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Protesters at the Baxter Detention Centre

Protesters at the Baxter Detention Centre

A collection of photographs of protesters outside the Baxter Detention Centre at Port Augusta, photographed on 19th and 20th April 2003. See 'contents' for details of individual images; see also B 69245 - B 69249.

Postcard showing a group of working camels at rest in Port Augusta

Postcard showing a group of working camels at rest in Port Augusta

Postcard of a group of working camels sitting together. The camels are wearing harness and bags of a product labelled 'TPG Bon Bon' are next to the camels. Several men are also in the picture. The card has been labelled Port Augusta. On the back of the card is a postmark from Quorn and a brief handwritten message. For a picture of the Bon Bon homestead do an archival number search on B 54823.

Train at Port Augusta

Train at Port Augusta

Transcontinental train at Port Augusta station.

Shipping, Port Augusta, 8th October 1888

Shipping, Port Augusta, 8th October 1888

Port Augusta 8th October 1888. From left; 'Rohilla', 'Oriana', SS 'Restitution', SS 'Afghan', SS 'Port Pirie'.

Port Augusta November 1890

Port Augusta November 1890

Port Augusta November 1890. 'Guy Mannering', SS 'Port Pirie', 'Moel Tryvan', 'Genevie M. Tucker', 'Cathcart', 'Oriana'.

Port Augusta, 8th October 1888

Port Augusta, 8th October 1888

Port Augusta 8th October 1888. From left; 'Rohilla', 'Oriana', SS 'Restitution', SS 'Afghan', SS 'Port Pirie'.

Tassie Monument, Pt. Augusta

Tassie Monument, Pt. Augusta

Tassie Monument, Port Augusta commemorates Alexander Drysdale Tassie, the respected and esteemed first settler who arrived from Scotland and later ran a shipping and agency business.

Panoramic view of Port Victoria taken from the sea

Panoramic view of Port Victoria taken from the sea

The photograph has been captioned 'Panoramic view of Port Victoria taken from the sea' but a researcher has suggested that the photographer's caption is incorrect and that the image is of Port Augusta, not Port Victoria.

Wool trains at Port Pirie

Wool trains at Port Pirie

Wool bales from East-West stations on train trucks on the Port Augusta wharf.

Salt harvesting and quarrying in South Australia

Salt harvesting and quarrying in South Australia

35mm colour slides originally housed in a container with the label 'I.C.I. Technical', arranged in small boxes with the labels: Pt Augusta (6), Sidewinder Solar Salt SF (25), Quarry (21), Quarry (26), Osborne (18), Aerial (9), Bluebird LMG Excav (19), S/F series (23), Ardrossan conveyor S/F (1), S/F Harvest tech (20), S/F (24), S/F (23), Mt Bold Solar (4), S/F fauna birdlife (11), Quarry (9), S/F (26). Comprising images of: solar salt fields at Port Augusta and Port Paterson, salt fields at Dry Creek near Adelaide, quarry at Penrice and the soda ash works at Osborne, Mount Bold dam and reservoir, and numerous images of salt harvesting and quarrying machinery and vehicles including conveyors, stacker conveyors, crushers, drills, elevators and salt harvesters, in particular the 'Curdimurka' and 'Hodog' salt harvesters. See below for details.

Salt harvesting and quarrying in South Australia

Salt harvesting and quarrying in South Australia

35mm colour slides originally housed in a container with the label 'I.C.I. Technical', arranged in small boxes with the labels: Pt Augusta (6), Sidewinder Solar Salt SF (25), Quarry (21), Quarry (26), Osborne (18), Aerial (9), Bluebird LMG Excav (19), S/F series (23), Ardrossan conveyor S/F (1), S/F Harvest tech (20), S/F (24), S/F (23), Mt Bold Solar (4), S/F fauna birdlife (11), Quarry (9), S/F (26). Comprising images of: solar salt fields at Port Augusta and Port Paterson, salt fields at Dry Creek near Adelaide, quarry at Penrice and the soda ash works at Osborne, Mount Bold dam and reservoir, and numerous images of salt harvesting and quarrying machinery and vehicles including conveyors, stacker conveyors, crushers, drills, elevators and salt harvesters, in particular the 'Curdimurka' and 'Hodog' salt harvesters. See below for details.

