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Post Office, Wallaroo
Post Office, Wallaroo. Postal facilities were initially operated from the general store but in 1865 the Post and Telegraph Office was opened. The new Post Office opened in 1910 is shown in this photograph

Lake Wangary Hotel
[General description] The Old Lake Wangary Hotel, built in 1871, was once a stagecoach station on the West Coast stage-coach run from Port Lincoln. Here it doubles as as a Post and Telegraph Office where two carloads of men have stopped, one of the men appearing to fix a tyre. It ceased to operate as a hotel in 1933. [On back of photograph] 'Lake Wangary Hotel / January 12, 1918'.

Miners' Hospital, Yam Creek
[General description] Two small buildings in a bush clearing comprise the Yam Creek Miner's Hospital. In the foreground there appears to be a garden surrounded by a rustic sapling fence. Yam Creek was on the Overland Telegraph Line, 95 miles from Southport. [On back of photograph] 'Miners' Hospital, Yam Creek /Northern Territory / In the eighteen seventies'. Photographer was possibly Paul Foelsche.

Township of Yankalilla
General view of the township of Yankalilla. Post and rail fences can be seen in the foreground and the telegraph line runs through the centre of the photo.

William John Cunningham
William John Cunningham, assistant superintendent of Telegraphs.

Edward Davy
Edward Davy was an English physician, scientist and inventor who played a prominent role in the development of telegraphy and invented an electric relay. He was made an honorary member of the Society of Telegraph Engineers in 1885 just before his death. In 1838 he migrated to South Australia with his family and became editor of the Adelaide Examiner. He later became director and manager of the Adelaide Smelting Company and became chief assayer of the Government Assay Office in 1852. In 1853 he moved to Melbourne and practiced as a physician for the rest of his life.

John R. Ewens
[General description] Upper body portrait of Police Sergeant John R. Ewens. He has short hair and mutton chop whiskers. In 1852 he was one of James Chambers' mail riders on the Coorong, later became a member of the South Australian Police Force from 1853. He was associated with the Adelaide- Melbourne telegraph line and with Major Warburton's explorations.

Sir James Fergusson
[General description] This is a head and shoulders portrait of Sir James Fergusson who is wearing his jacket buttoned up and a wing collar. He has dark hair and mutton-chop whiskers. He was Governor of South Australia, from February 1869 until February 1872 when he was appointed Governor of New Zealand. He was an enthusiastic supporter of the Overland Telegraph.

Sir James Fergusson
Sir James and Lady Edith Fergusson standing outside Government House in Adelaide. Sir James is wearing white trousers and a black jacket. Lady Edith died at age 32. He was Governor of South Australia from 1869-1873. As Governor Sir James helped to secure the route of the Overland Telegraph Line through Northern Territory to Port Augusta. He was killed during an earthquake in Jamaica in 1907.

Alfred Giles
Alfred Giles, explorer and pastoralist. He was appointed second in command of John Ross's 1870 advance expedition to fix a course for the Overland Telegraph Line. In 1879-80, he overlanded several thousand head of sheep and cattle from Adelaide, to establish the Springvale cattle station near Katherine.

Christopher Giles
[General description] Head and shoulders portrait of Christopher Giles senior. He has a trim beard and moustache and wears a jacket and cravat with pin. He arrived in the colony in 1849 with substantial assets and took up a run at Ketchowla (in the state's north east) with Mr. H. Boucaut. The enterprise eventually failed due to severe drought and he moved to Adelaide in 1864. His son Christopher junior, trained as a surveyor, was associated with the Goyder Expedition and the Overland Telegraph.

Ernest Giles
Ernest Giles, explorer was born in England and followed his family to Adelaide in 1850. He led an expedition to Central Australia west of the new overland telegraph line. He also led an exploration to Western Australia in 1875 via the Great Western Desert . He performed a return trip thus completing a double crossing of the western half of the Australian continent. He is remembered by his journals which show his powers of observation.

Francis James Gillen
[General description] Portrait of Francis James Gillen, seated. He is short haired and clean shaven. He was a Public Servant and amateur ethnologist, appointed in 1892 as Alice Springs post and telegraph station master where he was also Special Magistrate and Sub-protector of Aborigines. He had a particular interest in the Aboriginal people and vigorously defended their rights. He collaborated with anthropologist Sir Baldwin Spencer on field trips and in publications.

Captain John Hart
Captain John Hart was a seafarer from the age of 12 and managed a whaling station at Encounter Bay. After several voyages to England he established Hart's Flour Mill at Port Adelaide. He was the first President of the Port Adelaide Football Club, a Member of Parliament and Premier and Treasurer for 18 months. He should have been credited for the success of the Overland Telegraph Line.

Sir R. G. MacDonnell
Sir Richard Graves MacDonnell was the sixth Governor of South Australia. Born in Dublin he was remembered for his dominant personality, forthrightness and intolerance. Differences between MacDonnell and his officials caused several changes of government. However he extended the railway and telegraph communications, opened copper mines on Yorke Penninsula and encouraged students to continue post-primary schooling

Sir William Milne
[General description] Upper body portrait of pioneer Sir William Milne. He arrived in the colony in 1839 in the Palmyra, built a successful distillery business and later served in both the Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament. He was influential in the Crown Lands Department and the Overland and other telegraph lines, and appointed KB in 1876. He was active on several boards and a volunteer as a captain in the mounted and foot forces.

Dr. Frederick Emil Renner
Dr. Frederick Emil Renner (1821-1893) was the doctor selected to care for the team working on the Australian Overland Telegraph Line. His practice stretched 2,600 kilometres from Port Augusta to Roper River. He was one of the first doctors to appear on the South Australian Medical Register. His famous diaries were published in 1983.

