 16th Battalion, F Company; this photo appears to have been taken at or near Morphettville Camp (the bridge was just south west of the large stables at the Hawkers' property).

Aerial photographs of the town of Gawler: Willaston

Aerial photographs of the town of Gawler: Willaston

Aerial views of Willaston, in the town of Gawler, South Australia. See below for details.

Aerial photographs of the town of Gawler: Kudla

Aerial photographs of the town of Gawler: Kudla

Aerial views of Kudla, in the town of Gawler, South Australia. See below for details.

Aerial photographs of the city of Holdfast Bay: Hove

Aerial photographs of the city of Holdfast Bay: Hove

Aerial views of Hove, in the city of Holdfast Bay, South Australia. See below for details.

Postcards from the First World War

Postcards from the First World War, sent to: Maynard Cole, William Elsdon Cole, Reginald William Cole, Maynard Cole's sisters Claudia and Millicent, and miscellaneous postcards. Sent from friends and family members on active service during the war including: Private Colin Lawson Andrews, Private Horace William George, Private Harrold Leslie Cole, Private Cyril Richard Cole, and Private Maynard Johnson Cole. See below for details.

Papers of the Cox and Aldersey families

Papers relating to the Cox and Aldersey families comprising: diary of Mary Ainsley Cox (nee Aldersey), diary of Rev. F.W. Cox, autobiography and letters of Sarah Lois Cox and William Cox, diary of Joseph Aldersey, letter from Rachel Aldersey, and notes written by Rev. F.W. Cox about his mother's character and death. See below for details.

Shearing Shed, Boolcoomatta Station

Shearing Shed, Boolcoomatta Station

Shearing shed, Boolcoomatta Station. At one time the 150 year old station ran 90,000 sheep. Some small scale copper mining relics can also be found on the property. The property was situated 100 km west of Broken Hill and 463 km north west of Adelaide. The area is now known as the Boolcoomatta Nature Reserve.

Darke Peake

Darke Peake

Darke's Monument at Darke's Peak looking easterly. The inscription reads as follows: Sacred to the memory of John Charles Darke, surveyor who was mortally wounded by natives when exploring in this locality on October 23, 1844, and died the following day. Erected by the South Australian Government, 1910". In 1844 John Darke, John Henry Theakstone, James Howard and one other man set off from Adelaide to explore the country west and north west of Port Lincoln and Spencer Gulf. The 1564 foot high peak was named after Darke by surveyor Thomas Evans in 1865.

Troubridge Lighthouse

Troubridge Lighthouse

Troubridge Shoals Lighthouse was the second lighthouse to be built in South Australia and was completed in 1855. The island is located about 74 kms south west from Adelaide in the Gulf St Vinvent. The lighthouse was decommissioned in 2001. A new lighthouse was built on Troubridge Hill to the west of the Shoals.

Franklin Street, North Side

Franklin Street, North Side

Franklin Street, North Side in the late 1860's Looking North-east. The balcony on left faces west The side of the house faces south. The house stood back from Franklin Street about 8yds. and its back (on the right) was about 55 yds. west of Morphett St. Owned & occupied by Joseph Mellor(1808-1880) (manufacturer of agricultural implements) It was demolished in 1890's. Mellor and Brothers was a farm implement manufacturers in Adelaide circa 1868. Branches operated from Franklin Street, Kapunda, Jamestown and Quorn.

Wakefield Street

Wakefield Street

Wakefield Street, south side, Willard Hall. November 2nd 1936, right side is 2 1/3 yards west of east side of Gawler Place. Site of Willard Hall's right side is 2.75 yards west of the east side of Gawler Place. Willard Hall was previously St Andrew's Presbyterian Church. In 1928 an old bell was found in the tower of Willard Hall. This relic was probably the first bell cast in Adelaide and made to the order of the session of St Andrew's Kirk. The bell was made at a foundry on North Terrace and the maker had embellished it with his name and date, Pybus, March 5th, 1845.

Barnard Street

Barnard Street

[General description] A rendered house in Barnard Street near Jeffcott Street in North Adelaide. The symmetrical house has a portico above the front door and shutters on the windows. Railings are set into a low wall at the front of the house. [On back of photograph] Acre 793 Barnard Street, south side, west corner of Jeffcott Street, January 21st 1926. For photograph of house taken in 1924, prior to alterations, see B 2330. Right side of house is 19 yards west of Jeffcott Street.

Saint Dominic's Priory

Saint Dominic's Priory

Sleeping quarters etc. at rear of Saint Dominic's Priory, Molesworth Street, south side; May 8, 1930 looking north west. Erected in 1929 on a vacant site. East face is 107 yards west of Hill Street, North and south frontages, 31 yards. St Dominic's Priory is one of the earliest Dominican schools established in 1883 by a group of Dominican sisters who came to North Adelaide from Stone in Staffordshire, the foundress being Mother Rose Columba Adams.

Photograph album of South Australian and interstate scenes

Photograph album of South Australian and interstate scenes

Album of photographs of South Australian, New South Wales and Victorian scenes. A selection of the South Australian photographs, and one of SS 'Coramba', have been digitised. See 'Contents' in 'More info' for details. Do a NUMBER search on B 47622/1-148 to see them online.

Photographs of farming activity at Sunnycroft

Photographs of farming activity at Sunnycroft

Photographs taken between early 1919 and the mid 1940s, showing harvesting and other farming scenes at Sunnycroft. The farm includes Sections 125 and 317W & E in the Hundred of Napperby and is located on Sunnyville Road, halfway between Warnertown and Napperby, nestling against the Flinders Ranges and looking out over Port Pirie. They were taken by Thomas (Tom) Davies on a Kodak Bellows camera purchased on 8 February 1919.