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Daniel O'Leary

Daniel O'Leary

[General description] This is a head and shoulders portrait of Daniel O'Leary who appears to be near 80 years of age. He has a neatly trimmed full beard and is wearing a single breasted jacket. According to a researcher, this may be the Daniel O'Leary who arrived on board the 'Lysander' in 1839 and who was born in Cork Ireland in 1815 and died in Clare, South Australia in 1905.

James Vincent O'Loghlin

James Vincent O'Loghlin

[General description] Head and shoulders portrait of the Labor Senator. The background is very dark so only his face and shirt collar are lit. [On back of photograph] 'Senator James Vincent O'Loghlin'.

Garrett O'Moore

Garrett O'Moore

[General description] This studio portrait shows a bearded Garrett O'Moore, seated. He is wearing a dress uniform complete with sabre, striped trousers and a large pair of spurs. [On back of photograph] 'Garrett O'Moore / c. 1876'.

John O'Reily

John O'Reily

[General description] This is a full length portrait of John Reily, Archbishop of Adelaide. He has a beard and wears steel rimmed glasses. He is wearing a lace surplice over his cassock with a bishop's cape and pectoral cross. He is holding a book (probably a bible). [On back of photograph] 'Most Rev. John O'Reily, D.D. Born in Kilkenny (Ireland) 1846. Ordained priest in 1869. Consecrated Bishop of Port Augusta 1888. Appointed Archbishop of Adelaide, January 5th, 1895. Died July 6th 1915.'

Mr T.K. Pater

Mr T.K. Pater

Portrait of Mr T.K. Pater, Police Magistrate of Adelaide.

William Paxton

William Paxton

[General description] Full length portrait of William Paxton, standing next to an ornate table and chair. He was a South Australian colonist who arrived in 1840 aboard the Lalla Rookh, and was a pharmacist for a period, later a miller. Ultimately he became one of the investors in the Burra copper mines and returned to England in July 1855, a wealthy man.

Caleb Peacock

Caleb Peacock

[General description] Full length portrait of Caleb Peacock, seated, wearing his robes during his term as a very popular Mayor of Adelaide from 1875-77. He was elected to the South Australian House of Assembly seat of North Adelaide in 1878. He spent much of his later years managing the family tannery and wool scouring business at Bowden.

Archibald Henry Peake

Archibald Henry Peake

[General description] Head and shoulders portrait of Archibald Henry Peake, seen in three quarter view, showing a robust middle aged man, greying at the temples and wearing a thick moustache. He is wearing a flower in his buttonhole. He was Liberal Premier of South Australia between June 1909 and April 1920. Remembered as one of South Australia's most able Premiers, his greatest achievement was the locking of the Murray River in co-operation with New South Wales, Victorian and the Federal Government. He also heavily influenced the division of the state's politics into a two Party system.

Robert Archibald Peake

Robert Archibald Peake

[General description] Upper body portrait of Robert Archibald Peake, public servant, in seven eighths view. [On back of photograph] 'Robert Archibald Peake / Parents: Archibald Henry Peake / Annnie Peake nee Thomas / Schools: Naracoorte Public / Mount Barker Public/Hahndorf College / A.S. & B.T. Academy, Flinders Lane (Wm. Hogg, Principal) / Other night studies: Commerce Class, University of Adelaide (Mr. R.N. Finlayson, Lecturer) / Cabinet Making, School of Mines (Mr. Lykke, Instructor) / Fruit Culture (Mr G. Quinn, Horticultural Expert) / Entered Government Service on July 1st, 1907 / Appointed Acting Public Trustee 29-11-1934 / Public Trustee 8-8-1935'.

Dr Robert Peel

Dr Robert Peel

[General description] This studio portrait depicts Dr Robert Peel, prominent Adelaide physician, who is seated and resting one arm upon a gilt table.

W.T. Penrose

W.T. Penrose

[General description] In this head and shoulders portrait the Reverend W.T. Penrose looks slightly past the photographer. He is wearing glasses and a spade beard and moustache. Born in 1850 in West Cornwall, he arrived in South Australia in 1886. He was President of the Bible Christian Conference and Pastor of the Snowtown circuit, Crystal Brook and Port Adelaide. [On back of photograph] 'Rev. W.T. Penrose / (Pastor), B.C. Minister / South Australia'.

James Howard Phillips

James Howard Phillips

[General description] Head and shoulders portrait in three quarter view of Mr James Howard Phillips, of the firm D. & J. Fowler Limited and a Warden of the Marine Board (1891).

Robert J. Phillips

Robert J. Phillips

[General description] Head and shoulders portrait of Robert J. Phillips in three quarter view. [On back of photograph] 'Robert J. Phillips / Partner in D & J Fowler'

William Herbert Phillipps

William Herbert Phillipps

[General description] Head and shoulders portrait in seven eights view of Sir William Herbert Phillipps, prominent South Australian businessman and philanthropist. He was knighted in 1929 for his services to business and the community.