John Ross
John Ross (Explorer) Reproduced from a small coloured portrait lent to Major General George William Symes (Governor's Private Secretary) by the Ross family. March 1959. John Ross (1817-1903), born in Scotland, arrived in Sydney 1837, undertook the first cattle drive from Goulburn River to Adelaide. He led the exploration for the route of the Overland Telegraph Line

John Ross
John Ross: explorer, drover and station manager was born in Scotland, arriving in Sydney in 1837. He joined a cattle drive from Goulburn River to Adelaide. Ross was referred to Charles Todd who appointed him leader of the advance party for the establishment of the overland telegraph. His explorations took him through the Interior and he became the second person to cross the continent through the centre. Ross was an excellent bushman and an energetic leader.

John and Rebecca Ross with three of their five children
Daguerreotype portrait of John and Rebecca Ross with their three children. Housed in an elaborately decorated embossed leather case with a gilt metal frame. Rebecca was Rebecca McKinlay Affleck and she died in 1869. John Ross remarried to Georgina Strongitharm and they had two daughters. His son, Alexander accompanied him in 1874 and was also a member of the successful Giles expedition in 1875-76. The children in this photograph which was taken in 1856 at Stanley Flat near Clare are Sarah (born 1853), Rebecca (born 1854), and Henrietta (born 1855) John Ross led the survey team whose task it was to find a route for the Overland Telegraph to Port Darwin in 1870.

Francis Robert William Scott
Francis Robert William Scott (1860-1923) in the early eighteen eighties. He was Telegraph Station Master and operator at Alice Springs, Tennant Creek and other places. Subsequently a pastoralist, owned Stirling Station near Barrow Creek.

James Lawrence Stapleton
Daguerreotype portrait of James Lawrence Stapleton.

Sir Charles Todd
Sir Charles Todd, who was Postmaster General, Superintendent of Telegraphs and Government Astronomer of South Australia.

Sir Charles Todd
[General description] This is a moodily lit artistic portrait of Sir Charles Todd as a dignified elderly gentleman. A man of many parts, he was an astronomer, meteorologist, electrical engineer and public servant. He is best known for his leadership of the establishment of the overland (from Adelaide to Darwin) single-wire telegraph line which linked Australia to the rest of the world in 1872. He was appointed C.M.G in 1872 and promoted to K.C.M.G in 1893.

Carl Unbehaun
Carl Unbehaun, electrical engineer in the Post and Telegraph Department. On the 14th May 1883 Adelaide's first telephone exchange with 48 subscribers was established in the General Post Office in Adelaide. In 1898 he established Unbehaun and Johnstone electrical engineers of Grenfell Street, later radio manufacturers abd retailers. One of their first contracts was to install electric lighting in the Government freezing works at Port Adelaide.

Adelaide Jubilee Exhibition
[General description] White helmeted soldiers hold back the crowd to form a guard of honour for the Governor. Mounted men clear the way. Buildings on the left are: The Institute, the Mortlock Library, the Mitchell Building and, in the distance, the new Exhibition building. Telegraph poles and wires cut across the scene. [On back of photograph] 'Opening of Adelaide Jubilee International Exhibition / 21st June, 1887 / North Terrace, Adelaide / Waiting for Governor'.

Adelaide Jubilee Exhibition
[General description] White helmeted soldiers hold back the crowd to form a guard of honour for the Governor. Mounted men clear the way. Is the boy running to fetch a dog which is standing in the path of the horses? Buildings on the left are: The Institute, the Mortlock Library, the Mitchell Building and, in the distance, the new Exhibition building. Telegraph poles and wires cut across the scene. [On back of photograph] 'Opening of Adelaide Jubilee International Exhibition / 21st June, 1887 / North Terrace, Adelaide / Waiting for Governor'.

Burke's Tree
Burke's Tree. Taken from Daily Telegraph [Sydney] 19.11.12. Evidently taken prior to 1908. The sawn limb is in evidence. An intermediate stage in its history. Robert O'Hara Burke died at this waterhole on Cooper Creek in 1861.

This is a photograph of an exhibition of various pieces of (probably steam driven) machinery. The large engine in the foreground has a placard in front of it which reads as follows; 'This old beam engine is one of the first six engines of its type built by the celebrated Watts / It was brought out to South Australia by the late Mr. John Ridley and put under steam by him / It was the first engine under steam and the first to grind meal in South Australia / It is the oldest engine now under steam in the world / Presented for preservation to the South Australian Chamber of Manufactures inc. by Mr. Thomas Magarey' [On back of photograph] 'Engine used by John Ridley in his flour mill at Hindmarsh in 1840'. According to a researcher, this photo was taken at the S.A. Chamber of Manufactures 'Century Exhibition of Arts and Industries', held 15 March to 16 April 1900. (see Express & Telegraph, 15 March 1900, p. 2) The engine was also exhibited at their 1905 'South Australian Exhibition of Arts, Products and Industries', but by then Henderson & Co, Confectioners, exhibiting to the right of the engine, were no longer trading. Some of the statements on the sign in the photo are false. See LJ Jones, 'The beam-engine of Ridley's "Hindmarsh Mill": the fate of an historic artefact', South Australiana vol 19 no 1, March 1980.

Camel Team
Camel team; location unknown. Approximately 15 camels are harnessed to pull a heavily laden wagon filled with sacks. They are standing outside the Post and Telegraph Office in a remote location surrounded by sand hills