Parliamentary tour of Eyre Peninsula, October 9-18, 1926 [B 76708/1-49] • Photograph

Arrival by S.S. Paringa at Port Lincoln.
Members of Parliament disembarking from the S.S. Paringa, ready to begin their tour of the Eyre Peninsula.

At Lincoln P.O.
The tour group of members of Parliament standing outside the Port Lincoln Post Office, next to telegraph poles.

Cresco Fertilizers, Port Lincoln.
View of Cresco Fertilizers Ltd factory at Port Lincoln.

Freezing works, Port Lincoln.
Parliamentary tour group outside the newly built freezing works, part of the Eyre Peninsula Co-operation, Ltd, which also supplied electricity for lighting, a bacon, smallgoods and butter factory, and iceworks.

Tod River Reservoir embankment.
Cars parked on the road at the leakey end of the Tod River Reservoir embankment. There is a small stone hut on the banks in the distance. In 1926 the reservoir was leaking 700,000 gallons a day, enough to supply Port Lincoln.

Tod River Reservoir.
View of the Tod River Reservoir.

Tod River Valley.
View of buildings and fields in the Tod River Valley.

Knott's Hill service reservoir.
View of the Knott's Hill Reservoir, which provided water to Minnipa and Thevenard.

Minnipa Hotel.
Members of Parliament and cars outside the Minnipa Hotel.

Concrete service tank, Minnipa.
View of the steel framwork of the concrete service tank under construction at Minnipa. The tank was built to hold water arriving from Tod River.

Wirrulla Memorial Hall.
View of the Wirrulla Memorial Hall.

Buildings at Yantanabie. The local school committee at Yantanabie petitioned the Government for a new school building to accommodate the growing numbers of students.

Mr Giles with a 'sleepy' lizard.
Mr. E.H. (Edward Hollingworth) Giles, M.P., with a 'sleepy' lizard found at Yantanaby, near the train and railway line.

Luncheon on the train.
Men setting up tents and tables at the Puntabie railway siding, next to a small corrugated iron shed with a sign labelled 'Puntabie'.

Plaster of Paris Works at Cape Thevenard.
View of cars and trucks parked outside the plaster of paris plant belonging to the Waratah Gypsum Proprietry.

The main party.
Group photograph of the main party of the Parliamentary visit to the Eyre Peninsula. The group includes: the Hons. A.P. Blesing, W.H. Harvey, T. McCallum, and W. Hannaford, and Messrs. R.L. Butler, C.R. Collins, F.J. Condon, A.A. Edwards, J.C. Fitzgerald, E.H. Giles, W. Harvey, A.R.G. Hawke, P.T. Heggaton, L.A. Hopkins, J.A. Lyons, S. McHugh, M. McIntosh, F.M. McMillan, J. O'Connor, E.J. Shepherd, F.C. Staniford, H.G. Tossell, and J.S. Verran, M.'sP., Mr R. Cockburn (secretary), and Mr O.M. Chidlow (of Parliament House staff). Bert Edwards is possibly front row, fourth from left.

Gypsum plant.
Members of Parliament inspecting the gypsum elevator with endless cable bucket service to Kowulka, near Penong.

Aerial ropeway service.
A tower in the cable service to Kowulka Siding, over which the Waratah Gypsum Pty sends 50 tons of raw gypsum an hour between Kowulka, Thevenard and Penong.

Aerial ropeway service.
Members of Parliament viewing the return end of the aerial ropeway, or mono-cable, service at Kowulka siding.

Members of Parliament on tour.
Surveyor-General T.E. Day, Chairman of the Land Board Mr L.A. Wells, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Hon. T. Butterfield, and Assistant Secretary of the Pastoral Royal Commission Mr C. Pavy, who joined the party at Streaky Bay.

Leaving Capietha for Streaky Bay.
Parliamentary members gathered at a field at Capietha, preparing to leave for Streaky Bay in a fleet of motor cars.

At Stoker's Corner.
Parliamentary members at Stoker's Corner (Mortana), standing by their motor cars, where a railway line from Capietha to Stoke's Corner was proposed.

Horses to the rescue.
Members of the Parliamentary party attempting to move a motor car bogged in sand with the aid of horses.

Streaky Bay Hotel.
Members of the Parliamentary party and their motor cars outside the Flinders Hotel, Streaky Bay. The sign at the front of the hotel reads 'Thomas Mudge, Flinders Hotel'.

Streaky Bay Jetty.
View of the Streaky Bay jetty.

Sceale Bay wheat sheds.
View of wheat sheds at Sceale Bay.

Sceale Bay jetty.
Members of Parliament viewing the Sceale Bay jetty.

Lunch at Calca.
Members of Parliament along with local residents gathered outside the Calca Hall before lunch.

At Buckleboo Station.
Members of Parliament inspecting Buckleboo Station.

Mount Cooper.
Members of the Parliamentary tour ascending Mount Cooper for a panoramic view of the country, and land that would be served by the proposed Stoke's Corner Railway.