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Second hand shop on Prospect Road

Second hand shop on Prospect Road

View of a second hand shop on Prospect Road.

Series 049b: Aerial views of Adelaide and Prospect

Series 049b: Aerial views of Adelaide and Prospect

Aerial photographs of Adelaide city and the northern suburbs including Prospect, taken on small format acetate negatives.

Prospect Bowling Green

Prospect Bowling Green

Prospect Bowling Green, Prospect.

Prospect Bowling Green

Prospect Bowling Green

Prospect Bowling Green, Prospect.

Drapers Van, Prospect Hill

Drapers Van, Prospect Hill

Mr. Calico Smith's draper's van at Prospect Hill.

A private residence in Prospect

A private residence in Prospect

PROSPECT: A private residence at 17 Fitzroy Terrace, Prospect, the home of Leonard and Isabella Bakewell.

Ozone Theatre, Prospect

Ozone Theatre, Prospect

PROSPECT: Premises of the Ozone Theatre, Prospect.

Prospect Junior Football Club team photo

Prospect Junior Football Club team photo

A mounted sepia photograph of Prospect Junior FC: Adelaide and Suburban Association 1909, with names of players listed at the bottom of mount. Back row: F. Grant (goal umpire), G. Bastian, F. Martin, V. Wells (timekeeper), L. Forster, W. Poland, S. Wilson (Committee) Third row: L. Thomas (trainer), S. Williamson (Committee), L. Sandery, A. Koster, D. Conole, A. Sandery, W. Cearns, H. Chambers, H. Harvey (trainer) Second row: W. Beeching, H. Hayles, C. Neil (Sec. & Treas.), H. Rawson (Captain), C.J. Ellis (Vice-President), S. Williams, T. Butler. Front row: L. Dodman, P. Lewis, L. Simons (Committee), A. Russell.

Windmill Hotel, Prospect

Windmill Hotel, Prospect

View of the Windmill Hotel, 94 Main North Road, Prospect.

Windmill Hotel, Prospect

Windmill Hotel, Prospect

View of the Windmill Hotel, 94 Main North Road, Prospect.

St Mary's Home for Children, Prospect

St Mary's Home for Children, Prospect

External view of St Mary's Home for Children, Prospect, designed by architects Dean Berry & Partners. Built by R. W. Emery.

St Mary's Home for Children, Prospect

St Mary's Home for Children, Prospect

External view of St Mary's Home for Children, Prospect, designed by architects Dean Berry & Partners.

St Mary's Home for Children, Prospect

St Mary's Home for Children, Prospect

External view of St Mary's Home for Children, Prospect, designed by architects Dean Berry & Partners. Built by R. W. Emery.

Council Chambers, Prospect

Council Chambers, Prospect

Council Chambers and Office at Prospect.

Old Post Office, Prospect Hill

Old Post Office, Prospect Hill

Old Post Office, Prospect Hill.

Prospect Hill

Prospect Hill

Mr. & Mrs. George Tester of Clarendon in a horse drawn buggy at Prospect Hill. A researcher has provided the following information: 'According to your information the 'woman' in the buggy is Mrs (Macey Jane Tester, 1857-1933), when I believe that in fact it is her only daughter Macey Alice Tester (b.1893) who married John McMurtrie in 1917. Close examination of the image shows that it is George Tester and his daughter, not his wife.'

Premises of Coles Chemist Shop at Prospect

Premises of Coles Chemist Shop at Prospect

PROSPECT: The premises of A.E. Coles Chemist Shop, situated at 140 North Road (now Main North Road).

House at 35 Le Hunte Avenue, Prospect

House at 35 Le Hunte Avenue, Prospect

House at 35 Le Hunte Avenue Prospect, was the home of Arthur and Flora Thomas between 1921 and 1966.

Prospect Football Club

Prospect Football Club

Photograph of Prospect Football Club, Premiers N.A. District Association, Season 1927. Also seasons 1923 - 24 - 25. Back row: H. Roberts (Trainer), A. Hawke, B. Stenson, N. Drew, W. Evans, T. Earl., T. Slattery, H. Roberts. 3rd row: L. Potter, L. Harris, T. Wall, H. Hawke, L. Hughes, F. Dermott, C. Carver, W. Kain (trainer). 2nd row: G. Tannebring (delegate), S.B. Moyse (Asst. Sec), O. Stow (Capt.), H.P. Pascoe (President), C. James (Vice-Capt), T. James (Ball stewart), A. Foster (Hon. Sec.). Front row: S. Melvin, G. Kay, L. Bensch (umpire), B. Burns, R. Earl.

