Find • telegraph • Results 631 to 660 of 871

Franklin Street, Adelaide
[General description] Telegraph poles and city buildings feature in this view looking east down Franklin Street from the King William Street intersection. On the right are the Victoria Square gardens and on the left are the Government Offices. Spires of the Presbyterian and Bethlehem Lutheran Churches appear further along the street and the hills are seen in the distance. [On back of photograph] 'Flinders Street / looking east from King William Street / about 1896'.

Victoria Square, Adelaide
The Victoria Square gardens, surrounded by wrought iron fencing, are viewed through telegraph wires producing an interesting effect. In the foreground cab horses are feeding from nosebags. The National Mutual Life building is seen on the opposite side of the Square in its original position on the corner of Grote Street. In 1979, the facade of this building and its original roof were moved 34 metres north to make way for the SGIC Building. (See B 69527) [On back of photograph] 'Acres 267, 306, 335 / Victoria Square, west side / Looking from corner of Flinders and King William Streets. The extreme right of the photograph is 7 yards south of Franklin Street.' (Another hand) '1884-88 (See directories)'.

Franklin Street, Adelaide
[General description] Looking west across the intersection of King William and Flinders Streets with the trees of Victoria Square visible on the left. Horse tram tracks in the foreground turn right into King William Street. There are telegraph poles on either side of the street and the spire of Maugham Methodist Church can be seen in the middle distance. On the right is the General Post Office. Pedestrians wander all over the roads. [On back of photograph] 'Franklin Street / looking west from King William Street / About 1890'.

Flinders Street, Adelaide, South Side
Flinders Street, Adelaide, on the south side, west of Daly Street. Taken on December 14th, 1923. The telegraph pole in centre is about 75 yds. from Daly St. The two cottages with the light coloured roof in the centre of photograph were demolished in 1924. To view the building subsequently erected, see B 2600.

Victoria Square, Adelaide
Victoria Square, Adelaide, looking west from the Supreme Court building. In the foreground an iceman is trotting along the road with his horse and buggy. A cart loaded with timber is going the other way. The spire of Maughan Church can be seen on the distant left. On the extreme left is Best's open air picture theatre, with chairs arranged in rows. The street visible above the telegraph pole is Page Street.

Victoria Square, Adelaide
Victoria Square, Adelaide, looking west from the Supreme Court building, in January, 1911. The street visible above the telegraph post is Page Street. On the extreme left is Best's Pictures, an open air picture theatre. The spire of Maughan Church is in the distance.

Victoria Square, Adelaide
Victoria Square, Adelaide, showing the South West corner in 1910. The telegraph poles with their porcelain insulators are clearly seen, also the wrought iron railings around the gardens. The Supreme Court Building stands at the end of the Square.

Carrington Street
Carrington Street, north side, 30th December 1952. Left side of Amscol building abuts east side of Bewes Street; frontage: 82 3/4 yards. First four sections from the left of this building (i.e. from a little in front of the horse's head to a little left of the first iron and concrete telegraph or electric light pole) were completed in 1951 For a view of this site in 1923 see B12533. For views illustrating building progress on this site see B5159, B5934, B5230, B12530, B12532, and B12531. Amscol stood for Adelaide Milk Supply Co-operative Limited and was established by farmers in the 1920's to process milk supplies

Wright Street, Adelaide
[General description] Wright Street, Adelaide. In the foreground a man and woman are walking along the footpath. She is in full Victorian dress, complete with a sun shade. The buildings on the opposite side of the street are clearly seen. [On back of photograph] 'Wright Street / Looking west. / Feb. 16, 1897 / The telegraph post in the right centre is on corner of Mill Street. Near side of cottage on the extreme right is 19 yards east of Mill Street.' (Another hand) 'Acres 454-457'.

Stevens Street, Adelaide
[General description] A row of single storey brick and stone attached cottages, each with a chimney and parapets hiding the iron roofs. They all have verandahs and wooden picket fences. Part of a horse-drawn cart is visible on the left. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 566 / Stevens Street, west side / September 28, 1927 / Near side of row of cottages is 27.5 yards south of Halifax Street. Telegraph pole is 50.5 yards south of Halifax Street.'

