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Sir Charles Todd
[General description] This is a shadowy head and upper body portrait of Sir Charles Todd in later life. He is facing left and has greying hair, moustache and beard. Arriving in Adelaide in 1855, he became Postmaster General, Superintendent of Telegraphs and Government Astronomer of South Australia. The most famous of his many achievements was his conception and leadership of the installation of the Port Augusta- Darwin overland single-wire telegraph line which linked Australia to the rest of the world in 1872. In June 1893 he was made K.C.M.G.

Charles Todd
Charles Todd, astromoner, electrical engineer, meteologist, public service head. He was always fascinated by telecommunications and eventually became Head of the Electric Telegraph Department and was the Astronomical and Meteorological Observer. He built the first telegraph line across Australia.

Sir Charles Todd
[General description] Head and shoulders portrait in seven eighths view of Sir Charles Todd. He was an astronomer, meteorologist, electrical engineer and public service department head (Postmaster-General &Superintendent of Telegraphs) best known for his work on the Overland Telegraph linking Australia with London. He was made KCMG in June 1893.

Stuart's Tree
[General description] A group of men are standing with an iron pole in a clearing in scrub. The iron bar is being placed in the hole left by a Stuart's burnt out tree.The man on the left is probably Mr.Walter Campbell. Next to him is Mr. Justice Mitchell. The man standing between the two Aboriginal men (whose names have not been given) is Mr. Harley Thomas. [On back of photograph] 'Northern Territory / Site of Stuart's Tree / Administrator Mr. Justice Mitchell holding the iron rail put in where the stump of the tree was burned out. / Mr. Harley Thomas between the two natives. / Aug. 24, 1911.' An article from the Register dated 26th July, 1924 is attached. It reads: 'General News / Stuart's Tree / Referring to the discovery of the tree marked with the initials of John McDouall Stuart, and its subsequent destruction, a paragraph relating to which appeared in the Register of Thursday, we are informed that after the tree was burned out Mr. Justice Dashwood visited the spot and in the cavity made by the burning in the butt of the tree underground he placed a small canister with a slight record in it, and put a stick in the hole. In 1911 Mr. Justice Mitchell, the Administrator of the Terrritory and Judge of the Supreme Court visited the site with Mr. Walter Campbell (then Director of Agriculture, New South Wales), and Mr. Harley Thomas, of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company. When His Honour touched the stick left by Mr. Justice Dashwood it broke off. A search revealed the canister which was removed and is now in the museum, at Darwin. His Honour had taken from Darwin a ten foot length of railway iron. This was put into the stump hole, and a canister enwrapped in cement was buried at the foot of the pole. In the canister was put a paper containing the following words:- "Aug. 24, 1911- Upon this spot there grew a tree upon which the explorer John McDouall Stuart carved his initials on the 24th day of July, 1862, after his venturesome and successful journey across the continent of Australia. The tree was burned down in 1902. Shortly afterwards the spot was marked by Mr. Justice Dashwood (the then Government Resident). Mr. Justice Mitchell, the Acting Administrator of the Northern territory is now visiting the spot in company with Mr. Walter S. Chap-bell (sic) and Mr. Thomas, of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Cable Company, and will place this writing in a cemented tin box and bury it at the foot of an iron post brought by His Honour to erect on the place where formerly the tree grew. God save the King." Mr. Cecil Freer is the lessee of lands on which the tree grew or of adjacent lands. He is good enough, when buffalo hunting takes him that way, to see that the pole is still erect, and that his native boys are instructed by him to watch and take care of the pole.'

Bushfires in the Adelaide Hills
Photographs taken of the 1939 bushfires in the Adelaide Hills, including Macclesfield, Echunga, Mount Torrens and Crafers.

Monument of John Baxter
[General description] Monument of John Baxter [On back of photograph] 'Inscription on monument: "John Baxter (Explorer) / The companion of John Eyre / was killed here by natives / April 29th, 1841" / erected by the Western Australian Historical Society, 1930 / Erected near Jindra Rock Hole, 47 miles from Eyre Station and less than a mile south of the old telegraph line / See C.S.O. (W.A.) file no. 116/ 1938' (Another hand) 'Described by G.P. Stevens as "near the coast, about 50 miles W.S.W. of the old telegraph station at Eyre's sand patch" / Photograph taken in 1938'.