Prospect Football Club

Prospect Football Club

Photograph of Prospect Football Club. Premiers A. & S. Football Association, 1912.

Prospect Football Club

Prospect Football Club

Photograph of Prospect Football Club. Season 1902. Matches played 15, won 10, lost 5. [The names of the players, which were originally on the mount, have been cut off. R. Braham(?), D. Doody(?), R. Dawe, and H. Hawkes appear to be the names of the four men on the right in the back row. ].

Prospect Football Club

Prospect Football Club

Photograph of Prospect Football Club. Premiers Adelaide and Suburban Senior Association, 1912. Back row: W. Palmer, S. Williamson (committee), F. Robbins, C. Fullarton, C. Smith, J. Williamson, L. Redman. 3rd row: J. Penaluna (Vice-President), W. Robbins, L. Pinches, A. Blunden (timekeeper), D. Conole, F.B. Grant (Hon. Sec & Treas.), H. Redman, J. Doody, W. Quinton (Vice-President). 2nd row: N. Thomas, W. Blunden (President), H. Rawson (Captain), E.A. Roberts, M.H.R. (Patron), T. Butler ( Vice-Captain), C. Neil (Chairman), F. Thomas. Front row: L. Thomas (Trainer), W. Kingsley, C. Leslie, F. Kingsley, F. Quigley, G. Bastain (Trainer).

Prospect Football Club

Prospect Football Club

Photograph of Prospect Football Club. Premiers Adelaide and Suburban Senior Association, 1913. Back Row: H. Chambers (committee), E. Jenner, H. Mack, F. Robbins, H. Redman, T. Quigley, C. Ambler (committee), V. Wells (timekeeper). 3rd row: F. Dodman (trainer), C. Smith, W. Robbins, A. Robbins (chairman), W. Conole, W. Quinton (Vice President), L. Taylor, D. Fullarton, B. Gready (trainer), 2nd row: N. Thomas (Committee), J. Hopkins Esq., (President0, H. Rawson (Captain), E.a. Roberts, Esq. M.H.R. (Patron), T. Butler (Vice Captain), F.B. Grant (Hon. Sec & Treas), W. Kingsley (committee). Front row: G. Bastian (trainer), V. Guy, C. Taylor, F. Quigley, H. Neville, W. Hamilton, L. Thomas (trainer).

Prospect Football Club

Prospect Football Club

Photograph of Prospect Junior Football Club. Season 1918. Back row: W. Quigley, F. Fleet, C. James, J. Hutton, H. Smith, W. Purton, D. Bailey, S. Johnson, H. Sweetman (trainer). 3rd row: H. Veal (trainer), E. Crittenden, W. Lockett, T. Kingsley, A. Thomas, J. Deacon, K. Currie, C. Kingsley, J. Williams, L. Buter (trainer). 2nd row: D. Baird (secretary), Hon. E.A. Anstey, MP (Vice President), C. Hammond (captain), Mr. L. Boyle, JP (President), G. Bilney (Vice Captain), F. Honeybone (chairman), R. Tuckfield. Front row: F. Quigley (umpire).

Automobile, Prospect

Automobile, Prospect

View of an automobile parked in the back garden of a home in Prospect, February 1924.

Automobile, Prospect

Automobile, Prospect

Postcard view of an automobile parked in the driveway of a home in Prospect, 18th October 1925.

Children, Prospect

Children, Prospect

A group of children pose for a photograph in the back garden of a home in Prospect, October 1923.

Decorated car, Prospect

Decorated car, Prospect

View of a car parked in front of a home in Prospect, July 1930. The car has been decorated for a movie ball at the Walkerville Theatre which was run by the photographer's father, William Lester Boyle.

Motors leaving Prospect

Motors leaving Prospect

Postcar of four cars travelling down a street in Prospect, December 28th, 1922.

Prospect North Football Club

Prospect North Football Club

The Prospect North Football Team, undefeated premiers of the Church Junior Association (played 16, won 16). Back row (from left): H.Sweetman (trainer), H.Daw, S.Bungey, Stockdale (trainer), W.Malcom, P.Thompson, D.Baird (trainer). Third row (from left): R.Miatke, M.Quigley, A.Thomas, C.Hammond, C.Sawtell, R.Bray, R.Daw, Mr T.Bailey (coach). Second row (from left): R.Currie (Hon. Sec), C.James, Mr D.James (Chairman), T.Kingsley (captain), Mr W.Verco (vice-president), R.Crittenden, C.Thomas (treasurer), R.Tuckfield. Front row (from left): R.Bayley, C.Bilney, L.Foster, C.Kingsley.