Photographs of South Australian Hotels

Photographs of South Australian Hotels

Collection of photographs on CD-ROM of hotels in Clare, Crystal Brook, Port Augusta, Port Pirie, Snowtown, Port Wakefield, and Whyalla, with some scenes of surrounding areas. See 'contents' for details of individual images.

Album containing views of the Flinders Ranges and adjacent country areas

Album containing views of the Flinders Ranges and adjacent country areas

Collection of 24 views of the Flinders Ranges, Port Pirie, Port Augusta and adjacent country areas. See 'contents' for details of individual images.

Joy and Bill Broughton Collection

Joy and Bill Broughton Collection

Collection of colour photographs taken by Joy and William (Bill) Broughton of Port Lincoln. Includes copies of newspaper articles that provide background to some of the photographs. Photographs are principally scenes of Port Lincoln, but scenes of Arno Bay, Tumby Bay, Cowell, Port Augusta, Port Pirie, and Iron Knob are also featured (images 1-32 taken in 2001, images 33-71 taken in 2002). There are also events featured, including the January 2002 'Tunarama' and 'Encounter 2002' celebrations (items 47-59). See 'contents' for details of items.

South Australian scenes and activities 17

South Australian scenes and activities 17

Part of a collection of slides taken by amateur photographer Elva Heinemann of South Australian scenes and activities, featuring Upper Eyre Peninsula & Far West Coast, and the Flinders Ranges. See 'contents' for details of individual images.

Aboriginal Men

Aboriginal Men

[General description] Aboriginal men from the Lake Killalpaninna Region, West of Koppera-manna Mission Station who were acquitted of the charge of murder at Port Augusta, November 1888. The trial was reported in the Port Augusta Dispatch. [On back of photograph] 'With Sub Inspector Besley's Compliments to His Honour S.J.Way / Acting Governor / Adelaide / 3-4-89'. (A later attachment is a note on letterhead of the Chief Justice's Chambers, Adelaide) 'The natives in the accompanying photograph were members of five different tribes living near Lake Killalpaninna, west of Koppera-manna Mission Station in 1888. The eleven who are standing, and the one seated at each end, with another named Woolpappina, (14 in all) were charged at the Port Augusta Criminal Court on 22nd November 1888 with having murdered a native named Nadlajeppera. The 'murder' was really an act of tribal justice executed upon Nadlajeppera because he was believed to have caused the death of Woolpappina's son by pointing a bone at him. The prisoners were all aquitted with the exception of Woolpappina, who not only admitted that he had speared the deceased, but claimed the honour of having been the first to spear him. Though sentence of death had to be pronounced on Woolpappina the punishent was afterwards commuted to a short term of imprisonment by the Governor in Council. The names of the prisoners were: Woolpappina (not in the photograph), Wallaby, Stjena, Nollapannina, Terrilena, Zourakachinna, Pillipunkana, Kunyanarrina, Warkoo-war-Koona, Willa-willana, Jerke-lina, Kantonunga, Poode-wampana and Nappawirrana. The four seated figures in the centre of the picture were witnesses in the case. Only three of them were called. The names of these were August Mowellena, Emanuel Patramorana and Joshua Packatana. The trial is reported in the Port Augusta Dispatch of about the 23rd November, 1888. 10th Oct. 1916.'

Shipping, Port Augusta, 27th September 1884

Shipping, Port Augusta, 27th September 1884

Shipping, Port Augusta 27th September 1884. Left panel: 'Thunderbolt', 'Jacobus Johannes', 'Duisdeer', 'Capella', 'Peri', 'Oaklands'. Right panel: 'Phillis'. 'Joliba', SS 'Investigator', SS 'Bengal', 'Prospero', 'Auckland', 'Beltana', 'City of Adelaide', 'Postboy'. [City of Adelaide = composite ship (later barque) 791 tons. ON50036, 176.8 x 33.2 x 18.8. Built 1864 (5). W. Pile and Co. Sunderland. Owners: Devitt and Moore, registered London. Usually employed in the South Australian trades and often loaded wool at Port Augusta. Became a Royal Naval hospital hulk, later an accommodation ship and was renamed Carrick from at least 1925. Given by the Royal Navy for use as a club ship by RNR and berthed in Scotland. See Ships of the Royal Navy, Vol. 1 JJ Colledge, David and Charles, 1969.]

