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The 'General Picton' at Port Augusta

The 'General Picton' at Port Augusta

The iron ship 'General Picton', 1580 tons, at Port Augusta [iron ship, 1660 tons. ON87123, 258.9 x 38.2 x 22.8. Built 1883 (5) Russell and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners L Davies and Co. Registered London. Stranded off Foster Island, July 24, 1888].

The 'Monarch' at Port Augusta

The 'Monarch' at Port Augusta

The wooden barquentine 'Monarch', 98 tons, at Port Augusta [wooden 3 mast schooner, 132 tons (officially, apparently altered c.1903 and reduced to 98 tons, but not recorded) 109.0 x 23.9 x 7.6. ON55958. Built 1871 J Robinson, Moreton Bay Queensland. Owners: Clarke, Hodgson and Co., registered Brisbane: 1872 Robert Chadwick, registered Sydney: April 1874 Messrs. Short: April 1888 Albert Heesh: Nov. 1902 William Playfair, Port Adelaide then CE Fricker, J Campbell and A Hodgeman. Wrecked Wardang Island, SA, April 6, 1909 (not 1907 as shown on caption)

The 'Holmsdale' at Port Augusta

The 'Holmsdale' at Port Augusta

Wooden ship 'Holmsdale', 1250 tons, at Port Augusta [wooden ship 1257 gross tons. ON 31590. 206.8 x 37.7 x 22.4. Built 1858, J Reed, Sunderland. Owners Phillips and Co. registered London. c.1872 Bilbe and Co. who placed the ship under the management of Anderson, Anderson and Co., and she operated as a unit in the Orient Line. The ship ultimately passed to the ownership of Anderson, Anderson and Co. Sold to Norwegian owners she went missing in 1897. Originally employed in the India and China trades, upon sale to Bilbe and operating as an Orient liner she commenced in the Australian trade, her usual voyages being outward to South Australia and homeward from Melbourne. There is an abstract of her homeward log in 1883 in 'Blackwall Frigates'. In 'Colonial Clippers' there is a mention of her appearance in the Australian Wool Trade in various years, without much detail and 'Blackwall Frigates' gives some additional, sketchy information.]

The 'Kooringa' at Port Augusta

The 'Kooringa' at Port Augusta

The iron barque (ex ship) 'Kooringa', 1175 tons, at Port Augusta [iron barque, 1206 tons, ON70636, 226.0 x 35.2 x 21.6. Built 1874 (9) John Softley and Co. South Shields, as 'Ravenstondale' and owned by RB Avery, registered London. 1884 acquired by Trinder, Anderson and Co. (When built was rigged as a ship, however either when purchased or just before sale was rigged down to a barque), registered London and renamed 'Kooringa' in 1885/6. Missing: left London 21 Feb. 1894 with general cargo for Brisbane, and was spoken 19 degrees South by 8 degrees West and never seen again].

The 'Cambrian Duchess' at Port Augusta

The 'Cambrian Duchess' at Port Augusta

The iron ship 'Cambrian Duchess', 1266 tons, at Port Augusta [iron ship 1318 tons, ON74560, 221.0 x 36.0 x 21.8. Built 1876 (9) Mounsey and Foster, Sunderland as Arvonia for Arvon Shipping Co. registered Liverpool c.1885 sold and renamed Cambrian Duchess. Owners: T. Williams and Co. registered Liverpool drops from registers before 1890].

The 'Thurland Castle' at Port Augusta

The 'Thurland Castle' at Port Augusta

The iron ship 'Thurland Castle', 1243 tons, at Port Augusta. The yards have been removed from her mizzen mast [iron ship later barque, 1306 tons, ON56962, 226.1 x 34.8 x 21.5. Owners:Lancaster Shipowners Co. (J Chambers and Co. managers) registered Lancaster].

The 'Lodore' at Port Augusta

The 'Lodore' at Port Augusta

The steel barque 'Lodore', 1679 tons, at Port Augusta [steel barque, 1679 tons. ON99369, 257.8 x 38.1 x 22.0. Built 1892 (2) W Pickersgill and Sons. Sunderland. Owners: P Ireland and Porter, registered Liverpool: became Norwegian without change of name. Capsized in Newcastle NSW but recovered].

The 'Lodore' at Port Augusta

The 'Lodore' at Port Augusta

The steel barque 'Lodore', 1679 tons, at Port Augusta [steel barque, 1679 tons. ON99369, 257.8 x 38.1 x 22.0. Built 1892 (2) W Pickersgill and Sons. Sunderland. Owners: P Ireland and Porter, registered Liverpool: became Norwegian without change of name. Capsized in Newcastle NSW but recovered].

The 'Rossdhu' at Port Augusta

The 'Rossdhu' at Port Augusta

The iron ship 'Rossdhu', 1370 tons, at Port Augusta [iron ship 1370 tons, ON67943, 232.5 x 38.2 x 21.9. Built 1874 (8) James E Scott, Greenock. Owners: W Turner and others, registered Greenock, later CS Caird].

