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South Adelaide

South Adelaide

Tinted lithograph of a panoramic view of Adelaide looking down King William Street and across the Torrens River from Montefiore Hill. The artwork includes a border featuring 18 smaller images of important buildings in the Adelaide area [from top left, going clockwise) Trinity Church, Hospital, Government Offices, Lunatic Asylum, Unitarian Church, Bank of Australasia, Congregational Church, St. Francis Zavier Cathedral, Adelaide Railway Station, St. Andrew's Church, Parliament House, Government House, Supreme Court, Scotch Church [sic], Post Office, Pirie Street Chapel, Baptist Chapel and the South Australian Institute.

Frederick Estcourt Bucknall

Frederick Estcourt Bucknall

Frederick Estcourt Bucknall (from a painting in the Hindmarsh Town Hall). Builder of Estcourt House; Mayor of Hindmarsh; M.P.; Brewer; Publican; founder of S.A. Yacht Club (now Royal S.A. Yacht Squadron). His father was Commodore of the esteemed Royal Thames Yacht Club and shortly after arriving in South Australia his son, Frederick Estcourt Bucknall built a fleet of pleasure craft to be used on the newly created Torrens Dam. A flood ruined this enterprise so he built a boatshed on the Port River. Later he built the South Australian Club Hotel in Port Adelaide. Later still when he was a wealthy man he built Estcourt House on the seafront between Grange and Glanville. While in politics he was remembered for installing mandatory horse troughs outside licensed premises. He was also Mayor of Hindmarsh for three years

George Frederick Ind

George Frederick Ind

Portrait of George Frederick Ind (1833-1906), painted by G.A. Tiarks. An inscription on the back reads 'To my wife Ella from her loving husband Spencer 24/1/07. In affectionate memory of a noble man, a kind & just Father & a true & devoted Friend to all. The picture of G.F. Ind of Paradise, Adelaide, painted from a photograph'. [Spencer Smithson Dunn married G.F. Ind's daughter Ella in 1883.] Joseph Ind, father of George Frederick Ind had an orange grove on the banks of the Torrens River in the Adelaide suburb of Paradise. Joseph arrived in South Australia in 1837 and named the land after his old farm in Gloucestershire.

Mile End Creek, West Adelaide

Mile End Creek, West Adelaide

Mile End Creek at Milner Street, Richmond before improvements effected by Engineering and Water Supply Department in 1937-39. Although there is little water in the creek evidence of previous flooding can be seen

Mile End Creek, West Adelaide

Mile End Creek, West Adelaide

Mile End Creek at Milner Street, Richmond after improvements made by E. and W. S. Department. See B 11667. The sides of the creek have been filled with concrete

City of Adelaide, looking south east

City of Adelaide, looking south east

'Drawn from nature by S.G.' [Samuel Calvert] the lithograph shows the early settlement in Adelaide, looking south from a point near Strangways Terrace. In the foreground Aboriginal people are fishing in the Torrens River, and the Mount Lofty Ranges can be seen in the background.

Original Adelaide City Bridge

Original Adelaide City Bridge

The original Adelaide City Bridge over the Torrens River, on King William Road. It was built in 1855 and lasted until 1877 when it was replaced.

City Bridge, King William Road

City Bridge, King William Road

City Bridge, King William Road, 5 January 1928, looking west. The magnificent City Bridge was widened and officially opened on 25 April 1877. It was 110 feet long and 40 feet wide with two footpaths of seven feet each.

City Bridge, King William Road

City Bridge, King William Road

City Bridge, King William Road, looking south. The City Bridge was brought from England and was used from 1877. It was 110 feet long, 40 feet wide and the two footpaths were 7 feet wide. The Torrens River is quite wide and lined with reed beds. In the distance the Rotunda, Parliament House and the Town Hall Tower can be seen.

Adelaide Rowing Club's Boathouse

Adelaide Rowing Club's Boathouse

Adelaide Rowing Club's boat house on the south bank of the Torrens River, January 8th 1932, approximately 30 yards from the water and 93 yards east of Morphett Street Bridge. This building was erected in 1931 to replace the building destroyed by fire on March 6, 1931. S B 5082, 5876 and 5877. Adelaide Rowing Club was established in 1882.

Floating Palais

Floating Palais

Floating Palais de Danse, Torrens River.

University Footbridge

University Footbridge

University Footbridge over the Torrens looking east. The bridge was erected in 1937. The curve of the river and gently sloping lawns makes this a pleasant part of Adelaide.

Victoria Bridge, Adelaide

Victoria Bridge, Adelaide

[General description] This photograph is cut to an unusual keyhole shape and shows the Victoria Bridge over the Torrens with the tops of parkland trees visible in the background. The water in the river is high in this view. Compare with B 999 taken in 1870 soon after the brige was completed. [On back of photograph] 'Reproduced in the "Observer", June 16, 1928 / (Another hand) "Victoria Bridge (Morphett Street)'.

