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Shops at Port Augusta
View of two shops in the Exchange Building in Port Augusta - 'Taylor & Polglaze, storekeepers; Alex. Bothwell, saddle and harness maker; [and] Despatch Office. D. Drysdale, printer & publisher'.

Gladstone Square at Port Augusta
View of 'Gladstone Square - showing A.D. Tassie's monument, the Pioneer of Port Augusta'. The inscription reads: "To the memory of Alexander Drysdale Tassie, Merchant, and first settler in Port Augusta, who died January 26th, 1875, aged 40 years. This tribute of reaspect is erected by some of his friends as a mark of esteem, and in recognition of his many good qualities during a residence of nearly 20 years in this township". The picture was 'presented by J. Holdsworth Esq., Town Clerk'.

Post Office, Mechanics' Institute and Town Hall at Port Augusta
View of Port Augusta's Post Office, Mechanics' Institute and Town Hall. 'This picture presented by C.E. Robertson Esq., J.P., Mayor.'

Christ Church, Port Augusta
Christ Church, Port Augusta West.

W. Symons' shop at Port Augusta
Exterior view of shop of W. Symons, general draper and importer, at Port Augusta. The shop was located on Commercial Road.

Globe Hotel at Port Augusta
View of the 'Globe Hotel, opposite Court House, Jervois Street, Port Augusta. George Bull, Proprietor'.

Port Augusta and Flinders Jockey Club
View of three horses racing past a couple of grandstands. The caption reads: 'Port Augusta and Flinders Jockey Club. G.B. Bryant. Hon. Sec. This picture presented by J. Rodda Esq.

H.S. Nell, Port Augusta
View of the premises of 'H.S. Nell, tailor, clothier, and general draper, Commercial Road, Port Augusta'.

G. Rosam, Port Augusta
View of the premises of 'G. Rosam, watch and clock maker, Commercial Road, Port Augusta'.

Premises of Young & Gordon, Port Augusta
Three vignettes of the premises of 'Young & Gordon, merchants and importers, shipping, customs and forwarding agents'. The main illustration is of their main premises; the vignette on the left of their bonded stores, and their Port Augusta West store on the right.

Young & Gordon's store at Port Augusta West
One of three vignettes of the premises of 'Young & Gordon, merchants and importers, shipping, customs and forwarding agents' - this shows their store at Port Augusta West.

Ziesing's butcher shop at Port Augusta
View of the premises of 'C.J. Ziesing, shipping and family butcher, and sausage maker, Commercial Road, Port Augusta'.

Randall's store at Port Augusta
View of the premises of 'R.B. Randall, baker, caterer & confectioner, Commercial Road, Port Augusta. Refreshment Rooms'.

Premises of Robert Hall at Port Augusta
Premises of 'Robert Hall, Commission Agent, Commercial Road, Port Augusta. The Alliance Assurance Company'. The sign above the shop actually reads 'Atlas Assurance Coy.'

Premises of Carrig Chemists at Port Augusta
Premises of 'A.E. Carrig, pharmaceutical and dispensing chemist, Commercial Road, Port Augusta'. A sign on the front barge board reads 'teeth carefully extracted'.

Port Augusta Hospital
View of the Port Augusta Hospital. The caption includes the members of the Hospital's Board of Management: 'W.J. Trembath (Chairman), J. Bealton, D. Drysdale, C. Robertson, J.G. Moseley, W.A. Richardson, C.W. Mudie, T. Hunter, W.G. Pryor, F. Burns (Secretary)'.

Presbyterian Church, Port Augusta
Photograph of the interior of a church, identified as the Presbyterian Church, Port Augusta .

Port Augusta Gaol
View of the south wall with a crane owned by 'Ellis Cranes' in the foreground at the new Port Augusta Gaol during construction, 1971.

Old Port Augusta Gaol
Rejected site for staff homes at the Old Port Augusta Gaol 1969. A sign for the Augusta Motel is on the main road.

Port Augusta Christ Church
View of the diptych at the Port Augusta Christ Church, which was a World War I Memorial to the fallen and those who served. It has since been updated with the names of World War II servicemen.

Port Augusta Presbyterian Church
PORT AUGUSTA: Presbyterian Church building at Port Augusta.

Railway Terminus Hotel, Port Augusta
PORT AUGUSTA: Premises of the Railway Terminus Hotel at Port Augusta when the licensee from 1914 to 1920 was William Hall Birdseye; his son Alfred Hall Birdseye, who later owned the transport service A. Birdseye and Son in Union Street, Adelaide, stands with others in front of the building, front row, second from the left, his wife Selina is standing on the balcony.

George Farr's premises at Port Augusta
View of the shop from which George Farr, undertaker, joiner & cabinet maker, worked. The building was located in Commercial Road.

Old Port Augusta Gaol
Looking north from the main road to the entrance of the Old Port Augusta Gaol, 1969.

Port Augusta Gaol
Construction of the south wall at the new Port Augusta Gaol, 1971.

Port Augusta Gaol
View of the south wall at the new Port Augusta Gaol during construction, 1971.

Port Augusta Gaol
View of the concrete cell walls in the cell block from the top of the wall at the new Port Augusta Gaol during construction, 1971.

Old Port Augusta Gaol
Looking from the Old Port Augusta Gaol towards some factories and hills, 1969.

Old Port Augusta Gaol
Rejected site for staff homes at the Old Port Augusta Gaol, 1969.

Port Augusta Gaol
Construction of the south wall looking northeast at the new Port Augusta Gaol, 1971.