Plan of Overland Telegraph from Port Darwin to Port Augusta [cartographic material] / compiled and drawn in the Office of the Post Master General and Superintendent of Telegraphs by Alexander Ringwood ; Frazer S. Crawford, Photolithographer [C 1093] • Archival map/chart

![Plan of Overland Telegraph from Port Darwin to Port Augusta [cartographic material] / compiled and drawn in the Office of the Post Master General and Superintendent of Telegraphs by Alexander Ringwood ; Frazer S. Crawford, Photolithographer](
Plan of Overland Telegraph from Port Darwin to Port Augusta [cartographic material] / compiled and drawn in the Office of the Post Master General and Superintendent of Telegraphs by Alexander Ringwood ; Frazer S. Crawford, Photolithographer
Map of northern South Australia and Northern Territory showing the Overland Telegraph Line from Port Augusta, South Australia, to Palmerston in the north. Shows boundaries of counties and hundreds, telegraph line, natural features and notes and routes made by the Surveyor General, telegraph construction parties, etc. Relief shown by hachures. Details of the northern section from Palmerston to Katherine Station include coast, rivers and creeks, ranges, tablelands. Part 2 covers the area from the Roper River to Ashburton Range, Powell's Creek Station and Mt. Willieray just north of Tennant Creek and includes some notes on natural features.

![Plan of Overland Telegraph from Port Darwin to Port Augusta [cartographic material] / compiled and drawn in the Office of the Post Master General and Superintendent of Telegraphs by Alexander Ringwood ; Frazer S. Crawford, Photolithographer](
Plan of Overland Telegraph from Port Darwin to Port Augusta [cartographic material] / compiled and drawn in the Office of the Post Master General and Superintendent of Telegraphs by Alexander Ringwood ; Frazer S. Crawford, Photolithographer
Map of northern South Australia and Northern Territory showing the Overland Telegraph Line from Port Augusta, South Australia, to Palmerston in the north. Shows boundaries of counties and hundreds, telegraph line, natural features and notes and routes made by the Surveyor General, telegraph construction parties, etc. Relief shown by hachures. Details of the northern section from Palmerston to Katherine Station include coast, rivers and creeks, ranges, tablelands. Part 2 covers the area from the Roper River to Ashburton Range, Powell's Creek Station and Mt. Willieray just north of Tennant Creek and includes some notes on natural features.