Port Augusta

Port Augusta

Port Augusta. Ship 'City of Adelaide', ship 'Romanoff'. [City of Adelaide composite ship (later barque) 791 tons. ON50036, 176.8 x 33.2 x 18.8. Built 1864 (5). W. Pile and Co. Sunderland. Owners: Devitt and Moore, registered London. Usually employed in the South Australian trades and often loaded wool at Port Augusta. Became a Royal Naval hospital hulk, later an accommodation ship and was renamed Carrick from at least 1925. Given by the Royal Navy for use as a club ship by RNR and berthed in Scotland. See Ships of the Royal Navy, Vol. 1 JJ Colledge, David and Charles, 1969.]

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Mileages

First passenger journey Port Augusta to Kalgoorlie : Mileages

Through Mileages. A list of mileages from Freemantle to Perth 12 miles, Perth to Kalgarlie 375 miles, Kalgoorlie to Port Augusta 1052 miles, Port Augusta to Adelaide 259 miles, Adelaide to Melbourne 483 miles, Melbourne to Sydney 582 miles, Sydney to Brisbane 725 miles, Fremantle to Brisbane 3488 miles.

Inauguration banquet for the East West Railway

Inauguration banquet for the East West Railway

Inauguration banquet held at the Port Augusta town hall to celebrate the turning of the first sod ceremony for the East West (Trans Australian) railway in 1912.

Men present at the inauguration of the East West Line

Men present at the inauguration of the East West Line

The Mayor of Port Augusta (centre) the Town Clerk (left) and Captain Saunders photographed at the inaugural ceremony for the East West railway line (Trans Australian Railway) at Port Augusta.

A decorated supper room at Port Augusta

A decorated supper room at Port Augusta

A decorated supper room with a table laden with food prepared for a carnival celebration.

Salt harvesting and quarrying in South Australia

Salt harvesting and quarrying in South Australia

35mm colour slides originally housed in a container with the label 'I.C.I. Technical', arranged in small boxes with the labels: Pt Augusta (6), Sidewinder Solar Salt SF (25), Quarry (21), Quarry (26), Osborne (18), Aerial (9), Bluebird LMG Excav (19), S/F series (23), Ardrossan conveyor S/F (1), S/F Harvest tech (20), S/F (24), S/F (23), Mt Bold Solar (4), S/F fauna birdlife (11), Quarry (9), S/F (26). Comprising images of: solar salt fields at Port Augusta and Port Paterson, salt fields at Dry Creek near Adelaide, quarry at Penrice and the soda ash works at Osborne, Mount Bold dam and reservoir, and numerous images of salt harvesting and quarrying machinery and vehicles including conveyors, stacker conveyors, crushers, drills, elevators and salt harvesters, in particular the 'Curdimurka' and 'Hodog' salt harvesters. See below for details.

Port Augusta about 1900

Port Augusta about 1900

Port Augusta about 1900.

Port Augusta 1889

Port Augusta 1889

Port Augusta 1889. 'Jean Pierre', 'Southern Belle'.

Wharf at Port Augusta

Wharf at Port Augusta

Wharf at Port Augusta. Ship 'Glenard', SS 'Investigator'. A researcher believes this event could have taken place on 1st January 1911, as The Glenard was made available to the Regatta Committee as flagship.

Shipping at Port Augusta

Shipping at Port Augusta

Shipping at Port Augusta. 'Genevie M. Tucker', 'Imberhorn'.

Shipping at Port Augusta in the 1890s

Shipping at Port Augusta in the 1890s

Shipping at Port Augusta in the 1890s.

Port Augusta 1889

Port Augusta 1889

Port Augusta 1889.

Port Augusta 1889

Port Augusta 1889

Port Augusta 1889.