Little Gilbert Street
Little Gilbert Street, Mohammedan Mosque was built in 1888 to cater for the large Islamic community living in Adelaide at the time. Thomas Elder introduced 100 camels and 31 Afghan camel handlers to aid in the exploration of inland Australia and the building of the Overland Telegraph Line. This is the oldest surviving Mosque in Australia. The pool provided a place to wash prior to praying and the tessallated pavement is laid in the porch which is enclosed with numerous columns. The mosque is enclosed in a flower filled garden. In the photograph five Islamic men can be seen near the pool.

Little Gilbert Street
Little Gilbert Street, Mohammedan Mosque which was built in 1888 to cater for the large Islamic community living in Adelaide at the time. Thomas Elder introduced 100 camels and 31 Afghan camel handlers to aid in the exploration of inland Australia and the building of the Overland Telegraph Line. This is the oldest surviving Mosque in Australia. The pool provided a place to wash prior to praying and the tessallated pavement is laid in the porch which is enclosed with numerous columns. The mosque is enclosed in a flower filled garden. In the photograph an Islamic man can be seen putting his shoes back on after praying in the mosque.

Gilles Street corner
[General description] Large house on the corner of East Terrace and Gilles Street. Possibly the home of T.N. Hardy Vinegrower. The rambling two storey house has arches covering a verandah on the ground floor and balconies on the first floor facing the parklands. Creeping vines cover much of the house. [On back of photograph] Acre 661. South corner of East Terrace and Gilles Street. About 1896. Telegraph pole on the extreme right is 47-1/2 yards west of East Terrace. Far side of gable on left is 31 yards south of Gilles Street.

Archer Street
South east corner of Archer and O'Connell Streets. The single storey corner business housed the Watson Druggist store, a Post Office and Telegraph Office but was demolished in 1880. Henry Watson is standing in front on the right.

O'Connell Street
[General description] Looking towards Adelaide along an unsealed O'Connell Street with city businesses lining the street. On the left is Watson, Druggist which also seems to be the Post and Telegraph Office. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 786 and 787 / O'Connell Street, looking south from a point slightly north of Archer Street / 1875-78 / Presented by Mrs. H.Davenport'.

Barnard Street, Adelaide
[General description] The road and sky frame this row of cottages with mullion windows, iron roofs and rendered walls. A picket fence surrounds their gardens. Note the telegraph pole with its prop. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 813 & 812 / Barnard Street, north side / 1922 or 1923 / On the right is Wellington Square. Near side of two story house on the left is 75 yards west of the square.'

Archer Street, North Adelaide
[General description] Looking along Archer Street to the distant hills. Shops on the corner are a retail butcher on the left, established 1868 and opposite is a chemist and telegraph office. The Archer Street Methodist Church is further along the street. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 821, 786 / Archer Street, looking east from O'Connell Street / 1875-76'.

Kingston Terrace, North Adelaide
Kingston Terrace, January 20th, 1930. The telegraph pole on the left is 67 yards east of Brougham Place. Two large houses can be seen behind the stone wall.

Light Square, Adelaide
Light Square, Adelaide, looking east up Waymouth Street from the top of Sands & McDougall's in April 1911. In the foreground the square, filled with trees, is surrounded by wrought iron railings. Telegraph poles form a line down Waymouth Street.

Pageant of Progress
Post office tableau float featuring telegraphy. Children are dressed in various forms of telecommunications, such as a telephone rotator, and telegraph wires.

Cable layers in Port Darwin
DARWIN: Three men in Port Darwin days cutting and splicing cable.

Eucla government buildings
EUCLA: The Government buildings.

Group of Eucla residents
EUCLA: Group of local residents.

Eucla government buildings
EUCLA: Government building.

Women and children from Eucla
EUCLA: Group view of the women and children living at Eucla.

Local Eucla resident
EUCLA: Arthur Chichester Beadon, a resident associated with the Telegraph Station.

Setting out for Port Adelaide in a horse drawn vehicle
EUCLA: Travellers have a send off as they set out for Port Adelaide in a horse drawn vehicle.

Eucla resident Mr. Evans
EUCLA: Resident Mr. Evans enjoying a Sunday afternoon rest.

Northern Territory meat house
NORTHERN TERRITORY: A meat house; Gordon Marsh, Manager of Tennant Creek Telegraph Station, with Nell and Mrs. Jones.

Street scene at Port Lincoln
Street scene outside the Post and Telegraph Office at Port Lincoln. The registration number 7257, on the Saxon car was first issued to Mrs. A.M. Rose, of Port Lincoln, for another make of car.