Adelaide Post Office
[General description] Adelaide Post Office, built in 1867-1872, and Treasury buildings, on the right. The view is taken from across Victoria Square and shows part of the Square gardens surrounded by ornate iron railings which remained there intil 1929. Telegraph posts and wires line the street. (The old Telegraph office was demolished in 1891) [On back of photograph] 'Acres 237 & 238 / c1890 / Photograph by S.J. Dailey? / See also B 1583 & B 36204.'

Observatory, West Terrace was built for Sir Charles Todd, the pioneer of a network of telegraph lines to connect the colony of South Australia to the world. The complex included the Todd family residence. The earliest verandah covered section of the main building was completed in 1860. The tower and transit room and domed equatorial room was completed by 1876. The Observatory became the hub for meteorological observation stations that reported daily using the telegraph system. Regular forecasted and maps were published using this data. The complex was demolished shortly after this photograph was taken

H.G. Nelson touring on his motorcycle
ALICE SPRINGS: Harold George Nelson, Representative for the Northern Territory, leaving Alice Springs Post and Telegraph Office on his motorcycle as he begins his journey north on a campaign in October 1925, a few days later he became lost in the bush and nearly perished. The following information was provided by a researcher: "The motorcycle is probably a GC3 'Colonial' 250cc version of the 1922 British Velocette. Despite almost dying near Barrow Creek, H.G. Nelson went on to win the election in December by 34 votes. He was member for 12 years before losing in 1934. He died in Alice Springs in 1947. On the fence is Ernest Allchurch, Stationmaster of the Alice Springs Telegraph Station. He looks unimpressed, because he tried to talk H.G. out of going. H.G. had little survival gear, and already attempted to go to Arltunga and failed, but the short 45 km trip to Jay creek had given him confidence".

Residents of Mount Gambier: Walter Burkitt
Studio portrait of Walter Edward Rawlins Burkitt, telegraph operator at Mount Gambier, before moving to Adelaide and later Brisbane as head of the Telegraph Department. Walter Burkitt was married and had five children. He died in February 1884.

A large group of Aboriginal men at Alice Springs Telegraph Station. Telegraph employees Moore and Squire in top right corner of group.
A large group of older Aboriginal men. They may have come to this place for the distribution of rations, as the men sitting in the front row have tin cans beside them. All the men are wearing western dress and have beards. Two white men wearing hats are standing at the back, under a verandah on the right hand side of the group. This is probably a companion image to B 47072/167 showing a large group of Aboriginal women and children.

William McMinn
Portrait of William McMinn, one in a composite of 'Men of South Australia'.

Frank Marchant
Portrait of Frank Marchant who participated in the construction of the telegraph line to Western Australia in the 1870s.

Horse team and wagon
George Hablett with a 10 horse team and wagon, bringing in supplies for the Adelaide Springs telegraph station.

Riding party
A group of riders, children of the photographer Thomas Bradshaw, on their horses outside one of the Alice Springs telegraph office buildings. At right, riding side-saddle is Doris Bradshaw (about 16), with Mortimer, 13, Jack (Eric Ivan, about 10), and Consie (Constance), aged 11.

Boy at Alice Springs
A boy with two buckets on a shoulder yoke, standing beside an evaporometer, which measures evaporation. According to a researcher, Charles Todd was passionate about weather and all the Telegraph stations had a weather station, and had to report weather data at set times of the day. Alice Springs had this extra item, which is still there with a plaque.

Collection of photographs taken around Adelaide by Theo Bachmann
Collection of several hundred 3" x 4" glass plates negatives taken around Adelaide by Theo Bachmann ca.1915-1950. Originally housed in labelled sleeves with an index, they feature the Bachmann and Plunket families, as well as more general scenes. The original envelope number is shown in square brackets after the description of each image, and can be cross-referenced to the index (see B 71826/656. Images 101-200 feature family picnics, The Botanic Gardens, views around Belair and Waterfall Gully, and scenes around the suburbs.

Sweet Collection folders, volume 6
Volume 6 in a collection of photographs by Captain Samuel Sweet, arranged in six folders. Each photograph in Folders 1-5 and some in Folder 6 have separate records in the catalogue and have been previously digitised. By searching on Collection: Sweet Collection, these records can be drawn together. Additional photographs in Folder 6 can be viewed by taking the browse album link attached to the record B 72483/6.

Maitland Post Office
View of the front facade of the Maitland Post Office. This consists of a 'Post & Telegraph Office' on a street corner, conjoined to a matching building by a smaller annexe (residence) and with a fenced backyard. The roofs of the two main buildings are of corrugated iron and there is a stobie pole on the street corner with 8 crossbars (indicating that it is on the Overland Telegraph line to Darwin). An unusual style of street light stands corner side of the separately housed entrance to the Office.