The 'Cassandra' at Port Augusta

The 'Cassandra' at Port Augusta

The iron barque 'Cassandra', 726 tons, at Port Augusta. [iron barque, 733 tons, later 726 tons. ON58918, 174.5 x 30.8 x 19.6. Built 1868 (8) Oswald and Co. Sunderland. Owners: WH and ES Jones, registered Liverpool. c,1876/7 Joseph Steel, c.1890 to German owners without change of name.]

The 'Sofala' at Port Augusta

The 'Sofala' at Port Augusta

The four masted steel barque 'Sofala', 2301 tons, at Port Augusta [steel 4 mast barque, 2301 tons, ON99399. 277.5 x 42.0 x 24.2. Built 1892 (5) Russell and Co., Greenock, Owners: Ship Sofala Co. Ltd. (GM Steeves) registered Liverpool; later Sofala Shipping Co. Ltd. (J Edgar and Co.) Foundered Sept. 28, 1911 when bound Montevideo to Sydney, in ballast when about 600 miles from Montevideo].

The 'Largo Bay' at Port Augusta

The 'Largo Bay' at Port Augusta

The iron barque 'Largo Bay', 1255 tons, at Port Augusta [iron 3 mast barque, 1255 tons, ON78618, 221.9 x 35.8 x 21.2. Built 1878 (5) J Key and Sons. Kinghorn. Owners: Hatfield, Cameron and Co. Registered Glasgow].

'The Murray' at Port Augusta

'The Murray' at Port Augusta

The wooden ship 'The Murray', 903 tons, at Port Augusta [wooden ship, 903 tons, ON29788, 193.0 x 33.2 x 20.0. Built 1861 (5) Hall. Aberdeen. Owners: Anderson and Co., registered London. The last Orient liner to be built completely of wood (subsequent vessels were of composite build until the change to iron) In her early days, at least, employed in the UK-Adelaide trade. Note from Parsons: 'It is unusual to incorporate the word 'the' in the name of a ship; it often confused compilers of official records in any search of MNL, Lloyds etc,. check under 'Murray' as well as 'The Murray'].

The 'Pekina' at Port Augusta

The 'Pekina' at Port Augusta

The wooden ship 'Pekina', 770 tons, at Port Augusta [wooden ship 770 tons, ON52717, 177.0 x 30.6 x 18.4. Built 1865 (4) Smith, Aberdeen. Owners: Devitt and Moore, registered London. Sold 1880 to Norwegian owners].

The 'Summerlee' at Port Augusta

The 'Summerlee' at Port Augusta

The wooden ship 'Summerlee', 806 tons, at Port Augusta [wooden ship, later barque, 806 tons, ON37068. 165.5 x 31.9 x 21.1. Built 1860 (7) T Valin, Quebec, Owners in 1870 John Owne, registered Liverpool. In 1882 owned by J Warden, registered Greenock].

The 'Lois' at Port Augusta

The 'Lois' at Port Augusta

The wooden barque 'Lois', 380 tons, at Port Augusta [wooden 3 mast barque 380 tons, later 408 gross. ON56404. 131.3 x 29.0 x 17.8. Built 1868 (7) W Watson, Sunderland. Owners: Lewis Lewis, registered Aberystwith].

The 'Oaklands' at Port Augusta

The 'Oaklands' at Port Augusta

The iron barque 'Oaklands', 1013 tons, at Port Augusta [iron 3 mast barque, 1013 gross tons, ON73645, 203.8 x 33.8 x 19.9. Built 1876 (3) Gourlay Bros. and Co. Dundee: Owners: AM Lawrence and Co., registered London. Later: Bank Shipping Co. (W Just and Co.) registered Liverpool. Became Norwegian without change of name and now measures 990 gross tons]. According to a researcher, this is a detail from a larger photograph taken by James Taylor on Sept. 27, 1884. The view is from the north shore near the jetty and looking south. The original mount also identifies the ship to the left as the Duresdeop, and the ketch to the right as the Copella.

The 'Glaramara' at Port Augusta

The 'Glaramara' at Port Augusta

The iron barque 'Glaramara', 693 tons, at Port Augusta [iron 3 mast barque, 693 gross tons. ON74748, 184.5 x 30.3 x 17.6. Built 1877 Whitehaven SB Co., Whitehaven. Owners: George Nelson, registered Whitehaven].

The 'Beechdale' at Port Augusta

The 'Beechdale' at Port Augusta

The steel barque 'Beechdale', 1358 tons, at Port Augusta. [steel 3 masted barque. 1358 tons. ON97881 240.7 x 36.4 x 21.3. Built 1891 (7) C. J. Bigger Londonderry. Owners Beechdale Sailing Ship Co. (Chadwick and Wainwright) registered Liverpool.]