Henry J. Pitcher

Henry J. Pitcher

[General description] 'Full length studio portrait of Henry J. Pitcher posing with a chair and table on which stands a vase. He wears a matching jacket and vest (with watch chain) and contrasting trousers. He arrived in May 1838 with his parents, James and Isabella Pitcher, aboard the 'Trusty'. [His father farmed at Great Junction and Maitland.]

James A. Pitcher

James A. Pitcher

[General description] Head and shoulders portrait of pioneer James Archibald Pitcher. He is wearing sidewhiskers and a short beard without a moustache. He and his wife Isabella Elizabeth were both born in the year 1810 and arrived in SA on 15th May, 1838 aboard the ship 'Trusty' from London.

Edward William Pitts

Edward William Pitts

Portrait of Edward William Pitts who was a pastoral pioneer and the son of Captain John Staniforth Pitts (1800-1833) who died in India when Edward was one year old. His mother remarried. Edward arrived in South Australia in 1852 and became an assistant to the Colonial Architect later becoming one of the best draftsman and artist in the colony. He also established one of the best sheep breeding farms in Australia. His wool was judged second to none, commanding premium prices.

Thomas & Jane Pole

Thomas & Jane Pole

Tintype portrait of Thomas and Jane (nee Bobbett) Pole. Married Shapwick Somerset on 5 December 1835. Son William was baptised on 24 July 1837. They arrived South Australia on 15 May 1838 on the 'Trusty' and settled in the Reedbeds (Fulham) area. Following their arrival they had four daughters, Mary Ann 27.7.1840, Amelia 22.5.1843, Jane 26.6.1845 and Elizabeth 8.2.1848. Thomas worked as a policeman and farmer.

Rev James Pollitt

Rev James Pollitt

Rev. James Pollitt of St. Luke's Church, Adelaide. This portrait is three quarter view, head and shoulders.

Rev. James Pollitt

Rev. James Pollitt

Rev. James Pollitt of St. Luke's Church, Adelaide. This portrait is three quarter view, whole figure, seated.

Rev. F. Slaney Poole

Rev. F. Slaney Poole

[General description] Upper body portrait of Reverend Frederick Slaney Poole, rector of St. John's Halifax Street, Adelaide, 1874-95. He wears a waistcoat and jacket with his clerical collar and has a trimmed grey beard.

Justice Thomas Slaney Poole

Justice Thomas Slaney Poole

[General description] An informal portrait of the subject who is standing (possibly on a rostrum) and holding his top hat. He was a successful and highly esteemed lawyer, taking silk in September 1919, but also in that month ascending the Supreme Court bench under the recently proclaimed Fourth Judge Act. He was also attained high office as a Freemason, becoming the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of South Australia in 1924. There is an opinion amongst senior Adelaide lawyers that he was the 'best judge South Australia has ever had.'

Daniel Potter

Daniel Potter

[General description] Head and shoulders portrait of Daniel Potter, early settler of Mount Gambier.

David Power

David Power

[General description] A portrait of David Power showing him dressed in a bow-tie and sporting a clipped beard and grey hair. An obituary notice for David Power appears in the Observer on 19th April 1884 p.5A. In the South Australian Gazette - South East Entries it is stated that David Power was granted land in 1858. [On back of photograph] David Power who took up Moorak from the Crown.

Archibald Grenfell Price

Archibald Grenfell Price

[General description] Head and shoulders portrait of Archibald Grenfell Price, born 1892 in Adelaide: Assistant Master, St.Peter's College, 1916-24; House Master, 1922-24. First Master: St. Mark's College, 1925. Adelaide University Council, 1925.

Thomas Price

Thomas Price

[General description] Head and shoulders portrait of Thomas Price, in three quarter view. A stonemason by trade, he cut the stone and shaped the marble capitals on the columns of the new Parliament House. He became an active trade union member, later elected as member for Sturt in the South Australian House of Assembly in 1893, eventually becoming the Premier of South Australia from 1905 until his death in 1909. His successful stable labour government was regarded as a 'world first'.

William J.S. Pullen

William J.S. Pullen

Portrait of Vice Admiral William Pullen.

Hubert Rutherford Purnell

Hubert Rutherford Purnell

[General description] This seven eighths view portrait shows the head and shoulders of Hubert Rutherford Purnell, Librarian, Public Library of South Australia, 1913-1944. He is wearing his 'Returned from Active Service' badge, issued by the first Australian Imperial Force. [On back of photograph] 'H. R.Purnell Esq., Librarian, Public Library / Adelaide'Hubert Rutherford Purnell.

William Charles Quinton

William Charles Quinton

Portrait of William Charles Quinton.

Samuel & Eliza Rady

Samuel & Eliza Rady

Portrait of Samuel & Eliza Rady with son, Albert, and daughter, Edith, taken at Port Adelaide.