Artillery Volunteers
Photograph of militia artillery volunteers. Figure third from the right is Alexander Henry Ringwood who was the meteorologist engaged on the overland telelgraph.

The 'Gulnare' in Roper River, Northern Territory
The wooden schooner 'Gulnare', 64 tons, in Roper River, Northern Territory [wooden 2 mast schooner, 151 tons, ON41724, 103.6 x 24.2 x 10.7. Built 1856. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, formerly owned in London and arrived in Port Adelaide Dec. 1863, having been purchased by Captain Alex McCoy and Mr E Jenkins, registered Port Adelaide as 1/1864. Sold to the South Australian Government 1869 for use in connection with the Overland Telegraph Line, and while conveying supplies to the Roper River working party, was stranded on a reef near the Vernon Islands (about 30 miles from Darwin) and after survey was condemned in October 1871. See 'Ships of the Overland Telegraph, Australasian Shipping Record' Vol.3(5) page 129 Sept. 1972. Port Adelaide Customs Register 1/1864].

Research paper on Edward Angus Hamilton along with photographs
Research paper on Edward Hamilton together with a brief biography, photographs of buildings with which he was associated, a copy of the article on Edward Hamilton which was reproduced from the September 1985 edition of heritage periodical and a photocopied newspaper article about a mansion to be demolished at Unley. Details for the photos (D 7683/2) are as per brief captions on back of photographs.

Photographs of T.F. Smith
Photographs of Thomas Frederick Smith, member of the Overland Telegraph Construction Party, both taken by Townsend Duryea.

Buxton scrapbook
Scrapbook album relating to the activities of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton (Governor of SA from 1895-1898) and his family. It contains 98 original photos, as well as newspaper cuttings, watercolour paintings and letters. Possibly compiled by Lady Buxton. The majority are identified or annotated in the compiler's hand, sometimes using terminology that is today considered inappropriate.

Photograph album 'Along the Eyre Highway with Ernestine Hill'
Photograph album entitled 'Along the Eyre Highway with Ernestine Hill'; and loose photographs held within the album. The inside inscription to the album reads 'All photographs in this album were kindly presented by Mrs. Ernestine Hill to be added to my collection of Nullarbor pictures---H.G. Watson. Photos were taken by Mrs. Hill and her son Bob'. See 'contents' note for more details.

Holden inauguration, Brisbane
Black and white photographs of General Motors-Holden's Limited events celebrating the Holden Inauguration held in Brisbane, 1948, announcing the release of the new 48-215 [FX] Holden. Comprises photographs and a hand drawn subtitle page from Volume II.

John Henry Smyth-Blood
Quarter plate studio portrait of John Henry Smyth-Blood. He has a full beard and moustache and is seated and wearing a coat and embroidered fez style hat.

Parliamentary tour of Eyre Peninsula, October 9-18, 1926
Small album comprising 49 black and white photographs showing the highlights of the Parliamentary Tour of Eyre Peninsula from the 9th to the 18th of October 1926. The tour of the West Coast of the Eyre Peninsula was to inspect railway, shipping, water, and other facilities. Photographs by E. Morris, The Register. For more details and list of members on the tour see article 'Parliamentary visit to Eyre Peninsula' in 'The Advertiser', Monday 11 October 1926, page 13. See below for details of images.

Photographs of the Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) Australia salt fields
106 black and white photographs documenting the building of the Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) Australia at Dry Creek, South Australia. The photographs were created or collected by Wilfred Grant Webster, as part of the role as manager of conservation and safety at ICI Australia. See also State Library of SA Oral History collection item OH 233, 'Interview with Wilfred Grant Webster' by Tony Evans and B 74346/1-34.

Illuminated address presented to Gillen
An illuminated address presented 'to F. J. Gillen Esq. / Senior & Inspecting Officer Central Section O.T. Line and Sub-Protector of Aborigines' by his fellow officers for the Overland Telegraph Line and friends at Alice Springs upon the occasion of his transfer to Moonta. The artwork, by A. Walmsley of Norwood, includes eight vignettes of the Alice Springs Telegraph Station, Arltunga Cyanide Works, Charlotte Waters, Cycads [at] Alice Springs, Emily Gap. Loaded camels [at] Central Australia, Simpson's Gap and palm trees [at] Finke River.