The 'Salsette' at Port Augusta

The 'Salsette' at Port Augusta

The iron ship 'Salsette', 1702 tons, at Port Augusta [iron 3 mast ship, 1702 tons, ON91949, 259.4 x 38.2 x 23.2. Built 1886 (7) Birrell, Stenhouse and Co., Dumbarton. Owners: J Shepherd and Co., registered London].

The 'Dimsdale' at Port Augusta

The 'Dimsdale' at Port Augusta

The steel ship 'Dimsdale', 1887 tons, at Port Augusta [steel ship, 1887 tons. ON97834. 270.0 x 39.8 x 23.4. Built 1890 (12) CJ Bigger. Londonderry. Owners: C&G Jamieson, registered Liverpool, later Dimsdale Ship Co (Iredale and Porter) registered Liverpool, sold and renamed Kwango under Norwegian flag. Wrecked in Gulf of Saint Lawrence 1915. Famous as the vessel which'sank' the lighthouse off Semaphore in St. Vincent's Gulf in November 1912 (The Wonga Shoal Light)].

The 'Aldergrove' at Port Augusta

The 'Aldergrove' at Port Augusta

The iron ship 'Aldergrove', 1331 tons, at Port Augusta.

The 'Volador' at Port Augusta

The 'Volador' at Port Augusta

The wooden barquentine 'Volador', 213 tons, at Port Augusta [wooden 3 mast barquentine (Lloyds and other sources sometimes say 3 mast schooner) 213 gross, 197 net tons. ON78860. 117.5 x 22.8 x 11.7. Built 1884 (4) Troon SB Co. Troon. Owners: Built for owners who registered the ship at Ayr, in Scotland. Subsequently sold to Norway and enrolled at Sydney, ex foreign ownership in 1900 - Nelson (Ivor Nelson) and Robertson, registered Sydney. c.1908 Edward Pike and Co. Ltd.; About 1914 EJ MA and Edward Taylor. Wrecked at Mussel Roe Bay, Tasmania. February 1916].

The 'Sofala' at Port Augusta

The 'Sofala' at Port Augusta

The steel 4 masted barque 'Sofala', 2301 tons, at Port Augusta [steel 4 mast barque, 2301 tons, ON99399. 277.5 x 42.0 x 24.2. Built 1892 (5) Russell and Co., Greenock, Owners: Ship Sofala Co. Ltd. (GM Steeves) registered Liverpool; later Sofala Shipping Co. Ltd. (J Edgar and Co.) Foundered Sept. 28, 1911 when bound Montevideo to Sydney, in ballast when about 600 miles from Montevideo].

Plan of Overland Telegraph from Port Darwin to Port Augusta [cartographic material] /
compiled and drawn in the Office of the Post Master General and Superintendent of Telegraphs by Alexander Ringwood ; Frazer S. Crawford, Photolithographer

Plan of Overland Telegraph from Port Darwin to Port Augusta [cartographic material] / compiled and drawn in the Office of the Post Master General and Superintendent of Telegraphs by Alexander Ringwood ; Frazer S. Crawford, Photolithographer

Map of northern South Australia and Northern Territory showing the Overland Telegraph Line from Port Augusta, South Australia, to Palmerston in the north. Shows boundaries of counties and hundreds, telegraph line, natural features and notes and routes made by the Surveyor General, telegraph construction parties, etc. Relief shown by hachures. Details of the northern section from Palmerston to Katherine Station include coast, rivers and creeks, ranges, tablelands. Part 2 covers the area from the Roper River to Ashburton Range, Powell's Creek Station and Mt. Willieray just north of Tennant Creek and includes some notes on natural features.

Green Bush Hotel

Green Bush Hotel

Green Bush Hotel Stirling Street Port Augusta. (Notes on back of photograph state "In extensive grounds opposite the Gaol. Now being converted into a single storey residence. Delicensed in1902. For historical notes see Chronicle Nov. 17, 1932 p 43c") The hotel existed from 1878-1902. The last publican was Mrs Edith Levick.

Tassie Street, Port Augusta

Tassie Street, Port Augusta

View down Tassie Street toward Marryatt Street. Horse in foreground is standing on '11 foot' turntable with tracks on right leading down to the J. Dunn and Co Wharf. The wagons on the rails appear to contain sacks of grain.

Gibson Street, Port Augusta

Gibson Street, Port Augusta

View down Gibson Street from the Customs House at the intersection of Gibson and Mildred Streets. Original Bible Christian Chapel on the left and the small Anglican Church on the right.

Mildred Street, Port Augusta

Mildred Street, Port Augusta

Mildred Street, later renamed as extension of Tassie Street, looking toward intersection with Commercial Road from Customs House. The Royal Hotel located on the corner of Mildred and Gibson Streets is on the bottom right of the picture.

Mildred Street, Port Augusta

Mildred Street, Port Augusta

Mildred Street, later renamed as an extension of Tassie Street. Royal Hotel on intersection of Mildred and Gibson Streets is on right of image.