c. 1915, Photograph, PRG 280/1/29/279
A large group of men, some wearing uniforms, attending a Y.M.C.A. entertainment concert in a tent at the Oaklands Camp in South Australia. This photo was published in the newspaper 'Sport' (Adelaide, S.A.), Thursday 1 April 1915, page 6, with the caption 'One of the Y.M.C.A. Marquees at Oaklands Camp'. It has been suggested that the man on the front row, holding gloves, no cap, and with his foot on the steps to the stage, is Harold Leslie Boyce who served with the 27th Battalion, A Company; and the man three to his left is Lieutenant Lawrence Anare Clyde (compare with B 45087), and the man with the moustache (behind and to the left of Clyde) is John Joseph Harrington [an obituary appeared in the 'Naracoorte Herald' Friday 9 May 1941, page 4.) See also PRG 280/1/24/163.