University footbridge, Adelaide

University footbridge, Adelaide

UNIVERSITY FOOTBRIDGE: Distant view of the University footbridge leading from parklands over the Torrens River, Adelaide, South Australia.

Lawns in Elder Park, Adelaide

Lawns in Elder Park, Adelaide

ELDER PARK: Part of the lawns near the Torrens River in Elder Park, Adelaide, South Australia.

Part of Elder Park, Adelaide

Part of Elder Park, Adelaide

ELDER PARK: Part of the lawns near the Torrens River in Elder Park, Adelaide, South Australia.

Premises of the Floating Palais de Danse

Premises of the Floating Palais de Danse

FLOATING PALAIS: Premises of the Floating Palais de Danse on the Torrens River.

Adelaide Bridge

Adelaide Bridge

ADELAIDE BRIDGE: Architectural drawing of the City Bridge, King William Street, Adelaide.

Railway transport: 520 class

Railway transport: 520 class

Passenger train near Adelaide. Photograph taken in North Adelaide from a position just south-west of War Memorial Drive. The train is heading towards Adelaide and the locomotive is just about to cross the Torrens River bridge. The walls of the Adelaide Gaol can be seen through the bridge.

Views of South Australia : Adelaide (City) Bridge

Views of South Australia : Adelaide (City) Bridge

View of the Adelaide or City Bridge crossing the Torrens River on King William Road. (Caption on original image incorrectly names bridge as the Albert Bridge.).

Views of SA, WA, Vic & NSW : Near Gumeracha

Views of SA, WA, Vic & NSW : Near Gumeracha

Bridge over Torrens River near Gumeracha. Three people can be seen on the bridge looking at the view.

Aerial view of Adelaide

Aerial view of Adelaide

Aerial view of Adelaide, looking south-east, with part of the Torrens River in the foreground, the city's square mile clearly shown and suburbs and Adelaide Hills in the background. April 1968.

Duncan Memorial

Duncan Memorial

Close-up of the Duncan Memorial, located at the southern end of the University bridge across the Torrens River. The inscription on the memorial reads 'In memory of Dr George Duncan, whose death by drowning on 10th May, 1972, near here, at the hands of persons unconvicted, precipitated homosexual law reform in South Australia, making it the first state in Australia in 1975 to decriminalise homosexual relations between consenting adults. We will remember him'.

Duncan Memorial

Duncan Memorial

View of the Duncan Memorial, located at the southern end of the University bridge across the Torrens River. The inscription on the memorial reads 'In memory of Dr George Duncan, whose death by drowning on 10th May, 1972, near here, at the hands of persons unconvicted, precipitated homosexual law reform in South Australia, making it the first state in Australia in 1975 to decriminalise homosexual relations between consenting adults. We will remember him'.

View of the University of Adelaide

View of the University of Adelaide

View of the Univery of Adelaide buildings looking south-east across the Torrens River. The photograph is unattributed but is possibly by Colin Ballantyne.

Adelaide Rowing Club

Adelaide Rowing Club

Photograph of the Adelaide Rowing Club on opening day (19 November 1927), taken on the grass in front of the club rooms on the bank of the Torrens River. A number of the people in the photograph have been identified using a grid system, with the front row being 1 and the back row being 8. The men are then numbered from left of each row eg 1.1 is the man first left in the front row. Using this system, the identified members of the group are: 1.1 Perc Haddy; 1.5 ?J.H.Gosse; 1.6 Governor of SA, Sir Alexander Hore-Ruthven; 1.7 J.M.Jay (treasurer); 1.8 A.J.Grayson, 1.9 K.B.Forwood; 2.7 R.H.Wallman; 2.9 J.T.Sheppard; 3.8 J.Vardon; 4.2 L.T.Grummet; 5.4 W.O.Menz; 5.5 H.V.Menz (captain); 6.1 R.D.Clark; 6.7 I.Golovsky; 6.8 C.A.M.West; 7.2 D.N.Linnett; 7.6 S.T.Facy, 7.7 J.P.Marcus; 7.9 R.J.Gillingham; 8.7 B.F.Hopkins.

Adelaide's Park and Skyline, SA

Adelaide's Park and Skyline, SA

View looking across the Torrens River and Elder Park, with the city buildings in the background. [The Rose Series P.9501.]

Travels in South Australia

Travels in South Australia

Collection of photographs taken by Jean B. Hale on her travels through South Australia between 1947 and 1955. See 'Contents' for details of individual photographs.

Unveiling of King George V statue, North Adelaide

Unveiling of King George V statue, North Adelaide

Unveiling of bronze equestrian statue of King George V in Angas Gardens, North Adelaide (north side of Torrens River) by the Governor of SA Sir Willoughby Norrie on Anzac Day 1950. The sculptor was M. Lambert, A.R.A. and the pedestal made of Waikerie freestone and granite.



SAPSASA 2001 Sports Carnival - Torrens River.